
The vaccine order was halted by more than 20 states, and the Biden administration had no choice but to appeal to the Supreme Court

Source: China News Network

According to the US Chinese Network on December 17, the US Biden administration asked the Supreme Court to reinstate the vaccine injunction for health workers receiving federal funding from hospitals on the 16th. Previously, lower federal courts blocked the order from going into effect in about half of the state.

The vaccine order was halted by more than 20 states, and the Biden administration had no choice but to appeal to the Supreme Court

China News Service reporter Liao Pan photographed "style=" border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 700px; cursor: pointer; float: none; " />

On December 14, 2020 local time, Stephanie, a nurse at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, was vaccinated against the new crown. Photo by Liao Pan, a reporter from China News Service

The vaccine order issued by the U.S. Department of Health reportedly applies to most employees of health care facilities that receive Medicare or Medicaid funding. The order has been challenged by numerous lawsuits since its introduction last month.

In recent weeks, ruled by district federal judges in Missouri and Louisiana that effectively halted the order's implementation in 24 states.

The Biden administration's Department of Justice filed a request with the Supreme Court on the 16th, requesting that the order issued by the local court be lifted or suspended.

"Given the expected surge in infections in the winter, there is an urgent need to reduce the risk of exposure of Medicare and Medicaid patients to THE CORONAVIRUS." The Justice Department's briefing notes read.

But critics of the policy argue that given the number of employees opposed to vaccines, the injunction could lead to a shortage of health care workers.

In late November, a federal judge in Missouri blocked the injunction by endorsing a lawsuit filed by 10 states. The 10 states include Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Later, in another lawsuit filed by 14 states, a federal judge in Louisiana issued a nationwide interim injunction.

Combined with the rulings of the two lawsuits, the health care injunction is currently blocked in 24 states.

The Biden administration made demands to the justices on the 16th for rulings in both lawsuits, and the Department of Justice has also appealed in the appeal court. The Justice Department's legal documents also provide the Supreme Court with another option, which is to directly receive the government's appeal.

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