
10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Original | Pregnancy

Abstract: Scientific parenting is love!

Raising a baby to grow up requires parents to pay 100% of their efforts to protect!

Even so, on the way to growing up, bumps and illnesses are inevitable.

But in fact, the baby's daily bumps are not terrible, afraid that parents will not deal with delayed treatment!

It is not terrible for the child to be sick, and I am afraid of using folk remedies to harm the baby!

Yesterday there was a hot search news, a grandmother in Hunan because of the pain of her granddaughter's fever, cough, she used home remedies to scrape the baby, resulting in the child's facial ulceration.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Looking at the child's injured appearance is really painful.

Pregnant mother solemnly reminds all parents: the baby is sick and injured, will not deal with it, must go to the hospital in time, do not mess around.

Those "cures" that are circulating in the anecdote, don't believe it.

Those because of listening to the folk remedies to make children suffer the news, too much, today pregnant mothers came to the parents to do a tidy up, demining.

Fever, cough, gua sha to get cold fast?

Children have a fever, it is difficult for parents not to be in a hurry, but in the face of fever, we must not panic.

Let's first talk about yesterday's news, the granddaughter has a fever, cough, grandma uses a silver ring and egg whites to scrape the 10-month-old baby's sha and shave the forehead.

As a result, the skin is broken, the baby is re-admitted to the hospital, the doctor said that the child's skin is weak, and if the care is not proper after the breakage, it will lead to suppuration and rash, and the heavy will lead to bacteria entering the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Children have a fever, cough, do not use the soil method, the doctor should seek medical treatment, casually give the child gua sha, harmful and unprofitable.

If the child has high fever and poor kidney function, gua sha can easily cause a wide range of soft tissue damage, and may aggravate the condition, causing more serious complications, and moreover, parents who do not have a little medical knowledge, how to give the child the correct gua sha, really, don't mess around.

Treat your baby with a fever and remember two things: make your baby comfortable and seek medical attention in time.

Do a good job of home care to make your baby comfortable. Fever will make the baby sweat too much, drink more water to replenish water, the indoor environment temperature should be appropriate, do not overheat, clothes should be worn lightly.

Seek medical attention if necessary. Regularly measure your baby's temperature, control your body temperature, and if necessary, send it to the hospital.

● If you are not in good spirits, you should take medication. Even if it is low-grade fever, if the baby is not in good spirits, you can also take medicine, do not stick to the node of 38.5 ° C, babies under 3 months, the medication needs to be approved by the doctor.

● Babies under 3 months of age, if the body temperature exceeds 38 ° C, immediately take the baby to see a doctor

● If the baby is more than three months old, the body temperature exceeds 38.9 ° C, the fever lasts more than one day, or accompanied by cough, earache, poor spirits, bad appetite, vomiting and diarrhea and other symptoms, take the baby to see a doctor.

●Antipyretic drugs must be taken according to the doctor's advice, do not exceed the amount. Medication is taken strictly according to the baby's weight and age, and the safe fever reducer recommended by the World Health Organization is ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

For more detailed knowledge of baby fever, mothers can refer to the article before pregnancy "Xian Suyuan uses home remedies to reduce fever for her daughter, netizens: so that the mother only has 60 points!" 》。

Boil oil with rats and apply cat hair to treat baby burns?

A baby boy in Zhengzhou was burned, and his family applied rat boiling oil to the skin to treat the burn, which resulted in infection and the child was admitted to the intensive care unit.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

A baby in Guangdong, because of burns, parents used cat hair to cover their faces, and the result was that the cat was bald and the child's face was rotten.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Using folk remedies to treat burns is not only useless, but will lead to injuries on the wounds.

Casually applying the wound will make the doctor unable to intuitively judge the child's injury, or lead to wound infection, leading to more serious consequences.

If your baby accidentally burns, be sure to follow the correct five steps:

Flush: Use running tap water to wash the burned area for at least 10 minutes, never with ice cubes.

Take off: After flushing or soaking in cold water, take off your clothes, do not take off hard, and avoid getting wounds.

Soaking: Soaking in cold water can relieve pain.

Cover: Cover the wound with sterile gauze to avoid infection of the burn site.

Send: If the burn is serious, take the child to the hospital immediately.

Remember: applying toothpaste, soy sauce, sprinkling salt, applying alcohol, wind oil essence, rubbing lime water and other scalding remedies are all nonsense, and parents must not believe it again.

