
Is too much uric acid a trivial matter? These 4 major complications, please do not ignore it

Persistently high uric acid is a dangerous situation and should be actively controlled, otherwise the urate accumulated in the body will not simply cause gout, and other complications will also occur. Serious complications have an impact on the life and health of patients, so it is necessary to pay more attention to physical changes, and some indicators are not normal and take countermeasures as soon as possible. So, what complications of uric acid is too high?

Is too much uric acid a trivial matter? These 4 major complications, please do not ignore it

1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

High uric acid does have a wide impact, many people have a variety of adverse symptoms, are because the disease continues to progress, and under the influence of uric acid exceeding the standard, it will lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. For the heart and brain to function well, the surrounding blood vessels need to be unimpeded and elastic.

However, the uric acid index is high, too many urate crystals will be deposited in the inner wall of the blood vessels, which will bring damage, and when it is severe, it will accelerate the arrival of thrombus, and the possibility of atherosclerosis on this basis is large, and over time, the blood supply of the heart and brain is insufficient, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will develop.

2. Gout

Chronicly high uric acid can strike, and the undesirable consequence of this condition is gout. Gout is mainly related to the metabolism of purine substances, in the case of abnormal metabolism, uric acid production is increasing, the amount of excretion is small, and the balance is lost.

Excessive urate deposition in the joints, joint stimulation, local inflammation, the main features are joint swelling, limited movement, repeated pain, and in severe cases, joint deformities. In the face of this situation, the first thing is to promote uric acid excretion, only if the indicators remain normal, the disease can get better, otherwise gout will continue to worsen.

Is too much uric acid a trivial matter? These 4 major complications, please do not ignore it

3. Uric acid kidney stones

High uric acid can promote excretion through multiple pathways to stay away from serious diseases, and those with high uric acid that are left unchecked are prone to uric acid kidney stones. As an important organ, the kidneys produce harmful substances, metabolic waste products, and excess water that are excreted through the kidneys, thereby maintaining a normal internal environment.

If the uric acid index is high, the urate crystals accumulate more and more, gradually becoming stones, and the subsequent accumulation of stones cannot be excreted, and uric acid kidney stones will develop.

Is too much uric acid a trivial matter? These 4 major complications, please do not ignore it

4. Diabetes

As a chronic disease, diabetes mellitus has many induced causes, and patients usually have reduced islet function and insufficient insulin secretion. However, those with high uric acid indicators often have abnormal metabolism, sugar utilization is also reduced, islet function can not play normally, over time blood sugar will be unstable, and persistent blood sugar is too high to control, diabetes will invade.

In order to avoid the continuous influence of high uric acid to let other chronic diseases hit, it is necessary to control the medication in time, promote its excretion by taking uric acid-lowering drugs, and also add more water, strengthen exercise, and control the diet.

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