
What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

In 1945, after Japan announced its unconditional surrender, some of the Japanese troops invading China were still unwilling to accept the reality of defeat and refused to surrender their weapons. About a thousand people from the 8 squadrons under the jurisdiction of the 131st Wing Of the 131st Wing of the Japanese Watanabe 47th Division stationed near Yucheng, all shrunk to the Yucheng Railway Station, and tried to resist here and die without surrendering.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Eighth route army

Yucheng Railway Station is located at the intersection of jinpu railway and Hui (min) Liao (cheng) highway, which belongs to the important gateway of the northern part of the Jinan Nationalist Army, and is the transportation hub of the national army's attack on the Bohai Sea and the Jiluyu Liberated Area, and its strategic location is crucial. In order to firmly control the hub of Yucheng Railway Station, the Nationalist army also tried to use this Japanese army to prevent the Eighth Route Army from taking Jinan along the Jinpu Line.

The 47th Watanabe Regiment of the Japanese Army is an elite unit of the Japanese army, which has participated in many battles such as Wuhan, Changsha, and Hengyang, and is known for its tenacious combat effectiveness and invincibleness. In the Battle of Changsha, he broke through the defensive line of the Kyaw Min Group Army of the Nationalist Military and was awarded the title of "Honorary Army" by the Emperor of Japan. The Japanese brigade commander Yamayu Yuejiro was full of pride and extremely arrogant.

In order to completely eliminate this remnant enemy and liberate the entire Lubei region. In October 1945, the Bohai Naval Region, in accordance with the orders of Commander-in-Chief Zhu, requested the 6th Garrison Brigade led by Xiao Feng, commander of the Second Bohai Sub-district, and Zeng Xu, political commissar, to cooperate with the 1st Regiment, 2nd Regiment, and Cavalry Brigade of the Special Agents Led by Acting Commander Yuan Yelie and Political Commissar Jing Xiaocun of the Bohai Naval Region to march to the Japanese and puppet strongholds in the Ping and Yu areas along jinpu Road.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Soldier of the Eighth Route Army

From October 14 to December 11, a peripheral dragnet campaign was conducted, and more than 30 puppet army strongholds such as Xindian and Huangqiao Railway Station were continuously uprooted, and more than 100,000 people were wiped out in gaotang, Enxia, Xiajin, Wucheng, and Pingyuan counties in the northwestern region of Gaotang, Enxia, Xiajin, Wucheng, and pingyuan counties, and the remnants of Xie Huawu's army.

On December 28, Brigadier Xiao Feng commanded the 6th Garrison Brigade to capture Yucheng County in one fell swoop, eliminated the Japanese Ji teng squadron, captured more than 100 Japanese troops below the enemy squadron commander Ji Teng, killed 8 enemy people, captured 17 people, and captured more than 800 officers and men of the puppet army Li Changqingbu, the pseudo 8 brigade, and the 10 brigade, and captured 5 machine guns and more than 1,000 long and short guns.

After destroying the puppet troops on the outskirts, Brigadier Xiao Feng led his troops to attack the recalcitrant Devils Mountain Yu Brigade at Yucheng Station, and completely annihilated this recalcitrant Devils. At the mobilization meeting, Brigadier Xiao Feng said to the officers and men: "Since the devil will not surrender when he dies, we will fight until he surrenders!" ”

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Artillery of the Eighth Route Army

After defeating a Japanese patrol, the 6th Brigade surrounded the 798 Japanese regiments trapped at the station, with headquarters in a private house in Qin laozhuang near the station. Before the general attack began, the command decided to issue an ultimatum to the Japanese first: to limit the Surrender of the Japanese within two hours. The commander of the Japanese mountain brigade was very arrogant and said to the emissaries sent by the Eighth Route Army: "Your Eighth Route Army cannot defeat us, we are a winning unit, if we can fight, we will surrender our guns." "The Japanese army is stubborn and can only launch an attack."

After the attack began, the frontal attack was led by the first regiment of special agents led by Zhang Chongling and political commissar Wang Ruojie, and the Japanese army launched a fierce bombardment of the first regiment with mortars, and more than 50 shells fell in a courtyard of the forward position alone. A regiment of agents avoided Japanese artillery fire and quickly pounced on the vicinity of the houses. The demolitionist Ma Younian completed 9 blasting missions in a row, blowing up a large hole in the Japanese position.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

After the position exploded, the soldiers of the secret service regiment rushed over, and at this time the Japanese troops on both sides of the tower set up machine guns to strafe. At this time, the artillery of the Eighth Route Army concentrated on firing, and the two towers of the Japanese army collapsed. A battalion of soldiers, Wang Daozhong, held an explosive pack and blew up a japanese squad in five consecutive leopard explosions. After fierce fighting until dawn, a regiment of secret agents captured two artillery towers outside the enemy camp, killing more than 50 enemy people, taking 3 prisoners, and capturing 25 rifles.

At the same time as the 1st Regiment of Secret Agents attacked, the 11th regiment and the 12th regiment of the 6th Brigade of the Security Guard were launched on the south and east sides of the railway respectively. After a night of fierce fighting, two regiments pressed the Japanese into the large barracks. When Shanyu saw this situation, he immediately asked Lieutenant General Hosokawa in Jinan for help, and Hosokawa transferred the situation to the nationalist army. The Nationalist army in Jinan immediately sent 2,000 men of Huo Shouyi's 112th Division, with more than 300 surrendered Japanese troops stationed in Jinan, to rush to Yucheng in an attempt to deal with the mountain, but they were confronted by the 11th and 12th Regiments of the 6th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army and retreated.

