
The eunuch Yu Chao'en, a man who could do whatever he wanted in front of the emperor, was given death at the age of 49

Yu Chao'en, a native of Lu County, Sichuan, entered the palace as a eunuch during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang.

This eunuch who entered the Ling Yan Pavilion can be regarded as a stone breaking the sky, how did a eunuch enter the Ling Yan Pavilion and compare it with Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi and others?

Among the three dynasties with the most serious eunuch dictatorship in Chinese history, there is definitely a Tang Dynasty, and the most serious is the Tang Dynasty, and the emergence of Yu Chao'en is no accident, he is the inevitable result of the development of eunuch dictatorship in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.

Yu Chao'en is very talented, very witty in his announcements and responses, and can write and calculate, so he quickly got ahead.

After the Anshi Rebellion, Yu Chao'en fled with Emperor Xuanzong and served the crown prince Li Heng, quite trustworthy, he still contributed to the counterinsurgency war, after the reconquest of Chang'an, he was worshipped as the inspector of the three palaces, and the general of the left guard guard, Zhi Neishi, was in a very high position. When An Qingxu was besieged in Yecheng by 600,000 Tang troops, Yu Chao'en also participated, and the position was quite high, and the official paid homage to the military Rong Xuanxuan to dispose of the envoy, which was a temporary dispatch of the envoy. It mainly plays the role of supervising the army.

The Tang Dynasty dispatched a total of nine Jiedu envoys to participate in the war, the most important of which were Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi. These two people are both yuanxun, and it is not appropriate to appoint anyone as commander-in-chief, so the emperor thought of a bad idea, "The emperor is a yuanxun and a light bow, and it is difficult to unify with each other, so there is no marshal, only the lieutenant Yu Chao'en is the consolation envoy of the guanjun Rong." "

This is a big taboo for soldiers who do not have a supreme commander in combat. If the supervision army is powerful, the problem is that Yu Chao'en is not a general, and he cannot complete the mission of the commander-in-chief.

In the great battle between the Tang army and Shi Siming's army, Guo Ziyi's army was loosely disciplined, and soon became a scattered sand, and the 600,000-strong army buried the good situation in vain. Yu Chao'en took the opportunity to persuade the emperor because of jealousy to overthrow Guo Ziyi, but fortunately Guo Ziyi was a man of integrity and knew how to measure up, so the emperor temporarily dismissed his military power.

In the first year of the QianYuan Dynasty, Yu Chao'en served as an envoy to The Guanjun Rong Xuanwei and was responsible for supervising the hundreds of thousands of troops of the nine festival envoys.

The eunuch Yu Chao'en, a man who could do whatever he wanted in front of the emperor, was given death at the age of 49

Three years later, it was rumored that the Shi Jun generals who captured Luoyang were all Youzhou and Shuofang people, homesick and desperate, and the soldiers had no desire to fight. Yu Zhao'en, who had a large army in his hands, believed it to be true, and repeatedly went to Suzong and asked Li Guangbi to lead an army to capture Luoyang. As a result, at the Battle of Yaoshan, the official army was defeated, Heyang and Huaizhou were lost, and Yu Chao'en fled back to Shaanzhou. Later, the Tang army recaptured Luoyang, but instead made him the Duke of Feng Yi County, Kaifu Yi Tongsan Division.

After Emperor Tang ascended the throne, Tubo soldiers invaded Jingzhou, and Emperor Daizong fled to Shaanzhou, just as Yu Chao'en led the Shaanzhou army to meet him, in order to ensure his meritorious service, he was appointed as the envoy of the Tianxia Guan Army, and commanded the Jingshi Shence Army.

He was also the first eunuch to master the Divine Strategy Army.

At this time, Yu Chao'en's self-expansion had reached its peak, and he had no fear of his close relationship with the emperor.

Yu Chao'en and Cheng Yuanzhen kept slandering Guo Ziyi in front of Emperor Daizong, so that the emperor's trust in Guo Ziyi was shaken, and at this time, the emperor hung the portraits of Yu Chao'en and other heroes in the Ling Yan Pavilion. From then on, there were two more eunuchs in the Ling Yan Pavilion, the other being Cheng Yuanzhen.

