
How to reduce the waist circumference and restore tightness to the lower abdomen? 3 ways to burn fat to shape and make you slim down

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Nowadays, people are prone to overeating, decreasing exercise, and are prone to obesity in the past. And people will be fat first, in the process of losing weight, the stomach is the most difficult to lose.

The internal organs are closest to the waist and abdomen, when the visceral fat exceeds the standard, the waist circumference will also rise, and when the subcutaneous fat exceeds the standard, the small belly is also prone to appear, so the waist and abdomen are the most likely to accumulate fat.

How to reduce the waist circumference and restore tightness to the lower abdomen? 3 ways to burn fat to shape and make you slim down

During weight loss, how can we quickly reduce the waist circumference, lose the residual fat of the waist and abdomen, and restore the flat lower abdomen? We must start with these methods, after slimming down, we can avoid the problem of sagging skin and restore a tight abdomen.

Method 1: Adhere to aerobic exercise to brush grease

Weight loss should start with aerobic exercise, which can increase the body's calorie consumption and promote the decline of body fat rate. We can start with jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling and other sports, insist on 1 hour a day, you can effectively brush fat, reduce waistline.

However, long-term performance of the same exercise mode will make the body fall into the comfort zone, calorie consumption will decrease, weight loss efficiency will become worse and worse, and the fat involved in the waist and abdomen cannot be completely consumed.

How to reduce the waist circumference and restore tightness to the lower abdomen? 3 ways to burn fat to shape and make you slim down

We must maintain a variety of exercise, while gradually increasing the intensity of exercise, in order to effectively improve the efficiency of fat burning, to avoid weight loss into a bottleneck period.

Medium and low intensity of exercise insisted on about 2 months, our physical endurance will slowly improve, this time can improve the intensity of exercise, try intermittent running, jump rope, HIIT training, these exercises only need 20 minutes each time, you can achieve the fat burning effect of jogging for 40 minutes, effectively exercise muscles, prevent muscle loss, help to lose residual fat in the waist and abdomen. After each high-intensity exercise, the body will also be at a high metabolic level, and the calories will continue to be burned.

How to reduce the waist circumference and restore tightness to the lower abdomen? 3 ways to burn fat to shape and make you slim down

Method 2: Regular abdominal muscle training

Abdominal muscle training can strengthen the abdominal muscles, muscles can effectively support the belly, to avoid the problem of fat loss too fast leading to skin laxity, play a shaping purpose.

We can carry out a set of abdominal abuse training every other day, starting from curls, supine leg lifts, flat supports, supine bicycles, Russian rotation and other actions, each action is carried out in 4 groups, each group can be 10-15 times, so that after slimming down, the abdominal line will also emerge, and the waist and abdomen lines will look better.

How to reduce the waist circumference and restore tightness to the lower abdomen? 3 ways to burn fat to shape and make you slim down

Method 3: Reasonable control of diet

If you want to lose the fat of the waist and abdomen, we must control the diet synchronously, and the daily calorie intake should be lower than the total metabolic value of the body to avoid the situation of excess calories. In general, our caloric intake is controlled to about 80% of the usual, in order to increase the body's calorie gap and promote the decline of body fat rate.

Under the premise of controlling calorie intake, we must achieve a low-fat, high-protein diet, supplement the high-protein foods required by the body, can supplement amino acid raw materials for muscles, promote muscle growth, and maintain the body's metabolic motivation and healthy weight loss. We want to avoid a single diet, in addition to a variety of high-fiber vegetables, we also need to supplement some eggs, dairy products, lean meat, fish and other foods.

How to reduce the waist circumference and restore tightness to the lower abdomen? 3 ways to burn fat to shape and make you slim down

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