
Black pepper essential oil that helps us accept our true selves

author:A bowl of treasure
Black pepper essential oil that helps us accept our true selves

Black pepper black pepper

Friends who like to eat steak, will not be unfamiliar with pepper.

Pepper is native to South India and has been cultivated for nearly a thousand years. As a long-established spice from the East, it is one of the earliest spices used by humans. It is a perennial woody vine with the character of a vine, with oval-like leaves, small white flowers, and fruit like beads with an aromatic odor. The berries turn from green to red, and the unripe berries are fermented and dried to become black pepper.

Black pepper essential oil that helps us accept our true selves

Pepper in history

Originally Arab merchants brought pepper into Europe through trade, and as early as the 5th century BC, the ancient Romans liked to add large quantities of pepper and other spices to food, and in Greece it was already used as an antidote.

Black pepper is widely known for its use as a spice and is a very good condiment for meat foods. It was used in India to treat cholera and malaria, and europeans have long used it as a diuretic to treat some diseases of the urinary system.

In medieval Europe, Roman legions brought the habit of eating pepper to Europe on the European continent, but pepper was not produced in Europe, and the price of a pepper was equivalent to a gold coin. Eating pepper became a custom of the upper class aristocrats, and more and more people ate it, and the price became higher and higher. Due to the avid pursuit of countless people, pepper was not only used to replace gold and silver, but even changed the dominance of some countries that controlled their trade routes. People will also use "pepper bag" to describe a fat rich man, and "he has no pepper" to express contempt for an insignificant person.

Pepper was used as a traded goods and also as physical currency. In 410 AD, Arakri and the Huns launched a new attack on the Roman Empire, and the city of Rome was in danger, and one of the agreements signed between the Romans and the Huns was 3,000 pounds of pepper.

It can be seen that at that time, the status of black pepper was really like a "big brother".

Black pepper essential oil that helps us accept our true selves

Black Pepper Small Archives

Common English name: Black Pepper

Latin scientific name: Piper nigrum L.

Other common names: Kurokawa

Plant family: Pepperaceae

Origin of raw materials: India

The English name Black Pepper is derived from the Ancient Hindi word pipali, also latin piper; it Chinese "hu" to indicate that it comes from the north or the west, while "pepper" refers to the fruit has a stimulating taste.

Because the aromatic molecules are in the outer skin, when the pepper fruit turns black, the aroma has been dispersed. The farmer needs to pick the fruit when it is red, dry it for one night to ferment the aroma, and then expose it for about a week to steam the water dry, and the skin tightens and turns black, which is the black pepper that can be sold.

The white pepper on the market is not another variety, but is made by removing the pulp and shell of the pepper, and the inner fruit is white and the aroma is softer. There are also green pepper, red pepper, etc., but also the picking time and processing methods are different, and there is no difference in the plant itself.

Black pepper essential oil that helps us accept our true selves

How much is known about essential oils

Black pepper essential oil is extracted from black pepper rather than white pepper, because black pepper is more aromatic and contains more essential oils. Black pepper essential oil has a very strong spicy taste, extracted by distillation, and the color ranges from colorless to light amber.

The intense and spicy scent of black pepper essential oil slowly seeps out a warm breath. There is a little more convergence in the spicy, a little more calm in the openness, more like a gentleman who is relaxed and relaxed, standing in the cold wind, gently brushing your wind-blown messy hair behind your ears, and then giving you a warm hug.

Essential oil efficacy

The warm and spicy nature of black pepper itself will slowly penetrate into the body to promote the function of the digestive system and help circulation. It has a stimulating effect, gives endurance when frustrated, and can be used to warm the atrium when feeling numb.

It's like eating a steaming meal on a cold winter night, and that sense of satisfaction and happiness makes people warm and have the strength to continue to move forward

Spiritual healing

The smell of black pepper oil helps us to orient ourselves, dissipate negative energies, and confront frustration and anger. The power of warmth makes people no longer indulge in a backwater life, even if the road ahead is unknown, we still face the wind and bravely move forward.

When you can't figure out your true inner thoughts and are very entangled, it is better to make incense in your room, the whole person can calm down, help you build a connection between the inside and outside of your emotions, find the inner answer, and no longer hesitate.

Physical healing

Black pepper, as the king of spices, can help the digestive system. It has the effect of stimulating the stomach and intestines, helping to improve gastrointestinal peristalsis, relieving gastric colic, improving appetite and relieving nausea. At the same time, it can stimulate the digestive system and increase appetite. It is often used in gastrointestinal discomfort, especially when the stomach is cold, nausea and diarrhea when the wind is cold.

Black pepper is good at promoting blood circulation properties and can also deal with soreness and tightness in the muscles.

Essential oil formula

Slimming: 2 drops of black pepper + 2 drops of cypress + 6 drops of grapefruit + 30ml of sweet almond oil

Application: Massage an appropriate amount into the abdominal area clockwise

Stomach chills / dyspepsia: 6 drops of black pepper + 10 drops of sweet orange + 10 drops of ginger + 30 ml of sweet almond oil

Application: Apply to the abdomen every morning and evening, and apply with hot compresses to the navel for 5-10 minutes.

Black pepper essential oil that helps us accept our true selves

In the Greek pharmacopoeia, black pepper is synonymous with bluntness and courage, and so is the quality of essential oils: it warms our body and mind, allows us to re-perceive our emotions, and rationalize our feelings.

The heat and boost of black pepper can help people break through the fence, rush out of a way of life, and let a pool of stagnant life reappear in a new opportunity. Black pepper essential oil represents courage to persevere, even though the road ahead is full of unknowns, facing the wind and moving on.