
Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

In the early morning of November 6, 1948, Taiyuan City, which had already snowed several times, looked pale, saying that it was pale not only because of the monotony of the snow color, but also because there was not a trace of cooking smoke inside and outside the city, and it looked like a dead city from a distance.

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

The camera shifts to the north of the city, more than a dozen soldiers dressed in yellow military uniforms and loaded with live ammunition laboriously open the deer, and a convoy of 5 American jeeps with canvas tents comes out of the city and speeds north along the road by the Fenhe River, reaching the Fenhe Bridge, turning left onto the bridge.

After crossing the Fenhe Bridge, the convoy turned southwest and sped towards the airport.

Since Wusu Airport had been occupied by the People's Liberation Army, Shanxi Wang Yan Xishan stepped up the construction of two new airports in Chengnan and Chengxi, the one called Qinxian Airport in Chengnan, which can be used for transport aircraft to take off and land, and the airport in Chengxi was built in Yuanyuangou, which is a temporary backup airport.

Today's Taiyuan, from the Fenhe Bridge to the village of Yuanganggou is connected by a ring highway, at that time it was a desert, jeep convoy in this barren area, but when it was about to reach the Airport of Yuangou, it suddenly stopped.

Four gendarmes jumped from the second and third jeeps, who held the doors on either side of the car, and out of the remaining three cars came several gendarmes and officers, and from the second and third cars they dragged out two men who had been tied up, one in his forties, dressed in the uniform of a national general without a rank, and the other about thirty years old, dressed in plain clothes.

Although plainclothes were tied up with flowers, they did not give in at all, and said strongly to the leading gendarmerie deputy battalion commander: "So what is the trouble, where to die is the same." The deputy battalion commander narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, you have hard bones." He waved his head at the gendarme next to him: "Pull over and shoot him." ”

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

Plainclothes listened: "What?" I'll go on my own. As he walked toward the field ahead with his legs, he said to his companions, "The enemy is about to poison his hands, remember that we died for the people." He was about to shout a slogan when he was gagged by the prepared gendarmes around him.

The deputy battalion commander of the gendarmerie smiled: "You can't just be cheap like this." The order was given to put the two back into the car. After the convoy started, it drove all the way to the Airport, and not long after, a transport plane slid up on the runway and a puff of smoke flew high into the air.

The two kidnapped men were dressed in general uniforms by Huang Qiaosong, commander of the 30th Army of the Kuomintang Army, and Jin Fu, chief of staff of the 8th Column Headquarters of the 1st Corps of the North China Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

First, an unexpected situation made the 1st Corps of the North China Military Region prepare to fight for the uprising of the 30th Army

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

In early October 1948, Xu Xiangqian, commander of the 1st Corps of the North China Military Region, Zhou Shidi, deputy commander, and Hu Yaobang, director of the Political Department, issued a political mobilization order to "break into Taiyuan and capture Yan Xishan alive."

At this time, the defense system of Taiyuan City was quite tight, and it was easy to enter Taiyuan.

At this moment, after eight years of the War of Resistance and the two-year War of Liberation, in addition to the three warlord armies, the warlord armies in other parts of the country have been centralized by Chiang Kai-shek, and these three uncentivized armies, one is the Majia Army in the northwest, one is the Gui Army of Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, and the third is the Jin Sui Army of Yan Xishan.

Yan Xishan was the elder of the Xinhai Revolution in Shanxi, and had ruled Shanxi for 36 years, and his rule over Shanxi was quite effective. Nationwide, Shanxi Province was at the forefront of education, economy, and military, which also made Yan Xishan's rule in Shanxi quite stable.

The stability of Yan Xishan's rule was embodied in both political and military aspects. Politically, Yan Xishan held an absolute leadership position in Shanxi, without any opposition. Militarily, Yan Xishan built the army into his private army with a local complex, as the saying goes, if he learns the five Taiwan dialects, he will carry the foreign knife, and the generals around him are all fellow villagers who are mainly from Wutai. Political and military stability made Taiyuan's defense very strong, and Yan Xishan's army was characterized by heavy defense.

After the surrender of Japan, Yan Xishan used 12 infantry companies of the Japanese army to build a defense system of Taiyuan, forming a three-line defense system of circular large depth defense system, in this system, the larger ones are the 4 large strongholds in the direction of Dongshan, namely Niutuozhai, Naoma, Xiaoyaotou and Shantou, with more than 100 core fortifications, and each position can withstand the bombardment of 10,000 shells.

