
The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

author:Floating alley old people talk about flowers

Autumn is the harvest season, there are many fruits and vegetables listed in autumn, in fact, autumn is not only the harvest season, but also the season of rapid growth of plants, the autumn temperature is appropriate, the autumn is high and refreshing, the plant spends the hot summer, when entering the autumn will restore activity, flowering plants begin to gestate flower buds, fruit stage plants absorb nutrients to make the fruit ripen rapidly;

The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

Now into the autumn has been a period of time, kumquat potted plants have also quietly changed, the fruit on the branches slowly turned from green to yellow, and so that the kumquat fruit completely turned yellow can be picked and eaten, kumquat is a fruit with high nutritional value, containing a variety of nutrients, especially vitamin C, dietary fiber and some trace elements, etc., kumquat fruit can be eaten together with the skin, the taste is crisp, but it is not recommended to eat too much at one time, generally about 5-6; want to family potted kumquat fruit moisture more sweet taste, The maintenance of this period is very important, now is the critical period of fruit from green to yellow, and it will take about December until the fruit is fully ripe;

The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

First of all, the light of the maintenance environment must be sufficient, the fruit tree plants have relatively high requirements for light, only in the case of sufficient light, kumquat can accumulate enough nutrients, so the outdoor maintenance of at least 6 hours of light per day to ensure that there is more than 6 hours of light, can better promote the photosynthesis of the plant, improve the quality of the kumquat fruit, can make the fruit larger, sweeter; on the contrary, if it is a long time to maintain in the place of insufficient light, not only the branches are easy to grow, flowering results will also be affected, Even if it bears a few fruits, it is difficult to mature and grow;

The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

The second point is nutrients, the fruit wants to be a little sweet, nutrients are essential, fertilization of fruit trees is exquisite, can not be indiscriminate fertilization, need to give different fertilizers according to different stages, now the main purpose is to expand and sweeten the fruit, so the fertilizer with high nitrogen content should not be given, you can use 1 organic fertilizer a month or so, directly sprinkled on the surface of the potting soil, or shallow burial, and then every half a month or so to give a phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate diluted according to 1000 times liquid with water, direct irrigation use, it is not recommended to spray, Will be sprayed to the peel, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in addition to promoting flowers, but also can improve the fruit set rate, so that the fruit is better expanded;

The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

The third point is the water, kumquat in the fruit hanging period watering is more exquisite, because more water less water will lead to root damage, the occurrence of fruit loss, autumn watering and summer and different, autumn kumquat potting water evaporation rate will become slower, so the frequency of watering should be reduced, generally such as the surface of the pot soil dried 3-4 cm and then watered, watering is thorough;

The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

Kumquat fruit will generally ripen in early winter, and then a little later to the Spring Festival before and after the maturity is also ripe, after ripening must be picked in time, to avoid unnecessary consumption of nutrients, after the fruit is all ripe to pick, you can change the pot of kumquat pots, this time to change the pot is the most appropriate time, after changing the pot into the spring can quickly resume growth, will not affect the flowering results of the kumquat potted plant, and replace the new pot soil to give enough bottom fertilizer, can make the growth of kumquat potted plants better and faster;

The fruit of the kumquat potted plant wants to be sweet and moist, and these three things are very important during the transition from green to yellow

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