
The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

"Looking at problems from the perspective of development", this theory in Marxist thought, which is used to describe the "financial securities" industry in which Mr. Ma is engaged, is most suitable. Practitioners of financial securities need to always pay attention to and follow the footsteps of the development of the world, the country and the society, and need to have a full "big picture view" vision, and at the same time, the requirements for knowledge coverage also need to reach the super high level of "knowing astronomy from above and geography from below".

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

Mr. Fang, who has worked hard in the financial securities industry for many years, has not only created countless values and benefits for enterprises and customers with years of practical accumulation, but also achieved his unique investment vision.

Car buying is investment: multiple choices come from value recognition

For financial investors, every item, every service, and every enterprise may become a financial product, and Mr. Fang is no exception.

As a BYD owner for many years, Mr. Fang has chosen BYD Automobile as a car three times, ANDI Surui is Mr. Fang's first car, and it is also optimistic about its super high cost performance; and the second BYD Qin, Mr. Fang said that he was attracted by the advantages of hybrid; and the most recent choice of BYD Han will actually be a financial investment product. As a senior securities investment practitioner, Mr. Fang has a very deep understanding of the automotive industry, and the repeated choice of BYD is a deep recognition of its brand value, which is also optimistic about the development prospects of China's new energy vehicles.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

As the first batch of owners of BYDHan EV, Mr. Fang has opened a new car last year, and while he is happy to mention the new car, he also has continued to pay attention to and support relevant investment information in the field of new energy vehicles. The new energy market in 2021 has indeed entered a rapid stage of development, and BYD, as the absolute leader in the field of new energy vehicles, has set a sales volume of nearly 100,000 units in a single month, living up to Mr. Fang's trust and support.

Indeed, ASD, as the most perfect enterprise in terms of new energy technology reserves and innovation, based on the first-mover advantage of the core technology of "battery, motor and electronic control", BYD has long mastered the core technology of new energy vehicles and realized the vertical integration of the whole industry chain and the full line of self-supply.

In recent years, the launch of ultra-safe blade batteries, ultra-fuel-saving DM-i super hybrid technology, the new pure electric platform e-platform 3.0 and other heavy technologies have not only shocked the industry, but also been recognized by the market. BYD's cutting-edge position in the field of new energy vehicles is beyond doubt.

In terms of product innovation, BYD has established a comprehensive and perfect product system of "large, medium, small" and "high, medium and low", and has achieved full coverage of entry-level national cars, quality requirements for consumption upgrades and luxury high-end markets, which can be described as a full bloom in the new energy market.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

Mr. Fang's choice of BYD Han EV stems from the recognition of the value of the product and the brand, and the value growth of BYD is also far from being inseparable from every loyal owner like Mr. Fang.

Wedding Car Adventure Story: The Charm of the National Style of "Dragon Culture"

Mr. Fang calls his BYDHan EV a "treasure car" because it brings him a series of "wedding car adventure" stories. Because the purchase is the top version of the Chinese red color BYD Han EV, the atmosphere of high-grade appearance, the festive atmosphere full of color matching, Mr. Fang's car has become the "royal wedding car" of friends around him.

For this kind of "happiness trouble", Mr. Fang is still very happy and willing to accept, after all, he was also deeply attracted by the Chinese style and charm of HanEV, and doing a wedding car can not only be touched with joy, but also recognized by friends for their own vision.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

In fact, as Mr. Fang said, revealing a strong Chinese style BYD Han EV, in the appearance is indeed irresistible, Han EV's "Long Yan" design language, integrated into many elements of traditional Chinese culture: Dragon Face front face, rich in connotation and beauty of the "Han" character, Dragon Crystal LED headlights, etc., very oriental charm of the tens of millions of design, not only elegant atmosphere, but also always exude the charm of Chinese national cultural confidence.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

The Chinese dragon, as a spiritual totem containing beautiful meanings, has always had a supreme position in the hearts of the Chinese people. And the Han EV with longyan set is naturally also a circle of countless fans, plus Mr. Fang's car is red, which can fully imply the festive and beautiful atmosphere, and the "royal wedding car" arrangement!

Investor perspective: The actual driving experience > brand premium

As the owner of the top version of Han EV, Mr. Fang's car landed more than 290,000 and nearly 300,000, so he was also understood by friends around him: "300,000 to buy a domestic car, or BYD?" For this stage, spending 300,000 yuan to buy a domestic car is indeed the "incredible" in the cognition of many people. Compared with the century-old history of German and American systems and the word-of-mouth legends of Japan, the car-making foundation of domestic brands is indeed relatively weak, but this does not mean that the strength is inferior to that of people.

