
Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

Since ancient times, in the era of artillery fire, there will always be surprise soldiers who save the country and the people. In the wars facing our country in modern times, although armaments and technology have lagged far behind other countries, with the wisdom and wisdom of our army and the courage not to be afraid of death, we have also turned defeat into victory time and again.

In this process, the people's army has gathered a powerful force, and in one war after another, the army's obedience has played a big role. However, there are always unexpected accidents on the battlefield, and sometimes some different changes need to be made to truly turn the tide of the war.

In history, there was such a battle, the superior ordered not to fight, but some people took the lead in opposing: "Even if you shoot me, I will fight", and the follow-up battle was very wonderful, and the deterrent power of our army was increased by a few points. This was a battle that took place in Dingbiancheng in 1936, and the person who insisted on starting the war was Han Xianchu, who was also one of the future founding generals.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

A battle to be fought if you are shot

Han Xianchu was born in 1913 to a poor peasant family. In the turbulent times of the time, eating enough to eat became a difficult problem. In order to help the family to help a little, Han Xianchu became a cow herder when he was very young, and tasted the sourness of life prematurely.

After the jute uprising broke out in 1927, Han Xianchu joined the peasant association in his hometown, which was also the beginning of his subsequent gradual revolutionary road. At the time, he was only fourteen years old. Revolutionary ideas had already planted seeds in his heart, and it was not until he joined the Communist Party of China in 1930 that the seeds in his heart really blossomed and brought him wisdom and courage.

With extraordinary courage and ingenuity, only one year after joining the party, Han Xianchu became the commander of the regiment and began to lead soldiers to participate in guerrilla warfare. As a warrior, he knew the importance of obeying orders and commands, but he was also very bold and determined, but when he felt that he had the opportunity and grasp, even if his superiors did not agree to his going to war, he still resolutely went to war, and did not want to miss the slightest opportunity to turn the tide of the war.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

In Dingbiancheng in 1936, he "competed" with Mr. Peng in this way. At that time, he led his soldiers through Dingbian City and accidentally found a cavalry battalion of the Majia Army stationed there. Because it was a chance encounter, the superiors were not prepared to go to war with the Ma family army. However, Han Xianchu believed that at that time, the other side only had one battalion of troops, and once the two sides went to war, our army was also in the upper hand. If we can fight this battle, we will also give our army the upper hand.

As the saying goes, "Don't fight a war without preparation", when he heard that Han Xianchu suddenly wanted to go to war, Mr. Peng involuntarily rejected him. At that time, Han Xianchu still had a task in his body, and if he suddenly fought a war, he might not be able to catch up with the itinerary of other troops. And things happen too suddenly, a cavalry battalion may be just a blind spot, if there is an ambush, it will lead to disaster. After careful consideration, Mr. Peng still advised Han Xianchu to go first, and the risk of rushing into war was too great.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

But who knows, Han Xianchu is also a person who can't get oil and salt. With many years of combat experience, he thought that this was an opportunity to start a war that could not be missed, so he disobeyed the orders of President Peng. Faced with the orders of his superiors and the dissuasion of his subordinates, Han Xianchu said: "Even if you want to shoot me, I will fight." The soldiers were startled, and knowing that no one could convince him anymore, they followed him in leading the battle that came suddenly.

The good news is that the ending was indeed as Han Xianchu predicted, and Dingbian won a complete victory in the first battle. Not only did he beat the enemy to death, but he also seized a lot of money that could be used as military expenses, which can be described as a great harvest.

In this regard, Mr. Peng not only blamed him like that, but also lamented his courage and strategy. Indeed, as Boss Peng believed, Han Xianchu's future achievements on the battlefield were surprising again and again.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

Commander Whirlwind, who is not afraid of death

Han Xianchu's record was from the northeast to Hainan Island. What is even more admirable is that this seemingly reckless and disobedient general has never lost a battle in his life.

He had the title of "Commander of the Whirlwind", and as his name suggested, the army he led was like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, making the enemy powerless to resist. This general is also known not to be afraid of death, and it is precisely because of the boldness of the artist and Han Xianchu's familiarity with all the tactics on the battlefield that he has the courage to choose between the fighter and the fighter.