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

The capture of Taiyuan City was the primary task that the 1st Corps of the North China Military Region had to accomplish, so although the defense of Taiyuan City was strong, Xu Xiangqian, commander of the Corps, knew that there were tigers in the mountains that were biased towards the Tiger Mountains.

For the terrain of Taiyuan, Yan Xishan has an image metaphor for oil poetry:

The situation in Taiyuan is like a human, Dongshan is like the head of Taiyuan, the hand is the north-south airport, the two feet are extended in the west of the Fenhe River, and Taiyuan is like an internal organ.

Dongshan is 4,5 kilometers away from Taiyuan City, with a length of about 8 kilometers, from here you can overlook Taiyuan City, and to take Taiyuan, you must first take Dongshan.

On October 16, Xu issued a general offensive order for Taiyuan and launched an attack on Dongshan with four columns of 7, 8, 13, and 15. Among them, the 72nd Regiment of the 8th Column 24th Brigade rushed and fought hard, conquered the positions of the Tiger Mountain, Fangjiashan Pillbox Group, and on the night of the 19th, surrounded a regiment stationed at Hanshan Mountain, the Eighth Regiment of Xueyi Struggle. When the 72nd Regiment was preparing to launch an attack on the "Eighth Regiment of Struggle", it received a letter of surrender and negotiation from the regiment.

The "Eighth Regiment of Struggle" was once captured by the whole regiment of the People's Liberation Army, and then released by education, and after returning to the Camp of Yan Xishan, it was named "Eighth Regiment of Snow Shame Struggle", but this regiment had long been scattered. The People's Liberation Army launched an offensive, and the regiment immediately surrendered.

In the face of the "Eighth Struggle Regiment" issued a letter of surrender, the 72nd Regiment Chief of Staff Pun Kechang, the reconnaissance staff officer Hu Zhaorui, and the enemy engineering officer Yang Qi entered the enemy camp to negotiate, and the "Struggle Eighth Regiment" gave up its position at 21:00 that night and retreated to the designated place of the Platon Army to assemble. The People's Liberation Army took over the Hanshan position without firing a single shot, creating favorable conditions for the subsequent capture of the Xiaoyaotou stronghold.

The surrender of the "Eight Regiments of Struggle" allowed Xu Xiangqian, Zhou Shidi and Hu Yaobang to see another way to liberate Taiyuan, that is, to win victory by disintegrating the internal forces of the enemy army. Xu Xiangqian, who was also a fellow wutai compatriot with Yan Xishan, also knew that Yan Xishan's concubine troops would be difficult to disintegrate, so he, Zhou Shidi, and Hu Yaobang set their sights on Huang Qiaosong, commander of the 30th Army of the Kuomintang Central Army.

Second, how did the 30th Army come to Taiyuan in the past and present lives

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

The 30th Army belonged to the Central Army series, but the root of this army was the 30th Army of Ji Hongchang of the Northwest Army.

When Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army was severely damaged in the Central Plains War and faced disintegration, Sun Lianzhong, commander-in-chief of the 8th Route Army, surrendered to Chiang Kai-shek, and after receiving Chiang Kai-shek's approval, he took over the remnants of the Northwest Army and established the 26th Route Army, which had two divisions, the 25th and 27th Divisions, of which the brigade commander of the 79th Brigade of the 27th Division was Huang Qiaosong.

Later, when the 26th Route Army encircled and suppressed the Central Red Army, there was an uprising in Ningdu under the leadership of Dong Zhentang, the brigade commander of the 73rd Brigade, who took most of the main force of the 26th Route Army, because most of the 27th Division had been crippled by the Red Army, so it did not participate in the Ningdu Uprising, so that Huang Qiaosong and the Red Army team were lost. Later, in order to expand the army, the commander-in-chief Sun Lianzhong annexed Ji Hongchang's 30th Army, Sun Lianzhong himself served as the commander of the 30th Army, and Huang Qiaosong became the commander of the 27th Division.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Qiaosong had close contacts with the Eighth Route Army, and he had good friendships with Zhu De, Peng Dehuai and He Long, especially with Zhu De, who was late to meet and hate, and his 27th Division accommodated many Communists, which was tabooed by the upper echelons of the Kuomintang, and was later transferred to the commander of the 143rd Division of the 68th Army. It was not until the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, under Chiang Kai-shek's new-style army reorganization, that Huang Qiaosong returned to the old unit, the 30th Army, but at this time the 30th Army had been reorganized into the 30th Division, and Huang Qiaosong served as the deputy commander of the division.

