
From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated
From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated
[Starbucks apologizes, #Starbucks admits to using expired ingredients# [microphone]] # People's Daily comments on Starbucks providing expired products # Late on the night of the 13th, @Starbucks China issued another statement: After investigation, we have confirmed that the partners (employees) of the two Wuxi stores reported on December 13 did have operational irregularities. We have an unshirkable responsibility to ensure food safety. The situation in these two stores is a high warning of our shortcomings in the daily implementation of food safety standards. In this regard, we would like to express our sincerest apologies to all Starbucks customers.

Starbucks? What's going on here? Netizen ridicule: Starbucks: Dear customer Hello, for your complaint, we are deeply shocked! And sincerely said that "It Doesn't Matter"... Well, let's make our own coffee! At least diy it yourself, and your own heart comes steadily.

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

Follow Big Mao today to learn about the practice and story of Irish coffee. Irish coffee is not a coffee, but a cocktail, and it also has a name called Lover's Tears. Although the irish coffee is very simple, but the taste is very good, especially suitable for winter drinking, but in fact, this is not the point, it is the story of Irish coffee, touching one after another obsessive people, but also make this is a cocktail, but also a special drink of coffee, passed down to the world.

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated
From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

Legend has it that a bartender at the Airport of the Irish Capital met a flight attendant at Dublin Airport, specially prepared this Irish coffee cocktail, but this unique cocktail coffee has never been discovered by the flight attendant, until a whole year has passed, the flight attendant ordered this cup of coffee, he finally made this special coffee for her as he wished, the bartender was excited to shed tears, although he did not want to say more, but he drew a circle with tears on the rim of the cup, so this first taste is with a feeling of miss. The stewardesses loved the coffee so much that they ordered it every time they flew to Dublin Airport. Sometimes, the bartender would teach the stewardesses to make Irish coffee, and the stewardess would tell interesting things about various places. But one day she was no longer a flight attendant, she and the bartender made a final farewell, back to San Francisco, only to find that all the cafes did not have the coffee she wanted, this is to know that the bartender invented for her, she with her own memory, opened a café, sell Irish coffee, slowly in San Francisco popular, which is why the earliest appeared in Ireland, but popular in San Francisco.

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated
From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated
From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

● Food materials

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

coffee...... 200 ml

Cream ... 50 ml

brown sugar...... 2 tablespoons

whiskey...... 2 tablespoons

hot water...... Moderate

● Utensils

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

Coffee cup or glass + measuring cup + handheld blender

● How to do it

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

(1) Pour hot water into the cup to preheat the cup. Whisk the cream in a measuring cup until soft and frothy.

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

(2) Pour off the hot water in the cup. Add brown sugar and coffee to the cup, stir until the sugar dissolves and add the whiskey.

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

(3) Gently slide the whipped cream from the back of the spoon into the cup so that the cream floats on the coffee and enjoy!

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated

Irish coffee drinking method and general cocktails are not the same, mixed Irish coffee, do not rush to stir, to drink a sip first, feel from the milk aroma to Irish coffee mellow and slightly bitter, but also with a hint of sourness, layered, carefully taste can also feel the light alcohol stimulation. This cocktail is suitable for drinking hot in winter, so it is best to use a warm porcelain cup.

From Ireland: Lover's Tears are made for the infatuated


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