
After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

As the head of the feudal empire, the supreme ruler and decision-maker of the dynasty, it is not an exaggeration to say that his life and death are related to the survival of the country. Therefore, the personal safety of the emperor was the top priority of all dynasties. The last emperor, Puyi, due to the special era of the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the warlords, how did he ensure his own safety when he was expelled from the imperial palace and became a puppet emperor of the Japanese in the puppet state of Manchukuo? Let Xiaobian take you to find out.

After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

(All pictures in this article, all from the network, thanks to the original author, if you infringe your rights, please contact the author of this number to delete.) The emperor who was trumpeted in feudal society as the title of "True Dragon Heavenly Son" and "Ninth Five-Year Supreme" was actually like us ordinary people, they were all flesh and blood, and they were also afraid of being assassinated or poisoned in their meals. Due to the peculiarities of the profession of "emperor", the probability of being assassinated and poisoned is much greater than that of ordinary people. To prevent the emperor from being assassinated, the number of guards and the enhancement of security measures can basically be eliminated. But preventing poisoning in the emperor's meals seems much more complicated.

After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

The emperor, like ordinary people, had three meals a day, and sometimes he had to add small snacks, afternoon tea, and supper. But the emperor's diet was much more abundant than that of ordinary people. The personnel responsible for the work of "Imperial Meal" are definitely a large and varied team. From the selection and procurement of ingredients to the selection of cleaning and picking, to cooking and frying, as well as those responsible for passing on meals, sandwiching vegetables, etc., they must be responsible for special personnel and clarify the division of labor. With so many people, even if there is a problem with one person or one link, then the emperor may lose his life. Therefore, to prevent the emperor's meals from being poisoned, successive dynasties have adopted various strict and cumbersome measures, and truly achieved all kinds of extremes.

After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

For example, Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, although he ascended the throne at the age of Chong Ling, it was also in the turbulent decline era at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Although the people at that time were in the depths of the water, the style of the imperial court was still undiminished. It is said that at that time, the emperor had to have at least 100 dishes per meal, and before these dishes were served, they were first tried one by one according to the ancestral practice of trying the silver medal (in case of poison discoloration), and there were also eunuchs who tried to eat them first. And each dish comes from which imperial cook, from which eunuch, which official procures, which person is responsible for cleaning, there are detailed records. Once something goes wrong, the person in charge can be traced back very quickly. Under such strict measures, if you want to poison the emperor, it is better to take a kitchen knife and directly break into the palace and hack the emperor to death.

After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

Shortly after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Puyi was forced to abdicate and the qing rule ended. At this time, although Puyi could still live in the Forbidden City, his treatment was not as good as before. It is said that in the later days, even the court guards' distribution of Feng Lu was stretched. How can the emperor's safety be well guaranteed? What is even worse is that not long after that, Puyi was actually driven out of the palace by the warlords and forced to move to Tianjin.

At this time, although Puyi was nominally the emperor, the previous set of meal procedures, what silver medal poison test, and the eunuch who tried to eat were all gone. He can only rely on limited conditions and overcome difficulties to solve on his own.

After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

First of all, for the chef to cook, Puyi had to send multiple close servants to supervise and inspect each time. Puyi did not fully believe in these cronies, so he formulated detailed rules for them to supervise and restrain each other. For example, after supervising the chef to prepare the meal, these cronies supervise each other to pack the meals into the food box one by one, and then deliver the fish to the table one by one. In this process, the person behind supervises the person in front, and no one wants to do anything. Secondly, Puyi requires absolute hygiene for the utensils such as tableware, dining tables and napkins used, and must be washed and ironed before each use, and even disinfected with alcohol, disinfectant water, etc. Over time, this also made Puyi suffer from a serious cleanliness fetish. He would carry alcohol with him, even if there was a small flying insect on the skin of his clothes, a fly or a mosquito, he would quickly take out medical alcohol for disinfection...

After the last emperor Puyi was expelled from the palace, for fear of poisoning people, he came up with these "strange tricks"

It is precisely in this kind of panic and endless prevention that puyi, although he strictly controls the health and safety of food, but in the end, the toss of the change of dynasty, the nest of people's sniffles, and the calculation of conspiracy and struggle seriously damaged his physical and mental health and health, Puyi did not live long because of this, after liberation, he died in Beijing, only living for 61 years.

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