Milking the baby girl's nipples to prevent swelling and depression?

There are many, many folk sayings about milking nipples, and it sounds more funny than the other.

"Female treasure does not express the nipple head does not have long breasts, male treasure does not express the nipple head breast will become larger."

"If you don't express your nipples, your breasts will swell and your secretions will flow out!"

It is precisely because these statements have been circulating for a long time that many parents still put their hands on their children's nipples, and for the sake of their children, they can only do it.

But the newborn baby's nipples are absolutely not squeezed, the baby's skin is delicate, easy to get hurt, and can also cause infection.

A female treasure in Henan was extruded with mastitis because of milking, and her parents destroyed their intestines.

A newborn baby in Xiangyang was milked, and the result was that the infection caused sepsis, which is a real case.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Don't squeeze your baby's nipples because of normal physiological phenomena, the following three points are normal and do not need to be milked:

Normal breast swelling in the first few days of life: this is caused by the baby's exposure to maternal hormones in the womb.

It's normal for your baby's nipples to flow milky fluids: this is also caused by the mother's hormones, which is common and most of the time it disappears within 2 weeks.

Milking the nipple does not prevent depression: true nipple inverted is not something that can be prevented by milking the nipple.

Use vegetable water to make milk powder, and put down the fire for the baby?

Because parents are afraid of their children getting on fire, they use boiled overnight vegetable water to milk their children, resulting in nitrite poisoning of children.

The baby became eggplant in purple when he was admitted to the hospital, and the methemoglobin reached the lethal range.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Really, don't mess around, no matter what kind of vegetable water, it can't be used to make milk powder.

The water for cooking vegetables is not more nutritious, and the vegetable water placed for a long time not only has the risk of nitrite poisoning in the baby, but also has no miraculous effect on reducing fire.

The word "fire", in modern medicine and chinese medicine professional texts, does not have the concept of "fire", but is just a common name, used to explain the symptoms of "uncomfortable, but do not know how to explain".

For example, the baby's dry stool, eye feces, yellow urine, dry lips, etc., parents will come down to the baby on fire, these symptoms can be treated symptomatically:

Your baby has dry stools and constipation. Give your baby enough milk, water and food, eat foods rich in fiber, develop good bowel habits, exercise more, massage the abdomen can promote defecation, if you can not improve should seek medical attention.

Baby urine is yellow. Mainly in the summer, to ensure that the amount of milk, adequate moisture, pay attention to cooling can be, no improvement to see a doctor.

Remember: use the right method to brew the formula, the baby will not be caught on fire because of the milk powder.

Wear a corrective helmet 23 hours a day

Just to give your baby a round head?

This wave of inner volumes has already been rolled up on the child's head.

In order to let their children have a "standard round head", some parents measure and customize the "corrective helmet" when the child is just four or five months old to restrain the growth of the skull.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Helmets need to be worn for a long time, 22-23 hours a day, when crying, and when sleeping.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

This wave of operations, just thinking about it, feels very uncomfortable, and many doctors have issued a reminder: babies grow very fast within 6 months, and they wear helmets at will or affect baby development.

In fact, most babies are slightly partial and flattened, as long as pathological factors are excluded, most of them can be corrected by physical methods.

For example, regularly adjust the orientation of the baby's head, guide the baby to look left and right when playing, and the feeding posture is also flexible, encourage the baby to turn his head, and let the baby play on his stomach.

In general: hypermobility, reduce the child's head, the time that a part is constantly under pressure.

Parents must remember that even if you want to use a corrective helmet, you must meet two conditions:

The child's own head is deformed and needs to go to the hospital for confirmation.

Helmets must be customized and adjusted regularly in regular hospitals.

Corrective helmets must be worn under the guidance of a doctor, not just buy a home, whether there is a head deformity to wear, wear it for several months, so that not only can not correct the head shape, but also may affect the baby's development.

Pinch people, prick them with needles, and boil their throats with boiling water

Cure febrile seizures?

Really, children's hot seizures are not terrible, the most terrible are those strange folk remedies.

A 2-year-old baby in Guangdong had a fever and convulsions, and grandpa actually used paper clips to prick his fingers and toes to help the child bleed to "cure the disease", and in the 21st century, there are still people who use such a method.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

There is even more terrible, one year Chinese New Year's Eve night, a two-year-old child had a high fever convulsions, in order to treat, the family listened to folk remedies, with boiling boiling water into the child's mouth.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

When the child is sent to the hospital, the throat and mouth are all burned, and even lead to laryngeal edema and difficulty breathing..... This wave of operations is really so common sense, too ignorant!!

