
How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

Today's Taiyuan City has become a highly developed modern city, and it is this seemingly uneventful ancient city that has experienced a protracted baptism of fire. The fiercest battle of Taiyuan in that year was the most tragic in history, and Yan Xishan used terrible bunker tactics to make Taiyuan a purgatory on earth. At that time, the General of the People's Liberation Army Xu Xiangqian was seriously wounded, but in order to win, even if he lay on a stretcher, he had to personally command the battle.

Why the Battle of Taiyuan was the most tragic in history

In the last century, our country has experienced many battles, and the tragic wars can be described as innumerable.

However, compared with countless large and small battles, I still feel that the Battle of Taiyuan was the most tragic.

In fact, to measure the severity of the war, in addition to the direct and clear casualty data of soldiers, I personally feel that the protracted time is also an important factor.

How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

The Battle of Taiyuan was a long time compared to many other wars, starting in July 1948 and ending in April 1949.

In less than a year, the casualties of the Platon Army were enormous, and even our army took the initiative to stop the offensive twice.

Although the PLA is not equipped with many troops in other countries, its iron will has always been the pride of the PLA. Therefore, in countless battles of all sizes, the People's Liberation Army has persevered even if it is difficult and bitter.

Therefore, in the Taiyuan Campaign, it is still very rare for the People's Liberation Army to take the initiative to stop the attack, which also shows from the side that the Taiyuan Campaign was really very tragic.

How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

As we all know, the discipline of the People's Liberation Army is very strict, and the People's Liberation Army has always cherished the people very much, and every time it encounters danger, it first protects the people and retreats.

In the Battle of Taiyuan, all the men, women and children of Taiyuan City were incorporated into the combat team, and these civilians who had no combat ability undoubtedly became cannon fodder and victims of the army.

In order to capture Taiyuan City and win the war, the People's Liberation Army also mobilized millions of migrant workers to support the front-line operations. Although many of these migrant workers are only responsible for logistics, the casualties are also very large.

The sacrifice of civilians has made the People's Liberation Army even more distressed, the purpose of their war is to let the people live a stable life, who knows but they have to pay the price of their lives, so the fierceness of the Battle of Taiyuan is the most tragic in history.

How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

Why was the Battle of Taiyuan so difficult? Yan Xishan bunkers are too difficult to conquer

Many people are very curious about why the Battle of Taiyuan was so difficult, and the People's Liberation Army was not so difficult to conquer a larger city than Taiyuan, mainly because Yan Xishan adopted the way of blockhouses.

Yan Xishan built tens of thousands of large and small bunkers inside and outside the city of Taiyuan, so the entire Taiyuan Campaign was actually a difficult bunker battle.

Everyone knows that the People's Liberation Army is best at fighting guerrilla warfare, and it is not good at this kind of bunker warfare, so it is reasonable that it will not be able to attack for a long time.

And even if the People's Liberation Army has worked hard to capture one or two bunkers, the Nationalist army will quickly launch a fierce counter-charge, and the soon lost bunkers will return to the hands of the Nationalists.

How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

In this way, the People's Liberation Army and the Nationalist Army have been repeatedly attacking the bunkers, so the war cannot be ended for a long time.

Many of the bunkers were in ruins under artillery fire, but some time later new ones appeared. In the end, it was really impossible to build a new bunker to resist the enemy, and the nationalist army piled up the corpses of the fallen soldiers as cover.

Obviously, the casualties of such a cyclical offensive battle are very huge, not only the People's Liberation Army suffered heavy losses, but also the Nationalist army sacrificed nearly 20,000 soldiers.

Later, according to relevant reliable data, the regular army casualties on both sides in the Taiyuan Campaign exceeded 60,000 people, and the number of civilians who died could not be counted.

How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

In fact, the most devastating thing is that the commanders on both sides have suffered great physical and mental injuries. At that time, it was Xu Xiangqian who was the commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army in the Taiyuan Campaign, and in the process of commanding the operation, Xu Xiangqian watched wave after wave of fighters fall, and finally his heart ached and caused the old disease.

Later, Xu Xiangqian was so tormented by illness that he could not stand, and could only lie on a stretcher to command the battle.

Although the nationalist army, led by Yan Xishan, guarded Taiyuan City like an iron barrel.

However, the mental torture endured by yan xishan of the nationalist army was not uncommon, because the suppression of the war Yan Xishan wanted to commit suicide several times.

Although Yan Xishan eventually controlled himself and did not lead to suicide, many of his relatives died in this war, even his favorite fifth sister was not spared.

How tragic was the Battle of Taiyuan? Yan Xishan used bunker tactics, and Xu Xiangqian lay on a stretcher to command

The Battle of Taiyuan lasted until later, and the houses in the city had been destroyed by the war, and the food of the residents was also depleted. Although the Nationalist army still held Taiyuan City, it also survived the artillery fire almost every day, experiencing both physical and mental torture.

Later, Yan Xishan finally could not bear the torture and fled by plane, and the burden of guarding Taiyuan City was handed over to his cronies.

Although our army did not have the opportunity to annihilate Yan Xishan, in the end it attacked all the way and conquered Taiyuan.


Author: Kai Dao

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