
Attack 2021 Pre-match | Mao Yijun: Adrian can't appear due to evasion Wu Xi returned to the team eager to play

Attack 2021 Pre-match | Mao Yijun: Adrian can't appear due to evasion Wu Xi returned to the team eager to play

At 14:00 on the afternoon of December 17, Beijing time, the pre-match press conference of Shanghai Shenhua against Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic Team in the 17th round of the 2021 Chinese Super League was held in the press conference hall of Suzhou Division, and Mao Yijun, acting head coach of Shanghai Shenhua Team, and Wu Xi, a player, attended the press conference together.

Attack 2021 Pre-match | Mao Yijun: Adrian can't appear due to evasion Wu Xi returned to the team eager to play

Mao Yijun first introduced the team's preparation for chongqing Liangjiang Athletics: "Although the Chongqing team encountered some difficulties in the early stage, the mental outlook and combat effectiveness shown in these two games were very good, and it was also a very characteristic team. We've been making arrangements for the next few days and will try to win the race. ”

When asked what the targeted deployment of this game is, Mao Yijun replied: "Chongqing's playing style is very clear, and there are also very characteristic players on the offensive line. We will definitely find a way to suppress the opponent and at the same time play our own characteristics. Dumbia scored goals in both games and was in very good shape overall. The coaching staff will also make reasonable personnel allocation according to the physical condition of the players and the team's tactical playing style, and strive to play each game well. ”

Because of the contract avoidance agreement, Adrian could not play in this round. In this regard, Mao Yijun said: "It is a pity that the last game was not won, and the team has also carefully summarized in the past few days, and the next game will definitely be adjusted and changed." Adrian can't play because of the avoidance clause in the contract, and we will also make some reasonable arrangements to make corresponding adjustments. ”

Attack 2021 Pre-match | Mao Yijun: Adrian can't appear due to evasion Wu Xi returned to the team eager to play

Wu Xi, who attended the press conference together, said: "The schedule is indeed very dense, and the players who played in the last game are still recovering in the past few days. Personally, I am very grateful to the club for giving a few days to rest and adjust, and I am also actively recovering after returning to the team. I hope we can all face tomorrow's game positively and give you a good game. ”

Talking about the exchanges with young players who played in the same position in the team, Wu Xi replied: "Wang Haijian is a very energetic and potential player, and usually we will have some exchanges about the experience of the game and the responsibilities of the relevant positions. ”

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