
"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

author:Fish are superfluous
"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

In the countryside, there are many old sayings full of wisdom and experience, among which there is a sentence "If you don't build a house with three legs, you will be troubled and rich." This proverb may seem simple, but it contains a profound truth, but what exactly is a "three-legged" house?

For people, a house is not only a place to shelter from the wind and rain, but also the foundation for a family to live and work in peace and contentment and develop steadily. From ancient times to modern times, people have attached great importance to building houses, and they have paid a lot of attention to it.

"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

The so-called "three-legged" house does not mean that the house really looks like a three-legged object. Rather, it refers to the uneven and irregular situation of the foundation or structure of the house when it is built. For example, some houses are long and short, or high and low on one side, and this unbalanced structure resembles the shape of "three legs".

It was recorded in "Zhou Li: Examination of Work": "The craftsman camps the country, Fang Jiuli, and there are three gates next to it." Nine warps and nine latitudes in the country, nine tracks of warp painting, left ancestor and right society, facing the back city, the city is a husband. This fully illustrates the importance that the ancients attached to the regular layout of buildings.

There are many reasons why building a house without building a "three-legged" house. The main aspects are as follows:

"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

1. For security reasons

From a safety point of view, this unbalanced house structure can easily lead to uneven housing when stressed. When subjected to gravity, wind or seismic forces, the force cannot be evenly dispersed, and it is easy to put some parts of the house under excessive pressure, thus increasing the risk of collapse. For example, in some mountainous areas, due to terrain restrictions, some houses have uneven foundations, and soon after completion, in a rainstorm, some walls have cracks due to uneven stress, which has great potential safety hazards. Especially in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes and strong winds, such houses are more vulnerable to damage, posing a great threat to the lives and property of the occupants.

2. Affect the aura in feng shui

From the perspective of Feng Shui and aura, a "three-legged" house is believed to disturb the aura in the home. It is mentioned in the "Ten Books of Yang House": "The residence of people should be dominated by the earth, mountains and rivers, and its origin is the most powerful, and it is the most important to deal with people's fortunes and disasters." "Feng Shui believes that a balanced and harmonious environment helps to accumulate positive energy and good fortune, and an unbalanced house structure will break this harmony and affect the fortune and good fortune of the occupants. Although the theory of Feng Shui lacks scientific empirical evidence, it reflects people's psychological pursuit of a harmonious and stable living environment and their yearning for a better life to a certain extent.

"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

Third, there is a lack of practicality and aesthetics

From a practical and aesthetic point of view, a "three-legged" house can feel incongruous and uncomfortable. Last summer, I took my children to the mountains of Hunan. B&B, this family's house because of the low terrain on one side, resulting in the internal layout of the house is very awkward, the first feeling of entering the hall is not good, very depressing, and the space in the room is not fully utilized, and it feels very inconvenient to live for a night.

It's hard to imagine how psychologically depressed it is for a landlord to live in such an environment for a long time. Moreover, this kind of irregular house will also have many inconveniences in the use of space and layout, which affects the convenience and comfort of living.

The ancients summed up the saying "building a house without three legs, it is difficult to get rich and troublesome things", the purpose is to remind future generations to pay attention to the regularity and balance of the house when building a house, and not to ignore the quality and structure of the house in order to save trouble or save costs. After all, a stable, comfortable and beautiful house is an important guarantee for family happiness and career success.

"If you don't build a house with three legs, it's hard to get rich and troubled", what is a three-legged house?

In modern society, although there has been great progress in building technology and materials, the truth contained in this proverb still has a certain reference value. When we build a house, we should follow scientific design and construction specifications to ensure that the structure of the house is safe and functional, and create a warm and safe living environment for ourselves and our families.

What do you think of this proverb and the interpretation of the "three-legged" house? Welcome to discuss and exchange ideas.