
Li Wengen: I wrote a book at the age of eighty

Li Wengen: I wrote a book at the age of eighty

Eighty years old to write books

Author | Li Wengen

In his youth, he published several short articles in Linqu County Daily and Tonghua Mining Bureau newspapers and periodicals, and his brain was hot, and he wanted to be a correspondent and reporter, and even more whimsically wanted to become a writer. For various reasons, nothing was achieved, but today, at the age of eighty, the idea of becoming a writer has revived, so I put writing on the agenda again, and the good news is that it has succeeded.

Originally, on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar in 2016, the sons and daughters and their grandchildren and nephews came to our home to spend the 15th day of August with us. The festive dishes are sumptuous, the famous wines and teas, the level can be said to be on the grade, so that I who have begged for food, and I who have lived a poor life have mixed grains in my heart, and I can't say that I am happy, and I can't say that I am happy. During the banquet, I once said to my nephews: "Tonight's table of food is incomparable with your mother's time, when you cut half a pound of meat and refined some oil, so you had to use that little oil residue to stew some winter melon to eat, this is the oil and water of the meat." Buy a pair of mooncakes, give your grandmother one, your mother and your aunt break several of them into several pieces, and each of them will divide a small piece to relieve the hunger. Your grandmother steamed the red dates, plucked out the kernels of the dates, and burned them into date mud with the date paste to burn the mooncakes. Hit two eggs mixed with leek stuffing and burn some lentil boxes, this is the mouth blessing of August 15. What did the grandsons and nephews say: "What era is still the history of the old society, which shows your incompetence, how can people eat meat?" "It makes me feel so embarrassed.

This night I did not have a little sleepiness, a lot of thoughts, I think why not write about these things from the past, so that modern teenagers can understand the true face of the past society. After a night of combing, I summarized: the stage of childhood to eat, the stage of juvenile schooling, the stage of youth support, the stage of adult entrepreneurship, and until the current stage, I wrote an autobiographical memoir in these paragraphs. I was in a hurry, and I decided that the wind would not be afraid of the rain and the wind, so I would do it, and the next morning on August 16th, I took out my notebook and found a pen to start my writing career. Because in the past these things were all done by themselves, although so many years have passed, in retrospect, as in front of the matter in front of them, continuously shunten the vine to touch the melon, after two months, the first draft of more than 100,000 words was written out, changed and changed, re-copied as the second draft, changed a lot on the second draft, and re-copied on the manuscript paper, after careful and careful review, and then changed the part on the third draft, especially some typos were completely corrected against the dictionary, and the fourth time it was seriously written on the manuscript paper. Only because of amateur writing, I took time to write, and it took more than four months to finally succeed in writing before the Spring Festival. When the printing was approved by the villagers and villagers, which aroused my interest in writing books, and then wrote a second book "Mishui Riverside", the interest came up and could not be collected this year, and then wrote the third "Mishui Shell" as a Mishui trilogy to everyone, which is the root of my book.

Li Wengen: I wrote a book at the age of eighty

Some people will say: "At such an old age, you should raise flowers and grass at home, or come out to wrestle old K, play chess and mahjong, and enjoy a comfortable old age." "But I am not willing to live this life, I think the meaning of life is to constantly challenge yourself, to improve yourself, the definition of success lies in change, to make up for the unfinished dreams of youth now to complete it, the most important thing in life is real life." 」 Don't succumb to the pressure of age and old age, in the spirit of old age, this is a person's perseverance and spirit. Life inevitably encounters some setbacks, to be able to think open, life is always unsatisfactory, to learn to let go, in the wronged and unusual to be willing to swallow. Thinking about everything to the low, looking down, and comparing it to the low, this is not the spirit of Ah Q but wisdom. I always think that it doesn't matter if the elderly have wrinkles on their faces, as long as they don't have wrinkles in their hearts, they will always be young. A person who has been in school for five and a half years, an old farmer who has faced the loess all his life and has his back to the sky, is very pleased and proud to be able to write three books of nearly 300,000 words in his eighties.

Man is not born to know, but to learn and know. Only by living until old age can we continue to enrich our lives, and only when people live can they have meaning. Of course, you, me, and he are in this world, each with its own wonderfulness, each with its own stage, and the different stages cannot be compared. At the same time, in life, there are infinitely many forks in the road, and on the way forward, we are always making choices. If it had been how it was then, it would not be how it is now. People have to live interestingly, and if they are not fun, they still have a lot of energy. To be interesting is to cultivate a wide range of hobbies and interests, and I regard reading and writing as interesting hobbies, which is the greatest breadth and depth. To really live interestingly is to take life as an aesthetic, pay attention to life experience, do not seek vanity and glitz, only live out the true self...

Some people say that I am "late in the big thing" and "the old tree has new shoots", I don't think so, I can say that it is not too late to write a book at the age of eighty. People live to maintain a good attitude, do not seek vanity, do not seek vanity, you must read more, think more, write more, success does not mean that people around you envy you, praise you, but it is a good opportunity for you to communicate and learn from the people around you. You need everyone, and everyone recognizes you, which can be said to be the basic condition for me to write a book.

"Reminiscing about the old times and writing a new chapter", writing books is my confidence and courage, writing books is also my most interesting life, and if conditions permit, I will continue to write.

Li Wengen: I wrote a book at the age of eighty

Li Wengen, character Yinyu, born in 1938 in Layue, is a native of Dongzhufeng Village, Linqu County, Shandong Province. Since childhood, his family was poor, he tasted all the hardships of poverty, and read the bumpy books after reading small. In his youth, he was full of enthusiasm, responded to the call of the motherland, took the lead in aiding the border of Xinjiang, mined deep wells, and dug into the slag. "Purging" external adjustment, accurate performance of responsibilities. Four years of hard work, repeatedly advanced. In the early 1960s, he resolutely returned to his hometown and served as a "small village official" such as the production team leader, the deputy director of the Poor Association, the company commander of the migrant workers, and the deputy industry captain for several years. In his later years, he did not want to be lonely, and opened a small daily miscellaneous goods store at home, taking convenience for himself, so that his life was comfortable and leisurely. In his twilight years, he also fulfilled the dream of "writer", spending countless papers and pencils to complete the trilogy of "Mishui Past", "Mishui Riverside" and "Mishui Shell".