
During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million


In other words, the Battle of Xiangxi began in April 1945, and finally ended with the defeat of the little devils, in which our side killed and injured more than 30,000 devils, including 447 prisoners, and more than a thousand people who committed suicide in despair during the battle.

However, although the devils admitted defeat in their war reports, the casualty figures they announced were only 27,000, so the difference between The Chinese and Japanese statistics was about 25%.

Later, according to the post-war statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of Japanese casualties and disappearances in World War II was about 2.5 million, the number of disabled people was 200,000, and there were 660,000 Japanese civilian casualties, more than half of which died from strategic bombing and atomic bombs.

During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million

Let's look at the Japanese military war reports throughout the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to boast of their achievements and improve morale, coupled with deliberately avoiding domestic public sentiment, they have obviously underreported their real casualty figures a lot, and many figures are obviously incompatible with the data provided by other parties.

During World War II, the Japanese army's front line was indeed very long, but there were only three main battlefields, all of which were under the command of the "General Army" level strategic-level units, namely the "Kwantung Army" in the northeast, the "China Dispatch Army" in Kannai, and the "Southern Army" in the Pacific Theater.

According to the statistics of the Old United States after the war, the Allies in the Pacific Theater killed 1.5 million Japanese troops, and the number of casualties was nearly 700,000, and the Allies in the statistics not only included the United States and the British, but also included the Chinese Expeditionary Force, India, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, the Free France, and the last Soviet Union.

During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million

Roughly speaking, not counting the 80,000 Kwantung Army killed by the Soviet Army, the Japanese Kou jointly eliminated by the Chinese Anti-Japanese Army and the people have exceeded 900,000 people, not the 500,000 that the Japanese say, for this figure, it is enough to prove that the Chinese is remarkable, which has been fought with flesh and blood for 14 years.

Looking at the Battle of Okinawa fought by the Old United States, the amount of ammunition consumed by them in this battle was almost more than the sum of the 8 years of China's formal all-out war of resistance, and in such a huge gap in firepower, the ratio of the two sides to kill the Japanese army reached 4 to 6.

Let's compare the German and Japanese casualty data, during World War II, the German army, navy and air force plus the Waffen-SS, they died a total of 4.8 million, so in comparison, the number of Japanese soldiers killed in battle is indeed low, the main reason for this situation should be three points.

During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million

First, the length of the japanese front in World War II was not as long as that of Germany. At the peak of its power, the German army swept through most of Europe, and also invaded North Africa and the Eastern Front, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean and other places, of which the German army died about 3.8 million in the Eastern Front, while in the same period, Little Japan only occupied the islands around the Eastern Ocean in the Pacific.

Suppose, if the Japanese had directly fought the Soviet army at that time, then their casualty figures would have doubled, and in the Battle of Nomonhan, the Soviet army eliminated more than 20,000 Japanese troops, and there were more than 200,000 Kwantung Army that surrendered in the late stage of World War II.

Second, the Pacific War was not dominated by the Army. The Pacific theater has a special nature, the United States and Japan are mostly conducted in the form of naval and air duels, and the Army can only be regarded as a "supporting role".

During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million

This form of warfare is fundamentally different from large corps operations on land, such as fighters and battleships, and the number of infantry casualties is relatively low, coupled with the restrictions of islands, etc., the Japanese army casualties in each battle are also thousands, only the Philippines and Okinawa battles casualties exceeded 100,000.

Third, japan surrendered earlier in the late World War II period and did not struggle to the death. Looking at the Germans, they held out until the fall of Berlin, and even if they surrendered at the last moment of the battle, the whole of Germany was completely occupied by the Allies, so that the natural casualties of the lifeless stubborn resistance were innumerable.

Japan, on the other hand, officially announced its surrender after two atomic bombs and Soviet troops, and its 3.7 million troops used for decisive battles on the mainland also surrendered without fighting, which avoided huge casualties.

During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million

Later, according to the estimates of the Americans, if the US army forcibly attacked the land, it could suffer nearly 1 million casualties, with the gap in firepower between the United States and Japan, if so, the Japanese casualties would definitely exceed 2 million, but the Japanese "timely" surrender made this tragedy impossible.

Finally, looking at China's Guannei Battlefield, according to the statistics of the Military Headquarters of the Chongqing Authorities at that time, the casualties of the National Revolutionary Army in the battle sequence exceeded 3.2 million, of which more than 1.32 million soldiers were killed, while the casualties of the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the Northeast Anti-Japanese League on the battlefield behind the enemy lines exceeded 580,000, of which more than 160,000 were sacrificed.

With the comprehensive strength and military strength gap between China and Japan at that time, the 1.33 million casualties of the Japanese army were already very high, and the most sacrificed was the innocent Chinese people of about 31 million, and this blood debt was owed by little Japan!

During World War II, Japan stretched the front line very long, why did they kill more than 2 million

References for this article: "The Complete History of World War II", "Japan in World War II", "The Complete Record of the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 1931-1945", "Baidu Encyclopedia Related Terms - World War II, History of the War of Resistance, Statistics of Japanese Casualties in World War II, etc."

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