
After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

After the Liberation War, although our army defeated the Kuomintang, there were still many places within the motherland that had not been reunified. There are many bandits who dominate the mountains and take advantage of their geographical location to hide themselves in the ravines. He did not surrender to our Party, but also secretly contacted the Kuomintang and created some incidents from time to time.

In fact, as early as the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, these bandits were very prominent, and the general bandits did not have any great ambitions, managed their own people and guns, and could claim hegemony within their own scope. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, a group of bandits did not resist the temptation of the Japanese, and when they became bandits, our party did not succeed in encircling and suppressing them twice, and finally it was the ace agent Zhang Bo who solved them.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

In many anti-Japanese dramas, there will always be a translator around the Japanese, and these translators are traitors and lackeys, who are to be shouted and beaten by the common people, but at that time, the Japanese were very strong, and many Chinese would submit to Japan for fear of death. The Japanese would organize them into the Imperial Allied Army, which is what we call the Two Devils, and they would take the guns given by the Japanese to deceive and oppress the people.

After the Japanese invaded China, they first entered the three eastern provinces and began to carry out a frenzied sweep of the villages in the eastern three provinces. After occupying the three eastern provinces, they gradually expanded southward. In a village in Baoding, Hebei Province, there was a group of bandits who claimed to be the king and hegemon, and before the Japanese came, they were the bosses of the village, and the people in the village were afraid of them, so they would meet the requirements of this gang of bandits.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

At first, they were not a group of bandits, but two or three people and a group did not invade each other's respective territories, but after the Japanese came, in order to expand their strength, so that they could keep money under the eyes of the Japanese, so that the Japanese could look up to them, so they merged into a gang, the leader of which was han Ziyou, and Yang Wenfeng came down with his own men to defect to him.

Han Ziyu was originally a Kuomintang officer and a warrior, so his men were particularly subordinate to him. Han Ziyu left the Kuomintang because of some things, and after that, he did not want to join any team, and he was very comfortable taking the mountain as the king. When the Japanese came, they also liked their squad, so they wanted to recruit them for their own use.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

Although Han Ziyu is not a good person, he is also a Kuomintang officer, and he will not become a lackey of the Japanese. But later, when the Japanese saw Yang Wenfeng, they decided to plot against Yang Wenfeng and support him in ascending to the throne. Later, with the help of the Japanese, Yang Wenfeng killed Han Ziyu and became the boss of this band of bandits, and naturally became a traitor.

Yang Wenfeng was more cunning than Han Ziyu, and during the time he was a traitor to the Japanese, he knew that he would definitely be regarded as a thorn in the eye by the Communist Party and the Kuomintang, so he was very careful every time he acted, and he could also negotiate with the Japanese, so that the Japanese felt that they had always been useful, so this band of bandits existed until the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

At the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, our army quickly defeated the Japanese army with a momentum of breaking bamboo, and Yang Wenfeng, a band of bandits, also realized that the Japanese were about to fall, so they began to think about their future. But in any case, the Communist Party certainly could not tolerate them, so Yang Wenfeng was very cautious and went into the mountains. In 1944, in order to get rid of this band of bandits, our army twice suppressed the bandits, but both ended in failure.

Yang Wenfeng was very cunning, and he knew that the Communists had come to destroy him this time, so he was very cautious. The first time our army obtained intelligence, it found that this band of more than 20 bandits appeared, but because they had never dealt with him and did not know what Yang Wenfeng looked like, they could only beat the kind of head with a hat and a pistol pinned to his waist.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

After the Communists surrounded them, they were resisted by them, so they fought with them, and the situation was complicated. In the course of the battle, they killed their leaders, but after the end, a closer look found that Yang Wenfeng had deliberately changed clothes with others, and he had already escaped, and since this time, our party knew that this group of bandits must not be easy to catch.

The second time our party received information that Yang Wenfeng was going to attend a gathering of the Japanese, so it was decided to ambush him on the way back, and this time it would be a success. When the returning car drove into our encirclement, our soldiers began to attack it, and after the attack, they went forward to check and found that there was no one in the car, and it turned out that Yang Wenfeng had a premonition in advance and did not take the car.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

Yang Wenfeng was indeed very cunning, and neither of these two hoe rapes successfully caught him, which also became a heart disease of our party, and we must catch him. After Nie Shuai learned of this matter, he seconded zhang Bo, the ace agent, to deal with this matter specifically.

Such a cunning traitor as Yang Wenfeng will have a great impact on our party, and if we do not try to get rid of him quickly, we will certainly have endless troubles. Therefore, Nie Shuai personally paid attention to this matter, and also transferred Zhang Bo, who was known as the ace agent, to personally deal with this matter, and Zhang Bo wanted to get rid of him after he came over, and made very detailed preparations in the early stage.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

If you want to get rid of Yang Wenfeng, you must first familiarize yourself with his life rules and action routes, so Zhang Bo observed Yang Wenfeng for many days before finding an opportunity to prepare to arrest him. Zhang Bo found that Yang Wenfeng was going to take his men to a meeting, so it was a good time to annihilate them in one fell swoop on the way back from the meeting.

Zhang Bo made arrangements in advance, dividing the troops into two parts, one part was the front-line troops who arrested them, and the other part was ambushed in the rear to cut off their rear roads, and to ensure that they did not have any escapes, they must all be successfully captured. After the ambush was laid, Yang Wenfeng and his gang entered our encirclement on the way back, and the battle was very fierce.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

Yang Wenfeng wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but was discovered by the people who were ambushed in the rear by our army, and at that time, there was a small car next to Yang Wenfeng that happened to catch fire, Yang Wenfeng did not run out, and was burned alive by the small car that caught fire. This hoeing campaign was a complete success.

During the Period of Resistance Against Japan, such traitors became the running dogs of the Japanese, relying on the Japanese to do no evil. So there is no pity for them, and it is necessary to make them pay for what they have done. Yang Wenfeng, as the leader of this band of bandits and traitors, is even more evil, and he wants to do everything possible to get rid of him.

After two failed hoe rapes, Nie Rongzhen used ace agents to hunt him down! What is the origin of this person?

Because Yang Wenfeng was cunning, he also let the hoeing and rape work encounter many difficulties at the beginning, but the Communists worked together and would not give up the idea of getting rid of this traitor, and finally transferred the ace agent Zhang Bo to completely eliminate them in one fell swoop.

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