
The real "devils into the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore!

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many villages in our country were invaded by the Japanese army. So in many TV series, we can often see such scenes. A large group of Japanese devils rushed into the village with bayonets, surrounded the villagers, and demanded that the villagers hand over the intelligence personnel hiding in the village, and if they did not hand them over, they would kill all the people in the village. So is this really the case when the real devils enter the village in history?

The real "devils into the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore!

Nowadays, many TV series have been adapted on the basis of history. But in fact, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army burned and plundered The territory of China did nothing wrong. At that time, there was a word called sweeping, that is, when the Japanese army passed through the village, they would go in and loot the things of the people, so such a scene was called the ghost entering the village. And the little hero Wang Erxiao, whom we know, died heroically in a sweep by the Japanese army. So what did the Japanese actually do when they were sweeping?

The real "devils into the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore!

When the Japanese army is sweeping, it will make strategic arrangements, first sending soldiers to accurately probe the village, first of all, to see if there are suspicious personnel, whether there is an ambush and so on. Then get a rough idea of the number of people in the village. It is very clear what kind of weapons they have in their hands. After understanding these basic situations, the Japanese army began to sweep into the village. The first is the grain, and everything that can be eaten will not be spared. Because of the Long-distance Operations of the Japanese Army, logistical resources were very scarce. What they need most is military food.

The real "devils into the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore!

In addition, the Japanese army did not spare some old and weak children, slaughtering young and middle-aged people or arresting them as laborers. These are actually very different from the scenes in the TV series. Therefore, at that time, many villages would send some young people to patrol, and if they found ghosts, they would quickly arrange the grain in the village and inform the women in the village to hide it. In various anti-war dramas, we find that when the ordinary people in the play faced the Japanese army's sweep, they played the Japanese army around with three or two strokes with their bare hands, and also annihilated the well-equipped Japanese army. If the Japanese army were so easy to deal with, would it take 14 years to resist the war? So stop being fooled by TV dramas!

The real "devils into the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore!

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