
In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

author:Gu Ling

(The content of this article is based on authoritative sources, and there are literature citation sources at the end of the article)

In the early morning of January 3, 2020, rockets fired by several MQ-9 Reaper drones in the United States accurately hit two cars as they were leaving Baghdad International Airport.

The target of the attack was Qassam Soleimani, Iran's de facto No. 2 figure and Supreme Leader of the Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Army.

The scene was horrific, the body was blown apart, and Soleimani's identity could only be confirmed by the ring on the stump finger.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Scarlet Dawn

In the early morning of January 3, 2020, the Iraqi capital Baghdad was still shrouded in darkness, and the sun had not yet fully risen, several American MQ-9 "Reaper" drones quietly appeared over Baghdad International Airport.

Suddenly, a rocket fired by the drone pierced the sky and hit the target vehicle with lightning speed. The two cars were blown up beyond recognition in an instant, and none of the people in the cars were spared.

The main target of the attack was Qassam Soleimani, the supreme leader of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Army, who is also Iran's de facto number two.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Soleimani's vehicle was the first to take a direct hit from the rocket, and the powerful shock wave from the explosion tore the hull and sent debris and debris flying everywhere.

The vehicles of Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis, deputy commander of Iraq's Shiite militant "Popular Mobilization", and senior Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, were also killed by two commanders.

Although the other vehicle was not directly hit by a missile, the shock wave of the explosion and the scattered debris also brought great damage. The passengers in the car, including some of Soleimani's and Mohandis' subordinates and bodyguards, were also severely traumatized in the attack.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

The scene was chaotic after the attack, and the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport instantly turned into a battlefield. Rescuers and emergency vehicles arrived quickly to try to find survivors in the rubble.

When they arrived, they were greeted only by charred metal wreckage, broken glass, and personal belongings scattered all over the place. The smell of scorched earth and gunsmoke filled the air, making the rescue effort even more difficult.

During the rescue process, the team found the bodies of Soleimani and Mohandis, both of whom had been decapitated in a shocking condition. Soleimani's identification struggled until a rescue worker found a special ring on his finger.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Although the ring survived the explosion, it still retains its unique characteristics and becomes the only clue to the identity of Iran's senior commander, Qassem Soleimani.

The whereabouts of Abu Mahdi Muhandis are a mystery. In that deadly attack, his body was never found, leaving endless speculation and grief. It is speculated that the powerful explosion may have blown up his body to the point where it was unrecognizable, making the search extremely difficult.

The impact of the attack was widespread, not just for the two senior commanders. Several members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed in the attack, including three colonels, majors and captains.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

The U.S. government kept the operation secret and did not disclose much information to the outside world at the beginning of the incident. However, as the news from all sides gradually came out, people began to piece together the full picture of the incident.

It was a well-planned, highly classified military strike aimed at eliminating the number one threat in the eyes of the United States and Israel – Qassam Soleimani. Soleimani has long been the subject of intense surveillance by the intelligence agencies of the United States and its ally, Israel.

In order to carry out this precision strike, the United States has used a variety of high-end intelligence-gathering tools. This included critical intelligence provided by informants on the ground who penetrated deep into Soleimani's inner circle and provided important information about his whereabouts and itinerary.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

In addition, electronic surveillance equipment played an important role, and by intercepting communications and other electronic signals, US intelligence was able to track Soleimani's location in real time.

More critically, reconnaissance aircraft and other air surveillance systems continued to fly over key areas, transmitting in real time the movements of Soleimani and his entourage.

These high-tech surveillance means, combined with ground intelligence, allow the U.S. military to accurately calculate the best time and location for an attack.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Undercurrents are surging

Although then-US President Donald Trump made his final decision days before the incident, there was much more behind that decision than it seemed.

Since 2017, Qassem Soleimani's surveillance activities have become extraordinarily close.

In that year, reports that Soleimani might have been involved in an assassination plan against the Saudi ambassador to the United States immediately attracted the attention of Saudi Arabian intelligence and explored the possibility of assassinating Soleimani.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

While the Saudi government has been silent on the issue in public, the Israeli military has openly discussed the issue on several occasions.

In fact, U.S. surveillance of Soleimani dates back much further. The senior Iranian commander has long been a key figure in the attention of U.S. intelligence agencies and the military.

During the presidency of George W. Bush and Obama, there were several proposals for the assassination of Soleimani. But the two presidents did not approve the plans because of concerns about regional stability, fearing that the move could stoke a full-scale war between the United States and Iran.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

After Trump came to power, the attitude of the United States towards Iran changed.