On the morning of the 31st, three Nationalist planes from Jinan flew in and strafed the Positions of the Eighth Route Army, killing 3 residents and injuring 2 people. The Sixth Garrison Brigade immediately returned fire, and the plane fled in a hurry, not daring to come again.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Japanese stronghold

The Japanese mountain brigade was hopeless for help, so it prepared to abandon the station and break through to Jinan. Acting Commander Yuan Yelie, who was in charge of command at the front, ordered the special regiment and the cavalry brigade to be arranged around the enemy camp at the station, and when the Japanese army retreated, they pursued from north to south along the railway; the special second regiment ambushed the enemy who broke through on both sides of the Shizhuang and Yuhuangchen railways; the eleventh regiment and the twelfth regiment were ambushed in the depths of the depths to annihilate the enemy who had slipped through the net; and the tenth regiment and the county brigade were arranged north of Yancheng to block the enemy's reinforcements.

At 11 o'clock in the morning of the 31st, the Japanese army began to assemble in the courtyard of the large barracks, and the Japanese army had not yet assembled, and Zhang Ruirong, the gunner of the Eighth Route Army, quickly opened fire on the Japanese army assembly area, and the machine gunners also shot at the Japanese army from above. The Japanese army was beaten to the east and could not form a whole team, so they had to flee along the railway ditch to the southeast and enter the pocket formation of the Eighth Route Army.

After the Japanese army penetrated the pocket array, the special regiment, the cavalry team, the eleventh regiment, and the twelfth regiment immediately launched a fierce attack, and the Japanese army was surrounded in the pockets, and even if the devils were armed to the teeth and had high combat quality, they had become turtles in the urn, and they were killed and retreated, and they suffered heavy casualties. The japanese brigade commander Yamayu Yuejiro, dressed in a gold-rimmed military uniform, wielding an Oriental sword, and his eyes were bloodshot red, drove the Japanese soldiers to launch a counterattack against the Eighth Route Army.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A railway station occupied by the Japanese army

The first battalion of the Special Second Regiment, which was fortified at the Jade Emperor Chen Zhuang in Luxi, had already held its breath and saw that the mountain yu drove the Japanese soldiers to rush over, and it was in the middle of it. Instructor Guo Junchen ordered fire, and the Japanese troops were knocked to the ground one by one, and the creeping ground that had not been killed did not dare to move again. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the second platoon quickly raised its bayonet and rushed up, stabbing several Japanese soldiers.

The remaining ghost soldiers screamed and hurried back into the railway's guard ditch. After a while, the Japanese released two military dogs and ran to the front of the Jade Emperor Village, and the devil's military dogs were there to indicate the target. As soon as the dogs returned, the Japanese attacked. A Japanese officer knelt on one leg and pointed his command knife forward, and the Japanese army rushed in.

Wu Chuanzheng, commander of the second company of the first battalion of the special second regiment, and several other snipers specialized in hitting the ghost officers; after a burst of gunfire, the Japanese officers were killed several times, and the Japanese officers with command knives lay on their backs and fell to the ground. The Japanese army repeatedly charged and killed three times and was beaten back, and in desperation, the devils concentrated their artillery fire to attack the position of the special second regiment in an attempt to force a breakthrough.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Recalcitrant Japanese army

At two o'clock in the afternoon, several Japanese troops jumped out of the ditch again, attacked the west side of the defense line, and broke into the Jade Emperor Chen Zhuang. After entering Zhuangzi, the Japanese army broke through on all sides in several groups. At this time, the special regiment and the cavalry team also rushed over, and the people chased the Japanese army separately, chasing and fighting at the same time, the Japanese army lost their armor and died and wounded along the way, and after crossing the railway, the Japanese army merged into another force near Tangzhuang. At this time, the special second regiment and the special first regiment that were pursued also joined forces and surrounded and annihilated the Japanese army.

Throughout the fierce battle, the soldiers on both sides had almost exhausted their physical strength and did not have much ammunition. The Japanese army ran in front, and the Eighth Route Army chased after them, only more than 100 meters apart, but they could not catch up. The bayonet was out of reach and the bullets were gone. At this moment, a group of cavalry appeared in a roundabout way, blocking the front of the Japanese army.

This cavalry unit was the cavalry brigade of the Bohai Naval District of the Eighth Route Army, and the cavalry team quickly drew its saber and launched an attack on the Japanese army. Yamayu gathered more than 200 Japanese soldiers together, guns in both hands, and opened a fierce battle with the cavalry on the embankment slope. Platoon commander Li Wenwen took up his bayonet and fought to kill 4 Japanese soldiers in one breath, and the battalion commander Zhao Zhong picked up twenty box guns and killed several Japanese soldiers in succession.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Captured Japanese soldiers

On the battlefield of more than twenty miles, the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties and corpses. The remaining Japanese army was exhausted and unable to fight again. The commander of the Japanese Shanyu Brigade was hit in the neck by a shot, and the command knife fell to the ground, and Shanyu covered the wound with one hand, and raised the other hand to shout helplessly: "I'm sorry!" I am sorry! I am sorry! surrender! We all surrender! ShanYu only said sorry at this time, and let more than 200 ghosts die and be injured in vain, which was the price he paid for his late awakening.

In this battle, 120 Japanese soldiers were killed, 161 wounded, and 5 officers, 5 lieutenants and more than 500 soldiers were captured by the Japanese army under Yamayu Yukijiro. 6 heavy machine guns, 15 light machine guns, 2 82 mortars, 18 grenadiers, more than 500 rifles, 20 cars and a large number of military supplies were seized. After the war, all those involved in the war were commended.

What if the Japanese army refused to surrender in 1945? Brigade Commander of the Eighth Route Army: Fight until it surrenders

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Ruins of Yucheng Station

In the Battle of Yucheng Station, the Japanese Mountain Yu Brigade was completely destroyed, which was the fate of the Japanese army that refused to surrender.

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