
BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

Now the world's automobile industry is in the stage of transformation from traditional fuel vehicles to pure electric vehicles, during the transformation of traditional fuel vehicles into pure electric vehicles, there will definitely be a lot of excessive products, hybrid vehicles are the excessive products of the transformation of fuel vehicles to pure electric vehicles.

BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

Toyota's involvement in the field of hybridization is very early, and it has already launched hybrid models when other car companies are still painstakingly studying fuel vehicles. Toyota's hybrid vehicle sales and reputation in China are very high, like the dual-engine version of Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry and hybrid version of Lexus, have a good market, and the evaluation is relatively high.

BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

Hybrid vehicles are also known as new energy vehicles, but there is a very interesting phenomenon, Toyota's hybrid cars are not hung with green license plates that symbolize new energy, but blue license plates. The same is a hybrid, BYD Han DM-i can hang a green license plate, why toyota's oil-electric hybrid can not?

BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

BYD Han DM-i can hang new energy license plates because BYD Han DM-i is a plug-in hybrid model, which is equipped with an engine that is a 1.5-liter engine dedicated to plug-in hybrids, and the thermal efficiency can reach 43%.

Plug-in hybrid models have external charging ports that can charge the vehicle through an external power supply. And the battery pack is relatively large, in the case of no electricity in the vehicle, with the ability to drive pure electric for long distances. BYD DM-i's pure electric mileage is as short as 51 kilometers, and the longest can reach 120 kilometers, which is fully in line with China's definition of new energy vehicles, so BYD DM-i can hang green license plates.

BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

Toyota's HEV hybrid is actually a gasoline-electric hybrid system, Toyota's hybrid vehicles do not have external charging sockets, and the battery pack on the car is relatively small, there is no long-distance pure electric endurance capability. Although this model can save fuel, it does not meet China's regulations for new energy vehicles, so toyota's hybrid models are all hung with blue license plates.

BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

The pure electric mileage of toyota HEV hybrid system is very short, and it is not even 50 kilometers. The 50 kilometers is the dividing line between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles, as long as the pure electric mileage of this car can reach 51 kilometers, it can hang green license plates. The pure electric mileage is only 49 kilometers, the difference of 1 kilometer is not enough, and the car can only hang blue license plates.

At the beginning of the development, Toyota only used the electric motor as a substitute for the low efficiency of the internal combustion engine at low speed, hoping to alleviate the problem of low efficiency but high fuel consumption under the low load of the internal combustion engine. Therefore, the size of the electric motor on Toyota's hybrid model is relatively small, and there is no actual endurance.

BYD Han DMi hung a green card, why did lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple

But with this engine, Toyota's hybrid model does save fuel compared to traditional fuel models. Take the Lexus E300, the ordinary version of the model 100 km fuel consumption of about 7 liters, but the fuel consumption of the 100 km hybrid model is only about 5 liters.


Although Toyota launched a hybrid model, in fact, from the essence of the vehicle is still burning oil, so Toyota did not focus on creating new energy vehicles, it just wants to create a more fuel-efficient fuel vehicle. Toyota's HEV hybrid does not have long-distance pure electric endurance, so it does not have the qualifications of new energy vehicles, and can only hang blue license plates.

【The picture comes from the Internet, the infringing contact is deleted】

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