
Night reading 丨 People of the real big picture: no explanation, no entanglement, no blame


"When the arrogance becomes larger, the complaints become less; the broader the mind, the wider the road; the pattern is large enough, and the problems disappear."

Many of life's problems do not come from the outside, but from the heart. People with small patterns are prone to sink in trivial things. People with big patterns do not explain, do not pester, do not blame. Calm and open-minded.

Without explanation, it is the realm

Things are uncertain, people are changing, and there are too many disturbances.

Confucius said, "A man who does not know is not ashamed, nor is he a gentleman." "Others don't understand you, and you're not angry, isn't that a gentleman?"

In life, everyone has times when they are misunderstood and misunderstood. If we are always explaining, how much time and energy can we waste in this lifetime?

Many times, silence is not a loss, but a pattern.

The Eastern Han Dynasty had a story of Zhuo Mao letting the horse.

The founding minister Zhuo Mao was distinguished in his meritorious service, but he was generous in human nature and treated others with kindness and righteousness. Once he was riding a horse and met a man who said that he had lost the horse.

Zhuo Mao asked him, "When did you lose your horse?" The man replied, "A month ago." "And this horse Zhuomao has been buying back for several years. Knowing that the other party had made a mistake, Zhuo Mao did not explain and gave him the horse.

For this reason, the people around me do not understand.

A few days later, the man found the lost horse, returned it to Zhuo Mao, and apologized. And Zhuo Mao did not bother and forgave him. When everyone learned of this, they all praised his kindness and kindness.

The ancients said: "The wind is not talking about victory, and the inaction is the longest." "Silence is a more powerful force than an explanation. Not a word, but far more than a thousand words.

When a person is unwilling to explain the misunderstanding, but instead uses his own strength to resolve and carry it, this is the realm.

No entanglement, is free

Lu You once wrote an essay on "Dongpo Eating Soup Cake". It records an interesting story of Su Shi.

Su Shi and Su Rui were both demoted to the south and met between Cangzhou and Wuzhou. The two brothers were extremely happy, and when they saw a noodle seller on the side of the road, the two sat down to eat noodles together. The noodles tasted general, and Su Rui sighed with chopsticks.

Su Shi finished eating three or two mouthfuls, looked at his brother's sad face, smiled and said, "Noodles are so unpalatable, do you still have to chew them slowly?" ”

In life, we will always encounter uncomfortable people, unsatisfactory things. Instead of struggling, let go decisively. The more you go, go forward, and focus on those beautiful things, so that you will not fail yourself and live up to life.

"One has to learn to look forward, because every day there is no going back." In the face of those bad experiences, incompetent anger, the only thing we can do is to stride forward and not be burdened by it.

Don't bother, don't bother, accept it calmly, and skip it.

The pattern is enlarged, the horizon is relaxed, the journey of life is very long, and there is no need to stick to one place at a time.

Not to blame, to be open-minded

In the movie "A Generation of Grandmasters", it is said: "In this life, people must see themselves, see the heavens and the earth, and see all sentient beings." "Seeing the sincerity and hypocrisy in my heart, I also know how to respect and understand." Seeing the breadth of heaven and earth, understanding their own smallness, and giving birth to an open-mindedness. When I saw sentient beings, I understood the sufferings of life, so I understood tolerance.

When a person reads a thousand sails and understands the world, a kind of compassion and generosity naturally arises in his heart. There is not so much anger and blame for the hurt and fault of others.

In the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, when Liu Bei attacked Luocheng, Liu Xun, the son of Liu Zhang, led an army to resist. Liu Xun insisted on defending the city, and Liu Bei could not attack for a long time. The military master Pang Tong led the crowd to attack the city, but was shot by a flying arrow and unfortunately died.

After the city was destroyed, the crowd was indignant, and the generals asked Liu Bei for orders to kill Liu Xun. Liu Bei said, "Each is its own master, and what is wrong with it?" ”

In the end, He forgave Liu Xun and let him return to Liu Zhang's side. Liu Bei's generosity eventually touched Liu Zhang, leading a million soldiers and civilians in Yizhou to surrender kaesong. Liu Bei, who obtained Yizhou, not only quickly captured the hearts of the people, but also had the capital to compete with Cao Cao's Sun Quan.

The ancients said, "There is no forgiveness without leniency, and there is no way to cherish the multitude without kindness." "Only by being broad-minded and kind can we win more support." Tolerance is a kind of heart, but also a pattern. Only those who are wise and well-versed will not tie knots in their hearts, and such people can tolerate people.

"Life is a process of constant elimination, slowly knowing what is important and what is not important." When a person has seen the distant mountains and vicissitudes, the gouge in front of him becomes insignificant.

The criticism of others, the unnecessary entanglement, the resentment in the heart, let go one by one. Only in this way can you travel lightly and rush to a better future.

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