
It's another year of wheat harvest

author:I was born to be useful

Do you remember that the wind blows wheat waves like waves. Do you remember the little follower of the father who did the best he could, and do you remember the joy of beating down the wheat grains and piling them into hills? Remember the rhythm of picking up the lights at night? Remember the sense of accomplishment of drying wheat in a warehouse? Remember the scene where the first pot of steamed buns was made with new wheat...

I remember when I was in the third and fourth grades in 1990, when I was 11 years old, my father took my brother who was three years older than me and went to work in the field. In particular, the wheat harvest is very deep, and it is still more annoying than the autumn harvest, because the wheat harvest season is very hot. There is also the wheat of wheat, the body of the wheat straw is very itchy, and it is very uncomfortable to mix with sweat!

What I remember vividly is that there were a few times when my father took me and my brother to cut wheat at night, and we had a family of five at that time with a total of 10 acres of land. Dad bought a special children's sickle. The kind with jagged teeth! At the age of 11, I couldn't actually do much work, but at that time, there were wheat fakes. The school is 10 days off to harvest wheat. I was dragged to work. I was sleepy at night when I was dry, and Dad built a hut with bundled wheat straw to put me in. I fell asleep, and my brother climbed in when he was sleepy. Dad went to bed very late. When you wake up in the morning, it's dark! Dad just called us up and went home for dinner! Then there was the fact that when the three of us cut the land in the "East of home" at night, we only remembered that there was dew at night, which was very wet. It's very hard to cut. There is no machinery, only cutting by hand, when we are busy, my aunt or uncle or my uncle's cousin and cousin come to help us cut!

The most profound thing is that one night it was just dark. It was the team's turn to thresh the threshing machine to our group. Each team has only one threshing machine. There can be no delay, my father and grandmother, my brother and I will work according to the whole labor. A threshing machine takes about 10 people! Three or four feeders, two feeders. Three out of the stack, three out of the wheat! People who need three or four households! We are four partners in the wheat field! Dad belonged to the ingredients, and I served wheat with my brother and grandmother. The wheat of the four houses dried from just dark until dawn the next morning! Grandma used a dustpan basin to pick up the grains of wheat. My brother and I quickly shuttled back and forth and fell to the designated place. It's also a great accomplishment when the grains are piled up into hills! I didn't eat when I went back in the morning, and I slept until three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Only then did he and his brother run to the river to take a bath. Lying on the shore, my brother cut the sunburned skin of the wheat on my spine!

The most rewarding thing is when it is dried and loaded. The beaten grains are left in the wheat field for a few days, and every day they have to go barefoot and turn them over. Hot feet are more comfortable than going to a massage parlor now. The most infuriating thing is to encounter even cloudy days. There are a few years when the wheat harvest encounters cloudy days. Cut the wheat and it will rain! I've been to the moldy wheat and the rainstorm to wash away! But that's how farmers live. Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty only feel the same body.

The development of the times, the progress of society. Now there is no going back. It's impossible to exert so much effort! The working people are the most beautiful and glorious! The most important thing is that we live in the moment and greet the rise of the sun every day with the most perfect posture!

It's another year of wheat harvest
It's another year of wheat harvest
It's another year of wheat harvest
It's another year of wheat harvest