
The province was torn in two because it was too powerful, but even though they had been separated for hundreds of years, they recognized each other as family

With the development of various places, cities around the world have their own unique "culture", there is heaven on the top, there is Suzhou and Hangzhou, as well as Hunan spicy, Sichuan hemp and so on, gourmet scenery, human geography have become a unique "culture" everywhere.

The province was torn in two because it was too powerful, but even though they had been separated for hundreds of years, they recognized each other as family

In ancient times, when some provinces had not yet been divided, it was one, just like today's Hunan and Hubei, Hunan and Hubei with Dongting Lake as the boundary, Dongting Lake south of Hunan, the northern area is Hubei, but in the Spring and Autumn Period, they all belong to the Chu State.

In 1206, Genghis Khan established the Great Mongol State, and 54 years later, Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in the Central Plains, and in order to be able to better govern, the Yuan Dynasty divided the world into 10 major provinces, Huguang Province was one of them, and Huguang Province at this time belonged to the Huguang region from Guangxi to Guizhou and Sichuan.

The province was torn in two because it was too powerful, but even though they had been separated for hundreds of years, they recognized each other as family

The Huguang area included Hunan Province, Guangxi Province, Hainan Province, Hubei Province, and Guizhou Province, but due to the excessive size of the land and the difficulty of governance, this issue was shelved until Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty in 1368 AD. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Zhuang, Li, and Yao ethnic groups in the Huguang area rebelled fiercely against the Ming, and the Ming Dynasty had to adopt a divide-and-rule method.

Hainan and Qin and Lianzhou, where the Li people lived, were assigned to Guangdong, Hunan and Hubei became the last Huguangxing provinces, in 1644, li zicheng entered the pass, and then Dolgun led the eight banner disciples to attack Li Zicheng, Nurhaci founded the Qing Dynasty, at this time Hunan and Hubei were not separated.

The province was torn in two because it was too powerful, but even though they had been separated for hundreds of years, they recognized each other as family

This name Huguang refers specifically to the land of the two lakes, but in the major literature, the number of times Huguang appears is very small, all recorded in the two lakes, and both official positions are called the governors of the two lakes, until the Kangxi period, the kings of the major domains held heavy power, and Wu Sangui occupied Hunan and Yunnan.

In the twelfth year of Kangxi (1673), he decided to "withdraw the domain" to request the return of the old Liaodong to the king of Pingnan, shangkexi, but asked to keep his son's letter to continue to guard Guangdong as a lead, but Wu Sangui was unwilling to surrender his military power, he denounced Kangxi, and various localities also began to respond, and within a few months, the six provinces of Yunnan, Qian, Xiang, Gui, Fujian, and Sichuan were lost.

The province was torn in two because it was too powerful, but even though they had been separated for hundreds of years, they recognized each other as family

Kangxi resolutely attacked Wu Sangui and eventually defeated the rebels, after which, in order to maintain the regime Kangxi divided the Huguang region into two places, with Dongting Lake as the boundary, Hunan Province and Hubei Province. The two provinces set up inspectors separately, but also followed the position of governor of Huguang.

The province was torn in two because it was too powerful, but even though they had been separated for hundreds of years, they recognized each other as family

Although today's Hunan Hubei has differences, but basically there is not much change, just like Hunan and Hubei taste are the same, famous for spicy, but now just remember the hunan spicy, Hubei has the Yellow Crane Tower, Hunan also has Yueyang Tower, Hunan and Hubei are only separated by a lake, Hunan and Hubei are a family.

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