In Mr. Fang's view, the actual driving experience of the vehicle is far greater than the brand premium of the product, and in his eyes, bydir Han EV is a value-added domestic "sports car" bought for 300,000 yuan.

As BYD's first flagship coupe model equipped with blade battery technology, BYD Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version is equipped with a dual permanent magnet synchronous motor with 163kW front axle + 200kW rear axle, and the acceleration of 100 kilometers takes only 3.9 seconds, and the performance strength is quite strong. For Mr. Fang, an old driver, the ultra-high-value performance of HanEV is exchanged for his road driving experience.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

Of course, Mr. Fang's evaluation of the driving of bydirHan EV is not a one-sided statement, but a true feeling after multi-party comparison. Although he is the current owner of the BYD Han EV, Mr. Fang has also driven the Tesla Model S for a period of time.

Tesla as another giant in the field of new energy vehicles, to Mr. Fang's driving experience is also good, but because the far Tesla Model S brake system is more direct, easy to bring discomfort to the occupants, and Mr. Fang has therefore received many times from friends of "motion sickness" feedback, compared to the soft and comfortable brakes of BYD Han EV, more able to take care of the comfortable experience of the occupants, Mr. Fang's friends no longer have to worry about "motion sickness".

With the ultimate smooth driving feeling, supercar-level acceleration performance, soft and comfortable braking experience, BYD Han EV has the highest driving "combat strength" in the field of new energy vehicles, and comprehensively meets the speed and passion of the old driver Mr. Fang.

Perhaps in the field of traditional fuel vehicles, the century-old legend of European and American car companies is difficult to break. However, on the same starting line of new energy, BYD leveraged the door panel with new technology, proving with strength that "real gold is not afraid of fire", and the so-called "brand premium" is just a false market bubble.

Ultimate cost performance: make travel more worry-free and save money

In addition to the difference in driving sense, Tesla and BYD gave Mr. Fang a different experience, which is also manifested in after-sales service. Mr. Fang said that he once opened a Tesla Model S, every time he does car maintenance needs to make an appointment for a long time in advance, he also needs to travel a long distance, personally to the pitiful service outlets, if you encounter replacement parts, you still need to wait for a few days to pick up the car again, it can be said that every time is a heart-wrenching service experience; and since changing on the BYD Han EV, just find a 4S shop to carry out maintenance and maintenance, waiting often will not exceed 2-3 hours, if you can not personally go to the store, You can also contact the door to pick up the car, which is convenient and worry-free for more than a little.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

Based on the work needs of the profession, Mr. Fang's daily needs often go out to negotiate business with customers, in the past, frequent use of cars will bring a large amount of fuel consumption, and each trip will be a variety of trade-offs to see which is more cost-effective, public transportation and self-driving. But since changing to Han EV, the vehicle's energy consumption costs have been so low that he is negligible, as long as the destination has parking conditions, then he will not hesitate to choose self-driving travel, not only worry-free but also save money.

Holidays as the peak period of travel, many people will feel deeply disgusted by the current situation of traffic jams in the service area, but Mr. Fang said that there is no pressure in this regard.

As a pure electric model, he does not need to face the pressure of the fuel vehicle parking area with a long queue and nowhere to park, and he can also choose a spacious and comfortable "electric vehicle special parking space" to park and recharge, if he encounters the need to rest, Han EV is safer and quieter than the fuel vehicle, and can also become his mobile rest space, lying on the car with his eyes closed, brushing vibrato, the ultimate relaxed comfort experience, it is really a lot of things.

For BYD, it makes the environment sustainable, makes the user travel safer and more comfortable, and makes the service more efficient and better... The original intention of the BYD brand has been perfectly interpreted by Mr. Fang's car experience for Han EV.

The editor has something to say:

Looking at the new energy model market for sale, BYD Han EV has an absolute "leader" temperament, and the three value benchmarks of "safety, performance and luxury" not only carry the banner of "China's luxury cars" and win the favor of consumers, but also prove that Mr. Fang's "spending 300,000 yuan to buy a new energy BYD" is a value-added choice.

The car purchase concept of the securities elite: buying BYD = forward-looking investment

In Mr. Fang's view, Chinese consumers' concept of domestic new energy has been quietly changing, and in order to personally practice the concept of new energy environmental protection advocated by the state, Mr. Fang also personally organized the car friends association, exerted collective strength to jointly support domestic cars, support new energy vehicles, and develop and grow together with China New Energy and BYD brands.

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