In 1947, the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army launched the Autumn Offensive. When discussing the battle plan, many people advocated from near and far, first annihilating the enemy of Xifeng, and then attacking Weiyuan Fort. Han Xianchu vigorously defied the public opinion and boldly proposed the tactic of "digging out the heart".

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

He led his troops to march 120 kilometers, surprised Weiyuan Fort, and won a great victory. In this battle, he pioneered a new tactic of long-distance attacks on the enemy's main forces. At that time, he was only thirty-four years old, and he already had the strategy of a veteran of hundreds of battles.

At the beginning of the discussion of tactics, Han Xianchu actually did not get much understanding, and many people felt that he was in a hurry. It can be seen from the early years when he rebelled against the military order and resolutely wanted to fight the border city in a war, han Xianchu was loyal to the party, but if he was very sure, he would rather take the fruits of victory first regardless of whether others understood it or not.

He didn't seem to understand until the final battle was decided. But for this veteran who was born and died on the battlefield, it is not very important whether others can understand it, what is important is that he wins, and winning convincingly.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

The founding general who was promoted out of the ordinary

After more than ten years of arduous anti-Japanese war, the celebration of Tiananmen Square in 1949 finally announced the establishment of an independent country. The founding of the People's Republic of China is inseparable from the efforts of thousands of soldiers and people. After the state affairs were gradually arranged, the plan to commend the military industry was gradually put on the agenda.

By 1955, all arrangements had been made, and the state held a formal ceremony to confer the title. In September of that year, Premier Zhou Enlai issued an order awarding the rank of general to 55 people, one of whom was Han Xianchu.

At the time of the awarding of the title, a total of 57 founding generals in our country were awarded the rank of general. These 57 founding generals were all pillars of the Liberation War and were all capable generals under the command of the commanders of various field armies. It can be said that they were all founding fathers who made great contributions to the victory of the War of Liberation. However, what was surprising was that Han Xianchu was promoted out of the ordinary.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

Originally, in Han Xianchu's original position, when evaluating military merit, he originally only intended to give the qualification of lieutenant general. However, after Chairman Mao heard about this, he only said six words, and then he promoted Han Xianchu to general, and those six words were "Han Yougong, Zhongjin Shang." Originally, Chairman Mao believed that Han Xianchu had made great achievements, and it was definitely not only a lieutenant general, but he promoted him to a general.

Looking back on the past, in the decades of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the merits made by Han Xianchu are indeed worthy of the position of general.

For veterans who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, everything on the battlefield is their medal. And the leaders understand what kind of honor their generals deserve.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

The generals in charge of the military rank assessment were indeed selected in a fair and just manner, but they did not know enough about Han Xianchu. "Han yougong, the middle and the upper", can be promoted so out of the ordinary, must be a great contribution. Han Xianchu's title of general was well-deserved, and at the award ceremony that year, no one thought that Han Xianchu was unworthy.

After all, in the process of liberating the three northeastern provinces to fight against the Nationalist army, Han Xianchu's third column was an ace force, rarely losing battles, and it can be said that it was invincible.

Whether it was the capture of Jinzhou, the Battle of Western Liaoning, or the liberation of Shenyang. The third column led by Han Xianchu was definitely the main force. Like a whirlwind, he swept through the camp of the Nationalist army on the northeast battlefield.

Boss Peng ordered: Don't fight, Han Xianchu: Even if you shoot me, I will fight!

This is a presence that frightens the enemy and is also the pride of our army. From joining the army as a teenager to middle age, the heart of national righteousness in this person's heart is reflected in his repeated battles. The soul of the army, presumably, is also the same.

When confronted with Mr. Peng and said that he would fight even if he was shot, Han Xianchu's military service also injected tough and strategic blood into his life. He was tough, but he wasn't rigid, and he wasn't reckless. In the battlefield battles, he has always been invincible. For him, even without Chairman Mao's unusual promotion, he would have no regrets about this life.

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