
The Light of The Law War and Civilization peace defender is online

European and American war strategy mobile game "War and Civilization" is about to usher in a new version - the light of the law, in this event version, there will not only be classic welfare activities to reproduce the attack, but also there will be new activities waiting for His Majesty's participation, let's take a look at it!

The Light of The Law War and Civilization peace defender is online

Peace guards the light of the law

Thurgood Marshall was the first African-American lawyer in the Supreme Court, born in the United States, a human rights lawyer who won in the Supreme Court in cases of racial segregation due to the color of his skin in public schools, guaranteed the right of national equality, and fought for human rights in court to maintain social progress. Progress for equality like Thurgood! During the event, all research upgrades in libraries were reduced by 30% and by 30% for libraries, farms, caravan construction and upgrades.

The Light of The Law War and Civilization peace defender is online

Heroes are invincible Civilization evolution

A hero creates a dynasty, and each era has its own celebrity story through the ages. Now they can work better for you! During the event, President Xichu bawang and President George upgraded and reduced prices by 30%. Castles, temples built and upgraded with a 30% reduction in prices.

The Light of The Law War and Civilization peace defender is online

The Road to the Gold Mine Doubles resources

Gold panning has been a means of enrichment in the eyes of many adventurers, and there have been several degrees of gold rushing in history. During the event, the caravan resource reward is increased by 100%.

The above is part of the content of this version of the Light of the Law event, if you want to know more, welcome to join the "War and Civilization" mobile game and become Your Majesty the Ruler!