The eunuch Yu Chao'en, a man who could do whatever he wanted in front of the emperor, was given death at the age of 49

However, in the matter of the Tubo invasion, Cheng Yuanzhen concealed the military information and did not report it, causing the enemy to hit the nose under Emperor Daizong to know the truth, and had to evacuate Chang'an, Chang'an fell, and the respect of the Tang Dynasty was knocked to the ground. This time, relying on Guo Ziyi and Tubo to maneuver around, the bluff should be combined to recover Chang'an, and this time Emperor Daizong understood that it was up to Guo Ziyi to do things. Relying on Cheng Yuanzhen could not do it, but Yu Chao'en made a contribution to this matter and benefited.

Yu Chao'en was very authoritarian and subjective, and the average secretary of state did not dare to look up at him. When the chancellor decided on political affairs, he did not first tell him, and he widened his eyes and said, "Why am I not the affairs of the world?" Therefore, Emperor Daizong hated him.

Yu Chao'en's youngest son, Yu Linghui, was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he began as an errand boy in the inner temple. Because of Yu Chao'en, the emperor specially gave him a green robe (worn by officials below the level of five pins). Less than half a month later, there was a dispute between Yu Linghui and the same yellow door attendant (the position was above the Linghui, and should stand before the Linghui in order). Afraid of falling behind, Yu Linghui squeezed forward, not knowing who had mistakenly touched the arm of Yu Linghui. He rushed back to tell Yu Chao'en that he was being bullied by his peers because his shift was behind.

The eunuch Yu Chao'en, a man who could do whatever he wanted in front of the emperor, was given death at the age of 49

The fish was furious. The next day, in front of the Emperor, he said that my youngest son, Ling Hui, who held a position under his colleagues, would like His Majesty to give him a special golden belt in order to surpass others. Not to mention to wear crimson (red) clothes (Tang system, civil and military officials more than three products to wear purple, gold and jade belt. Four pins of clothing are deep and dark, five are light and light, and gold belts. And asked to wear purple clothes. Before the emperor could speak, Yu Chao'en ordered the person in charge of this matter to bring the purple clothes, and Yu Linghui immediately thanked the emperor. Although the emperor knew that he could not do this, he forced a smile on his face and said to Yu Zhao'en, "Your son wears purple clothes and a gold belt, which is very suitable." "Yu Chao'en is unscrupulous and fearless in the DPRK, and it is all imposed on others.

He was jealous of Xian's ability and repeatedly rumored that Li Guangbi and Guo Ziyi would be reused.

In addition to jealousy, Yu Chao'en also likes to show his knowledge.

Guozijian held a ceremony to release dishes, which is a ritual of worshipping Confucius. According to the regulations, someone must also preach. This time he went on stage to give a lecture, and this time he borrowed the Ding Folding Overfun in the I Ching to say things, which means that the Ding legs are overwhelmed, and the food in the Dingzhong is poured out, which is to imply that the Prime Minister is not worthy of great responsibility.

Prime Minister Wang Jin was very angry, and everyone was very angry, except yuan zai who was motionless and smiling. As a result, Yu Chao'en said to his subordinates: "Anger is common, laughter is unpredictable." "

As a result, Motozai realizes that Yu Chao'en has begun to threaten his power, so he begins to plot to get rid of him. The emperor had long been dissatisfied with Yu Chao'en and readily agreed.

The eunuch Yu Chao'en, a man who could do whatever he wanted in front of the emperor, was given death at the age of 49

On the one hand, Yuan Zai bribed the people around Yu Chao'en with heavy gold and arranged eyeliner. On the one hand, he pretended to allocate more territory to the Divine Strategist Army. Yu Chao'en was arrogant and arrogant, and he was very happy to see the expansion of the territory, but he did not know that there was a life-threatening conspiracy behind it.

On the day of the Cold Food Festival in the fifth year of the Gregorian calendar, a banquet is held in the palace according to customs. After the banquet, the emperor pretended to leave a few important ministers to discuss, and as a result, Yu Chao'en just entered the door and the emperor reprimanded him for misdeeds, Yu Chao'en still wanted to argue, and the people around him hugged him and strangled him alive. At the age of forty-nine, he announced to the outside world that Yu Chao'en had hanged himself, and then returned the body to his home and gave him six million yuan for the funeral.

The era belonging to the great eunuch Yu Chao'en was over, and he was a disgrace to Ling Yan Ge.

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