In 2018, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and imposed a series of sanctions on Iran. Tensions hung over the two countries, and Soleimani was seen as a key figure in Iran's expansion in the Middle East.

In late December 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper secretly flew to Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida to brief the president with the latest intelligence information.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

According to information from the intelligence services, Iran appears to be planning a large-scale attack against the United States, and Qassem Soleimani is considered the mastermind and key figure in this operation.

The U.S. government decided that decisive action must be taken to eliminate this potential danger. At the same time, U.S. intelligence and the military stepped up surveillance of Soleimani's whereabouts.

They used all kinds of advanced technological means, including spy satellites, electronic listening equipment, and unmanned reconnaissance planes, to track and monitor Soleimani in all directions.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

With all preparations in place, the U.S. military began to deploy an attack force. MQ-9 Reaper drones were sent over Iraq, armed with powerful Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, ready to strike targets.

At the same time, U.S. allies in the Middle East are also involved in the operation. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia maintained close intelligence cooperation with the United States and provided the necessary support and assistance for the assassination operation.

In the early hours of January 3, 2020, Trump gave his final order to action at the Mar-a-Lago estate. After receiving the command, the "Reaper" drone quickly approached the target area.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Respond strongly

News of Qassam Soleimani's death has sparked tremendous shock and outrage in Iran. As Iran's de facto number two, Soleimani enjoys a high place in the hearts of the people.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei immediately made a televised speech announcing the bad news to the nation after learning of Soleimani's killing.

He strongly condemned the U.S. act, calling it an "act of international terrorism" and vowed to take "severe revenge" against the U.S.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Khamenei announced that he would hold three days of national mourning for Soleimani to pay tribute to the "martyr" throughout the country. At the same time, he also ordered the Iranian military to be vigilant and prepare for a possible further attack by the United States.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the actions of the United States. He pointed out that the United States has violated international law and Iraq's sovereignty, and that its actions will inevitably incur severe consequences.

Rhuhani stressed that Iran will take all necessary means to defend national dignity and maintain regional peace and stability.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif immediately called UN Secretary-General António Guterres and asked the UN to condemn the "illegal acts" of the United States. He pointed out that what the United States has done has seriously violated the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and undermined the international rule of law and multilateralism.

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, General Salami, announced that the Revolutionary Guards had entered a "state of war" and were ready to launch an attack on the United States at any time.

Lebanese Allah leader Hassan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech calling on all forces resisting the United States and Israel to unite against US hegemony in the Middle East.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

Iraq's Shiite militia Popular Mobilization Group has vowed to avenge the deaths of Soleimani and Mohandis. The group's leaders say they have 20,000 fighters ready to launch an attack on American military bases in Iraq.

Civilian, massive anti-American demonstrations have erupted across Iran.

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, chanting slogans of "Death America" and burning American flags, demanding that the government take tough measures against the United States.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

There are even some activists who have even broken into the US Embassy in Iran and graffiti anti-US slogans on the walls of the embassy.

In the face of Iran's tough response, the United States is also closely monitoring the development of the situation. The U.S. State Department has called on U.S. citizens in Iran to evacuate immediately to avoid retaliation from Iran.

U.S. military bases in the Middle East have also been put on high alert in response to a possible attack.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

In a tweet, Trump warned Iran against retaliation or face a "swift and powerful blow" from the United States.

He stressed that the U.S. has targeted 52 targets in Iran, including some of the most culturally significant sites, that would be targeted if Iran dared to strike back.

Trump's remarks sparked a backlash from the Iranian side. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Trump of violating international law, calling his statement a "war crime."

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring

The Iranian parliament also passed a resolution designating the U.S. military and the U.S. Department of Defense as a "terrorist organization," providing a legal basis for Iranian forces to strike U.S. targets.

The storm suddenly broke out, the situation in the Middle East suddenly became tense, and the United States and Iran were tense. Countries around the world have also expressed their positions, calling on both sides to exercise restraint and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

No one can predict how this crisis will end in the end, and where the contest between the United States and Iran will go.

In 2020, the details of Soleimani's death were exposed: his head was in a different place, and his identity was confirmed by the stump ring


1. Revealing the secret of the Middle East "spy king" Soleimani - Guangdong Channel - People's Daily Online. People's Daily Online 2020-07-22

2. Eight people were killed in the attack on Baghdad airport, and senior generals of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed. Sina 2020-01-3

3. Soleimani Memorial Ceremony: Khamenei tearfully vowed to "severely punish criminals"|Soleimani|Iran. China News Network.2020-07-20

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