
Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

author:Dr. Lee talks about his aunt

In the "big factory" of the human body, which is as delicate and complex as the mysterious universe, the kidneys are like a tireless "sewage treatment plant worker" who silently sticks to his post, working tirelessly day and night to filter and excrete the metabolic waste and excess water in the body. They work silently, maintaining the stability and balance of the body's internal environment. However, when the kidneys are overwhelmed and malfunction, uremia can be a terrible nightmare.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

In this battle for health, dietary choices have undoubtedly become a crucial strategic decision. There is a rumor that cucumber is the "stable hand" of uremia, is this a fact, or is it just a good expectation? Let's follow the doctor's professional perspective and delve into the mysteries.

First, let's examine the role of cucumbers in this battle for health. The cucumber, which is green and juicy, is like a fresh breeze in summer, gently blowing through people's hearts, bringing endless refreshment and comfort. From a nutritional point of view, cucumbers do have some kidney-friendly properties. It is rich in a large amount of water, which is like replenishing the much-needed "coolant" for the body's large and complex "big factory", effectively helping to maintain the body's water balance and ensure that various organs and systems can function normally in a stable environment.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

At the same time, cucumbers are rich in vitamins and minerals, like a group of tiny but extremely powerful "maintenance workers", they can play a huge role despite their small size. These nutrients are involved in various metabolic processes of the body, providing essential support and guarantee for the normal functioning of the body.

However, it may be an exaggeration and exaggeration to say that cucumber is the "stabilizing hand" of uremia and can turn the tide and completely reverse the situation of uremia. Cucumber can be seen as a beneficial part of the diet of uremia patients, which can play a certain auxiliary and supporting role, but it is by no means a decisive "savior" that can stand alone.

So, for those who aspire to have healthy kidneys and actively prevent uremia, it's really critical and crucial to stay vigilant and avoid the following two food groups.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

First of all, high-salt food is like a heavy "backpack" that the kidneys carry. Salt, a seemingly ordinary white crystal, is an indispensable and flavorful condiment in daily life, but once consumed in excess, it can instantly become a huge burden on the kidneys. Imagine the kidneys as a delicate, well-designed filter that can be easily processed and excreted with the right amount of salt under normal circumstances. But when large amounts of salt pour into the body like a raging flood, the kidneys, which are already methodical filters, are challenged and stressed like never before, exceeding their normal capacity and load limits.

Take, for example, Mr. Li's experience. Mr. Li is a middle-aged man with a successful career, due to the busy and stressful work, his eating habits are more casual and his tastes are on the heavy side, and every meal is inseparable from high-salt foods such as pickles and cured meats. At first, he didn't notice anything wrong with this eating habit, but felt that the food would bring a sense of satisfaction and satiety.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

However, as time went on, he began to notice some unusual changes in his body. He often felt heavy and weak, and his originally tight skin began to appear to be swollen. Worried, Mr. Li decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive medical check-up, and the final diagnosis was jaw-dropping – he had been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

After carefully inquiring about his daily eating habits, the doctor solemnly warned him that he must immediately adjust his diet and drastically reduce his salt intake, otherwise his condition will further deteriorate and may even develop into uremia that is difficult to reverse. At that moment, Mr. Li woke up from a dream and realized that his poor eating habits for many years had caused such huge and irreparable damage to his kidneys.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

Secondly, high-purine foods seem to be the "invisible killers" lurking around the kidneys. Purines will produce uric acid after a series of metabolic processes in the body, and excessive uric acid accumulates in the body, just like scattering countless fine "grit" in the delicate and fragile organ of the kidney, which constantly wears down and stimulates kidney tissue, which is easy to cause a series of serious health problems such as kidney stones and gouty nephropathy. Delicacies such as seafood and animal offal, although mouth-watering, have unfortunately become typical of high-purine foods.

Ms Wong is a young woman with a passion for food, especially seafood, especially shellfish and shrimp and crabs. Almost every week, she indulges in a seafood feast and indulges in the pleasure of the food. However, the good times did not last long, and gradually, she began to feel a dull pain in the joints, which she didn't pay attention to at first, thinking that it was just temporary fatigue or a slight sprain.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

But as the pain intensified and the frequency increased, she finally realized the seriousness of the problem and went to the hospital for a check-up. Shockingly, the results of the examination showed that her uric acid level was seriously exceeded, and her kidneys had been damaged to varying degrees. After learning more about her dietary preferences, the doctor clearly told her that long-term high intake of high-purine foods was one of the important reasons for the deterioration of her current health.

In short, the health of the kidneys is like a precious and fragile work of art, which needs to be carefully cared for in every detail of our daily life. Cucumbers can be a healthy part of our dietary choices, but it's even more important to keep a clear head and be wary of the two "enemies" that lurk in the shadows with high-salt and high-purine foods. Only through a scientific and reasonable diet plan and a healthy and good lifestyle can we create a warm, comfortable and energetic working environment for the kidneys, so that they can continue to "escort" our body.

Is cucumber the "stable hand" of uremia? Doctor: If you want to have a good kidney, remember to avoid these 2 types of substances

Just as a delicate flower needs to be given just the right amount of sunlight, the right amount of water, and fertile and soft soil, we should treat the kidneys with the same patience and care. I hope that everyone can listen to the weak signals sent by the body attentively, always pay attention to the health of the kidneys, stay away from the threat of uremia, and enjoy the beauty and happiness that life gives us.

Let us always bear in mind the doctor's earnest advice, and use a scientific and rigorous diet and an active and healthy lifestyle to create an impregnable line of defense for the kidneys. May our kidneys always remain strong and energetic, like a never-ending "source of power", providing a steady stream of strong energy for the train of life and leading us to a hopeful and bright future.

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