
Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

A legendary tomb appeared in Jinzhou, northeast China, where tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years, but kept a shou robe in the tomb, worth up to 2.4 billion yuan. So, who is the owner of the tomb? Why is this birthday jacket so valuable?

As we all know, in ancient China, there was a custom of thick burial, and people with high status would build mausoleums for themselves. Because people believe that after death, they don't really die, but go to another world. After their deaths, the funerary goods will follow them to that new world. But the poor are not the same as the rich, the poor can only do their best to put some valuable things in the tomb, and those who are high-ranking and noble will spend a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources to build the mausoleum.

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

For example, the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang can be described as the most luxurious existence among emperors. In the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, it is as small as birds and beasts made of gold, to the sun, moon, stars and rivers, lakes and seas. It was in the context of the prevalence of this thick burial custom that tomb robbers were born. These grave robbers are more like outlaws, who disregard the law only for the money in the tomb. It is precisely because of this that the state has to set up a bureau of cultural relics to protect ancient tombs and cultural relics that may be destroyed by tomb thieves.

Many people may think that the essence of archaeologists is almost the same as that of tomb robbers, all for the treasures in the tomb. In fact, there is a fundamental difference between a grave robber and an archaeologist. Not only because archaeologists do not have certificates, but also because tomb robbers are only for treasure, unscrupulous, and do not consider the question of whether the deceased rests in peace.

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

Archaeologists are different in that they do not actively excavate ancient tombs in order to protect ancient tombs and cultural relics. Unless tomb robbers are targeted or there is a conflict with public construction, they will excavate to protect the artifacts. And the treasures excavated by archaeologists are handed over to the country, so that everyone has the opportunity to appreciate the historical atmosphere of ancient times. Tomb robbers, on the other hand, took the treasures they got to the black market and sold them in exchange for money.

Looking back at history, we can know that the trend of tomb robbery was the most prevalent during the Han Dynasty in China. At that time, the emperor also set up a special department for the gold lieutenant, also for the treasures in the tomb. It is precisely because of this that most of the ancient tombs before the Han Dynasty have been cleaned up. Now we are going to talk about an ancient tomb located in the Jinzhou area of northeast China, which is also known as the most stolen tomb. As for where it is tragic, probably because this ancient tomb has been patronized by many waves of tomb robbers in the history of thousands of years, archaeologists have found that there is only one shou coat inside during excavations.

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

After the research of archaeologists, it was found that the owner of this ancient tomb was named Xiao Qi. Although this Xiao Qi is a woman, there are still many legends in her. Historically, Xiao Qi was a general of the Yang family and the empress dowager of the Liao State. When she was in power, she once had love in one hand, and she could sprinkle like rain on the battlefield, and she could be proud of the spring breeze in love. Looking back at the five thousand years of history of our country, there are very few women who can achieve a double harvest of love like her.

But no matter how dashing she is, she still can't withstand the feudalism of ancient people's thinking. For various reasons, this dashing empress dowager also had to get off the horse. It is no exaggeration to say that if Xiao Qi had overtaken the prejudice of the nation, then she would probably be another Wu Zetian. In ancient times, the empress and empress dowager were in power, but why did they say that she was different? Because in this kind of society, most women in power also struggle to go up because they have a dispute with their families. Unlike Xiao Qi, she can hold power with a joke.

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

Less than a hundred years after Xiao Qi's death, the Liao state was destroyed by the Jin people. The Jin people carried out a series of destructions against the Liao state, and Xiao Qi's mausoleum was not spared. Her tombstone was destroyed, and the gold and silver jewelry in the tomb was scraped clean. Soon after, the Jin Dynasty moved its capital to The Capital City. The thieves also heard the news and rushed to dig out the treasure of the Liao kingdom, but in the end the treasure was not found, which also caused Xiao Qi's mausoleum to be destroyed twice.

For thousands of years since, Xiao's mausoleum has been patronized by tomb robbers. Until the 1980s and 1990s, with the development of science and technology, a group of tomb robbers found treasures that the Jin people did not find at that time through instruments. But they also only thought of profit, so soon these treasures that were rediscovered flowed into the black market.

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

It was not until the 21st century that the Museum of Cultural Relics in Jinzhou sent archaeologists to the site. They first sent people to investigate in depth, and then when they dug, they pulled up the cordon. With the deepening of the excavation work, archaeologists only found one shou robe in the tomb, so they named it the golden filigree inlaid four phoenix pattern shou yi.

Archaeologists have devoted most of their energy to this artifact, and they have found that the production process of this shouyi is very complicated, and according to ancient tools, this shouyi will take at least a year to complete. And this birthday coat is made of 10,730 grams of gold and hundreds of precious stones, and its preciousness is not necessary to say more.

Rare ancient tombs were found in Jinzhou, northeast China, and tomb robbers patronized for a thousand years but left a shou robe worth 2.4 billion

However, as to why the tomb robbers did not steal this birthday coat, the reason for this is unknown. I only know that experts have said that this shou robe is more valuable than the shou robe of King Jing of Zhongshan, which means that the value of this shou yi is as high as 2.4 billion yuan.

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