
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!

The source | Urban Live Comprehensive Hubei Jingshi "Jingshi Live", Guangzhou Daily, @ People's Daily, Health Times

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The body is sick and needs surgery

It's heart-wrenching to hear

Can I not do surgery?

15-year-old Xiao Wang because of waist pain,

I was afraid of surgery, so I remembered the home remedies.

But using folk remedies,

Let him suffer a lot,

What the hell is going on?

The three holes in the little queen's waist are the marks left by the "folk square". According to the doctor, Xiao Wang is from Jianli, Hubei Province, and in August this year, after playing basketball, he suddenly found some pain in his right leg, and initially thought it was a sprain, but he didn't care. But after a few days, I found that the pain in my lower back was unbearable, and even I would be woken up at night when I went to sleep. "Others say that you can do fire therapy, burn three large holes in the back, and burn the flesh and bones to alleviate the symptoms." Xiao Wang said. As a result, Xiao Wang received "fire therapy home remedies" treatment, and three large holes were burned out of his back.

Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!

However, after mistakenly believing in the "home remedies" burn, the pain in Xiao Wang's lower back was not only not alleviated, but more painful. The family rushed him to the hospital, and when he examined, the doctor found that the muscles had begun to show signs of ulceration. After a detailed examination, the doctor's diagnosis is actually a common lumbar disc herniation.

Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!

According to the doctor, the purpose of Xiao Wang's parents choosing home remedies is to not perform surgery. Lumbar disc herniation is a frequent disease in the elderly, why does Xiao Wang, who is only 15 years old, have the problem of lumbar disc herniation? According to the doctor, this is related to the fact that the current amount of exercise in the public is too small. If you suddenly carry out strenuous exercise, you will be easily injured because the protective strength of the lumbar spine muscles is not enough. At the same time, Xiao Wang's weight also causes more pressure on his lumbar spine.

Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!

At present, after standardized treatment, Xiao Wang has recovered his health.

The doctor reminded the public that due to the influence of modern people's bad living habits and "Ge Youliang" playing mobile phones, the incidence of lumbar disc herniation has tended to be younger. It is recommended that the continuous work and study should not be too long, and every time you sit for a period of time, you should get up and move it; when moving heavy objects, pay attention to squatting down first, and use hip strength to move to prevent waist injuries.

Don't believe these folk remedies!

Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!
Listen to the folk remedies, the 15-year-old boy has 3 holes in his waist!

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