
Two months of suffocation in the home of young children hanging on the line 120 operator textbook remote control guidance insurance

author:Bright Net

"How do I get my child suffocated?" "Now you hold the child's chin down, butt higher than the head, put it on your leg, and then pat your back..." Recently, a mother in Nantong called 120 for help because the child was suffocated at home, and the operator remotely instructed the mother of the suffocating child to implement the "Child Heimlich First Aid Method", and finally saved this fresh little life in less than two minutes. The operator's calm textbook guidance has attracted many netizens to applaud, and the mother of the child shows a hurry without panic and calm cooperation when the child's life is hanging on the line, which also touches people's hearts.

Purple Cow News reporter Zhu Yayun


Suffocating young children's lives hang in the balance

120 operator textbook response

"Hello, hello, 120!" "How do I get my child suffocated?" At 5:38 p.m. on December 11, Zhuang Linlin, an operator at the Nantong 120 Emergency Center who was on duty, received a distress call, and a young child who was only two months old was stuck in his trachea and suddenly suffocated at home, and the situation was very critical. Through the phone, Zhuang Linlin could hear the tone of Ms. Qin, the mother of the child, being urgent, nervous and anxious.

"How old is the child?" Zhuang Linlin calmly asked about the child's age and condition. "Two months old, my child cried so hard that he couldn't get up, and now he's suffocating, how do I get it now?" Ms. Qin was so anxious that nervous emotions kept coming from the other end of the phone, her voice trembling, her breathing was so fast that she was almost about to cry.

"Now you hold the child's chin head down, the child's ass should be higher than the head, hold the chin on your leg, and then pat the back, pat the back between the two shoulder blades, and pat it with the palm of the hand..." At the critical moment when every second counts, Zhuang Linlin did not panic, judging by experience that the child may be stuck in the trachea with phlegm, and then accurately told Ms. Qin how to implement the "Child Heimlik First Aid Method".

"Still no response, still no response!" The anxious Madam Qin almost shouted. "Two fingers pressed a little above the navel eye, roughly the position of the stomach, left and right two thumbs pressed three or four times, and then in turn, repeated several times..." Zhuang Linlin continued to calmly and calmly tell Ms. Qin how to operate. Ms. Qin repeated every sentence Zhuang Linlin said, constantly repeating the steps, and the words seemed urgent, but always calm.

"He reacted a little bit, he sucked hard again, he didn't cry yet." After many times of pressing and patting, the child had a slight reaction, and Ms. Qin's tightly hanging heart was also slightly relaxed. Zhuang Linlin then said, "Push forward with the palm root." ”

"Push forward with the root of your palm, your ass is higher than your head." Ms. Qin also continued to repeat Zhuang Linlin's words. "Did he cry? Okay? Zhuang Linlin asked.

"Thank you!" Until the child cried, Ms. Qin's restrained nervousness was finally released, and after a few seconds of pause, a hoarse gratitude voice came from the other end of the phone: "Thank you, it's all right!" At this moment, Ms. Qin could not cry.


Call 120 and want to call for an ambulance

Didn't expect the remote guide to save the child

"I didn't expect the 120 operator to guide me on the phone, and I just wanted to get the child to the hospital as soon as possible." Recalling the scene at that time, Ms. Qin was sincerely grateful and at the same time, she was also a little surprised.

Ms. Qin told reporters that the child was crying badly and suddenly suffocated. He and the child's grandfather were particularly nervous. At the beginning, the child's grandfather tried to play the soles of his feet and pinch people, the child did not respond, the child's grandfather did cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but still did not respond, the situation is very critical. "I had already picked up my car keys and was going to take my child straight to the hospital, and when I thought it was too late, I immediately dialed 120, hoping that the ambulance would arrive as soon as possible." Ms. Qin said.

The child's life was hanging on the line, Ms. Qin dialed the phone, "At the beginning I did not cry, I knew that crying was useless, only by following the guidance of the operator could there be hope." Then it "staged" the whole process of operator Zhuang Linlin's textbook guidance of rescue.

"The operator gave me some guidance on the phone and I did it." Ms. Qin said that the child was in the hands of the grandfather at the time, and the operator guided how to operate, so I repeated it and conveyed it to the child's grandfather, who rescued him step by step. "At the beginning of doing those two times, the child did not react, after doing a few more times, the child began to react a little and began to inhale." Ms. Qin said that it was not until the moment she saw the child inhaling that her hanging heart relaxed a little.

Ms. Qin told reporters that at that time, her heart was very flustered, and she reacted afterwards, and it turned out that the operator was guiding the "Child Heimlik First Aid Method" that she had learned, "At that time, I was too panicked, I forgot." ”

"If there is no operator, the child may not be able to stay." Speaking of this, Ms. Qin was a little choked up. The Nantong 120 Emergency Center returned to learn that Ms. Qin's children are no longer in serious trouble. Ms. Qin also expressed her gratitude to the docking operator Zhuang Linlin through the emergency center.


The dedicated operator is a grandfather

Parental trust is essential

"Heimlich first aid is the simplest and most effective method, and the probability of saving a child's life is relatively large." Speaking of this rescue, Zhuang Linlin admitted that this is just his own routine operation, but also the most suitable way to rescue, "At that time, it was the evening rush hour, if you send an ambulance to go over, it is inevitable to encounter traffic jams." ”

In Zhuang Linlin's view, this successful rescue is also attributed to the parents. He told reporters that this time the parents found that it was more timely, it was in the stage when the child first began to suffocate, if the child suffocated for a long time, the lips would be purple, which would cause damage to the brain. "The golden time of suffocation rescue is generally within 3 minutes, more than 20 minutes, and the probability of irreversible damage to the brain will increase." Zhuang Linlin said.

Zhuang Linlin also believes that the trust of parents is crucial in the rescue process, "This parent was panicked and not chaotic, calm, fully trusted and cooperated with us." The parents described it very clearly during the rescue process, and according to the description, I was able to put myself in the shoes of the guide. Finally, under the guidance of Zhuang Linlin, in less than two minutes, the parents rescued the child step by step.

In fact, this situation is not the first time Zhuang Linlin has encountered, he has been working in the operator position for 5 years, has used the "Heimlich First Aid Method" to successfully rescue four or five times, and has accumulated a lot of first aid experience. "If we are also panicked and nervous, parents will be more anxious." Zhuang Linlin said that only by calmly and calmly guiding parents, and parents rationally following the steps, the "Heimlich First Aid Method" is more effective.

"Saving people is the first priority, and when it comes to treatment, every second must be raced." Once again, saving a fresh little life made Zhuang Linlin feel relieved. Zhuang Linlin is also a father, and his child is 3 years old this year. Zhuang Linlin told reporters that he usually spends more time with his children, so he pays more attention to the knowledge of children's first aid. "Our efforts have not been in vain, and we are thankful to be able to save a family again." Zhuang Linlin said.

Source: Yangtze Evening News

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