
Guangzhou City, it is not easy to protect eight and six

Guangzhou City, it is not easy to protect eight and six

Reporter Wang Wei reported that in the past, the Guangzhou city team encountered the Shanghai seaport, and now, because the team encountered a number of main players injured and stopped, on the evening of the 16th, it fought against the harbor, and the situation was not optimistic.

The wounded are full of soldiers, and the loss is normal

The match time with the harbor was 20:00 on the 16th, and the venue was Guangzhou University Town Stadium, which was the most familiar venue for the Guangzhou City team, because the team's base was next door.

Before the start of the championship group, guangzhou city team was plagued by injuries, Tang Miao, Ye Chugui, Chen Zhizhao, Zhou Yuchen were injured, Zeng Chao and Chang Feiya could not appear this season, including Yi Teng and Li Tixiang, who played in the first game of the championship group, also had different injuries.

A number of main injuries have affected the overall strength of the Guangzhou City team. They played Changchun Yatai in the first game of the championship group, as the promotion team this season, scoring 11 goals in the last five games before the match against Guangzhou City, and the attack was strong. After this game, Guangzhou City coach Van Gaste introduced the current situation facing the team, "Like Yi Teng, he also experienced a long injury last season and has not fully recovered. Li Titian also had an injury on his hand and now needs another protection. Chen Zhizhao fractured his palm and had just recovered not long ago. ”

Judging from the first game, Guangzhou City's entry into the game state is relatively slow and hot, and it concedes the ball very early, which has a lot to do with the team's lack of official games for several months. In addition, Guangzhou City also has a problem is that there are more passing and receiving mistakes, although the coaching staff adjusted in time, but the improvement was not much, therefore, Van Gaste believes that the defeat to Changchun Yatai is the result of the team's normal performance.

Guangzhou City, it is not easy to protect eight and six

Protect the eight and six, strengthen the youth training

Whether from the Eriksen era or the Stojkovic era, whenever the Guangzhou City team faces the harbor game, the team has played hard and confidently, but now the Guangzhou City team has changed a lot in the lineup compared with before, just hope that this hard work can not be lost.

From the comparison of the lineup, guangzhou city team has a certain gap with the harbor team in terms of overall strength. In the first round of the championship group, harbor team won 3-1 against Deep Foot, showing great strength on the offensive end, scoring goals in both free kicks and sports battles, and rich scoring methods to make opponents invincible. From the defensive end, in the combination of the three center-backs of guangzhou city, the figure is relatively tall, and the defensive high ball has a certain advantage, but the slow turn in the defense is a loophole, so in the process of defense, the recovery of the back and wing-back is particularly important.

In the match with Changchun Yatai, the young players of Guangzhou City, Wen Yongjun, Su Yuliang and Jin Liangkuan, entered the big list, Wen Yongjun came off the bench, and after the game, Van Gaste said, "I will give new people more opportunities, Wen Yongjun is only 18 years old, last season when he was 17 years old, he also made his debut, and we will also deploy personnel according to the actual situation." Youth training is an important part of Guangzhou City Club, and we will give more young players the opportunity to make efforts to cultivate the new generation of Chinese football. ”

Each opponent in the championship group is not easy to play, and the opponents of Guangzhou City are Changchun Yatai, Shanghai Haigang, Hebei and Beijing Guoan. Before the start of the championship group, the management of Guangzhou City hopes to strive to break into the top six on the basis of Baoba, and from the perspective of the schedule, if you want to rush to the top six, you must find a way to defeat two teams. Judging from the situation against the match, the next matches with Beijing Guoan and Hebei will become very critical. Van Gastor said: "The club did not mention specific goals to me, but the principle I told the players on the first day was to try to win every game, and this principle will not change. I believe investors are happy with our top eight results, but we have higher goals. ”

Before the start of the championship group, foreign media once reported that Van Gaste wanted to jump back to Europe, but the Dutchman said he wanted to stay in Guangzhou to coach and stay in China. Judging from the process of leading Guangzhou City into the championship group, Van Gast's coaching ability has been recognized, and whether he will continue to coach in Guangzhou City in the future depends on the comprehensive situation after the end of the season.

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