
Little scissors cut out big dreams! Beiyang shan paper-cutting helps cultural revitalization

Beiyangshan Village, Yeyuan Street, Linqu County, focuses on the development of cultural revitalization, with the help of the power of traditional culture, not only enriches the cultural life of villagers, but also improves the income of villagers, and creates a "Beiyangshan model" for rural revitalization.

Little scissors cut out big dreams! Beiyang shan paper-cutting helps cultural revitalization

Beiyangshan Village paper-cutting, is the traditional folk handicrafts handed down over the years, the village party general branch according to the village name in the "good" word, combined with the traditional culture of respecting the elderly and filial piety, the establishment of Linqu County Shanxing Cultural Tourism Professional Cooperative, vigorously advocate the "good" culture into paper-cutting, into the classroom, into the family, with the respect for the elderly filial piety of the illustration into the paper-cutting, so that the paper-cutting art becomes the villagers' spiritual pursuit, moral inheritance, become an excellent carrier of cohesion of the villagers centripetal force.

Little scissors cut out big dreams! Beiyang shan paper-cutting helps cultural revitalization

There are many elderly people in the village, sons and daughters-in-law, and grandchildren have grown up, usually have nothing to do at home, and live a lonely life of left-behind elderly people at home. The elderly Guo Yulan is a typical representative of this, and his daily life is plain and lonely. After the establishment of the cooperative in the village, the elderly were encouraged to join enthusiastically, and professional teachers were hired to train in the art of paper-cutting, Guo Yulan actively joined after understanding the situation, and found many elderly people who "chatted" with themselves in the training class, which not only enriched their old age life, but also increased their income.

The cultural inheritance of Beiyangshan Village has also stimulated the employment of the disabled in the surrounding town streets, so that the disabled can see the hope of life. Tan Zhikang, 27, of Da tan ma zhuang village in Chengguan Street, the county, because of his physical disability, enclosed himself in his home every day, did not dare to contact outsiders, and lost confidence in life. Until one day, he heard that Beiyang Shan Village free training paper-cutting, he took the initiative to apply to join the paper-cutting team, seriously learn paper-cutting, the training teacher is more concerned about him, encourage him to take the initiative to communicate with people, so that he slowly out of the shadow of inferiority.

After joining the Linqu County Shanxing Cultural Tourism Professional Cooperative, Tan Zhikang also slowly changed from the original "zero income" to a middle-income group with a monthly income of 7,000 yuan. While increasing his income, he also picked up the confidence of life. "Now I really didn't dare to think about my life before, not only with income, but also like a normal person to make friends and work, it can be said that paper cutting has changed my life..." Tan Zhikang said.

Little scissors cut out big dreams! Beiyang shan paper-cutting helps cultural revitalization

Some time ago, the village also contacted the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to link the village paper-cutting with Chinese herbal medicine, through professional design, the cut Chinese herbal medicine came to life, and after exhibiting in the Chinese medicine hospital, it received unexpected results.

Not only that, the paper-cutting art of Beiyangshan Village also keeps pace with the times, and integrates elements such as e-commerce with goods, common prosperity, and square song and dance according to the characteristics of the new countryside, making the paper-cutting works more attractive in the new era. (Reporting by Dazhong Daily client reporter Zhang Bei and correspondent Dong Rui)

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