
Van Gaste: Titian Lee's muscle strain also needs to be evaluated The team wants to win in the 7-match matchup

Van Gaste: Titian Lee's muscle strain also needs to be evaluated The team wants to win in the 7-match matchup

Live Bar January 3, tomorrow afternoon, the 22nd round of the Chinese Super League Championship Group will hold a match between Guangzhou City and Hebei. Today, Guangzhou City Manager Van Gaste attended the press conference.


Van Gaste: As before, eating, sleeping, constantly circulating.

Titian Lee's case

Van Gast: He has a muscle injury, and tomorrow the medical team will have to further evaluate it to see if he has the conditions to play. The league schedule is very tight, so the team was given a day, but today there were still a lot of players on the field.

Who will replace Titian Lee tomorrow? Will the all-work squad continue to be used?

Van Gast: We're still going to find other midfielders to take his place, there aren't a lot of people available in midfield right now, just like at the beginning of the season we're going to go all out to win every game, and the idea isn't going to change, and tomorrow is also a direct showdown for 7th place, or hopefully the team will win.

What are the next arrangements and plans of the team?

Van Gast: The team plans to talk about the game tomorrow, as for me personally, my contract expires on December 31st, and after the game I will stay in China for a while, touring some other cities while waiting for my next job.

(Cool Ink Dust)

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