Febrile seizures are terrible when they occur, but most febrile seizures do not bring danger to the baby, and correct response can help the baby get through this.

Don't pinch people! Don't force your child's mouth open! Don't stuff things in your mouth! Don't feed your child anything! The right thing to do is:

Let the child lie flat, maintain a comfortable position, do not bind him, tilt the baby's head to one side, and raise the jaw to prevent the baby from suffocation.

Pay attention to environmental safety, remove dangerous items around the baby, as long as the environment is safe, try not to move the baby.

Clean up the baby's oral foreign body, untie the clothes to help the baby dissipate heat, keep calm and soothe the child, and record the time and symptoms of convulsions.

If the symptoms of the child who have febrile seizures for more than 5 minutes have not been alleviated, or if there is severe vomiting in the process, the primary disease is aggravated, and the consciousness cannot be restored after the convulsions stop, the baby's condition is considered to be more serious, and the doctor should be consulted immediately.

At the end of the 5 minutes, it is also necessary to see a doctor and have the doctor check it out to rule out serious cases.

Needles bleed

Give your newborn baby a jaundice?

Nine of the ten children, jaundice is very common and not difficult to treat, but in some places, jaundice is considered "poisonous".

A newborn baby in Quanzhou, because the grandmother looked at the baby's skin and white eyes were a little yellow, she listened to the home remedies to take the baby to bleed and get jaundice.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

After several consecutive, the child was punctured and cried, the jaundice did not get better, and after going to the hospital for blood tests, it was found that the child had sepsis.

There are also some parents who listen to jaundice and do not care about it, so they are not hospitalized, resulting in a full-body blood exchange of their children.

Jaundice, do a good job of distinguishing and correctly coping, in order to protect the baby.

Physiological jaundice. Drink more milk and excrete more, so that the baby has more bowels to excrete bilirubin.

Breast-milk jaundice. Conduct regular testing and decide whether to stop breast milk as appropriate, following the doctor's advice.

Pathological jaundice. For this kind of jaundice, what parents can do is to find bad signs in time and then decisively hand it over to a doctor for treatment.

For more knowledge about baby jaundice, parents can refer to the pregnancy article "Sun exposure to jaundice causes the baby to change blood all over the body: don't pit the baby like this anymore!" 》

Drink 4 years of pickled winter melon water to cool down the baby?

In May 2021, a 4-year-old female treasure Xiaoying in Dongguan drank winter melon water that had been pickled for 4 years, resulting in nitrite poisoning.

Because of the hot weather, In order to cool down Xiaoying, Grandma Xiaoying fed her 100ml of winter melon water that she had treasured for 4 years, and soon she had abdominal pain, dizziness, sore throat, and cyanosis on her lips and limbs.

10-month-old female treasure bad face, 1 and a half years old baby into a vegetative person: whoever tells you these folk remedies must have a vendetta against you

Fortunately, the emergency medical treatment, Xiaoying is unharmed.

Pregnant mother reminds: pickled winter melon water, nitrate in winter melon, will be converted into nitrite, after taking it is extremely easy to appear nitrate poisoning, serious and even may die due to respiratory failure!

Don't joke about your child's health and life.

The doctor reminded: there are many ways to cool down the heat, and it is really not necessary to use earthwork.

The right way to cool off, in fact, as long as you do the following points.

Proper use of air conditioning for your baby. Babies can use air conditioning, hot summer, the correct use of air conditioning can also keep the baby away from prickly heat, eczema and other troubles.

Choose breathable diapers for your child. Afraid of stuffy little farts, choose breathable diapers on the line.

Bathe your baby frequently. Bathing children in the summer can be more diligent, which can not only keep cool, but also prevent the occurrence of skin problems such as prickly heat, but also control the frequency, once a day, each bath is controlled at about 15 minutes.

Pregnant mother reminds all parents: scientific parenting! Scientific parenting! Scientific parenting!

Every parent, every elder, is good to the child is sincere, the child encounters problems, illness, injury will inevitably be anxious.

But if you want your baby to grow up healthy and healthy, you really don't want to rush to the doctor, don't panic.

Stop torturing children with those ignorant and ignorant folk remedies, there is really an accident, and it is too late to regret it! I sincerely hope that every little baby can grow up healthy and healthy!

Reference articles

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