Huang Qiaosong was a brave general who participated in the famous Battle of Taierzhuang, and the large knife death squad composed of 7 companies and 8 companies of 3 battalions of the 158th Regiment under his command played a mighty role in the Northwest Army. At the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Qiaosong led his troops to garrison Nanyang, and in order to show his determination to resist the Japanese invasion of Nanyang, Laohekou and Xiangfan, he prepared a coffin with the inscription "Huangqiao Pine Coffin".

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Qiaosong became war-weary, and in order to avoid being involved in the disputes in the kuomintang-Communist civil war, he took a leave of absence to return to his old parents in Henan, but he could not help the division commander Lu Chongyi's frequent telegrams urging him to return in accordance with the duty of the soldiers obeying orders, and stationed with the entire 30th Division in Weinan, Shaanxi, under the command of Hu Zongnan. Soon the division commander Lu Chongyi was promoted to commander-in-chief of the group army, and Huang Qiaosong served as the commander of the reorganized 30th Division.

The times pushed Huang Qiaosong to the opposite side of the North China Military Region.

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

On July 15, 1948, the 1st Corps of the North China Military Region asked the Central Military Commission for instructions, and after the corps completed the Yuci Operation, it would go north to encircle Taiyuan and capture Taiyuan, and on the 16th, it received a reply from the Central Military Commission with its consent. At about the same time, Huang Qiaosong was ordered by Hu Zongnan to lead more than 10,000 people of the reorganized 30th Division to reinforce Taiyuan.

Shortly after Huang Qiaosong led the 30th Division to Taiyuan, the Nationalist Government held a military review meeting in Nanjing, and in view of the fact that the two-two system of the reorganized division in the previous stage was not suitable for the battlefield, the three-three system of the military level was restored, so the reorganized 30th Division was restored to the 30th Army, with Huang Qiaosong as the commander.

Yan Xishan was very happy about the arrival of Huang Qiaosong's central army, not only because Taiyuan City had added a 10,000-strong army, but also because the central army had the incomparable strong combat effectiveness of Yan Xishan's army. Yan Xishan took a high look at this unit and gave priority to providing materials and equipment, so Huang Qiaosong's 30th Army was treated higher than all of Yan Xishan's troops.

But there is no free lunch in the world, the treatment is high, the responsibility will naturally be heavy, and the 30th Army was arranged by Yan Xishan in the direction of dongcheng, which is the most strategic value, to guard the big and small Dongguan.

The 30th Army did not disappoint Yan Xishan, during the period from mid-September to early October, taking advantage of the rest of the PLA campaign, the 30th Army recaptured the strongholds such as style beams and large and small kilns from the PLA at the cost of 4,000 losses, which made Yan Xishan greatly happy, in order to boost the morale of the soldiers and civilians in the city, but also to further motivate the various armies, ordered the theaters in Taiyuan City to entertain the soldiers of the 30th Army for free for a day, and for officers above the middle and upper levels, even less to spend the day and drink.

Huang Qiaosong knew very well how his victory of sacrificing 4,000 people was, and he was also very clear about Yan Xishan's intentions. Seeing that the People's Liberation Army had already begun a strategic offensive throughout the country, especially the ability of the East China Field Army to attack Jinan, Huang Qiaosong's heart was greatly shaken. The Jinan garrison was the elite central army of the fierce general Wang Yaowu, and its combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of Yan Xishan's army, and the city of Jinan was still not safe, not to mention Taiyuan, which had become an isolated city in Shanxi.

Huang Qiao Song wrote it in a bitter mood

"Jinan bad news, the general trend is gone"

A few words. Taiyuan was captured by the People's Liberation Army sooner or later, he Huang Qiao Song was not a person of the Yan Xishan system, there was no need to accompany Yan Xishan to the funeral, not to mention that Yan Xishan himself would not coexist and die with Taiyuan, thinking about it, he knew very well that he was just cannon fodder for Yan Xishan.

Huang QiaoSong seemed to be at a loss, and when he was in distress, someone sent a letter, and he opened it to see that it was a letter from his old superior, Gao Shuxun.

III. What kind of contacts did Huang Qiaosong have with the People's Liberation Army?

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

When Huang Qiaosong was the brigade commander of the 79th Brigade of Sun Lianzhong's 26th Route Army, Gao Shuxun was his superior, the commander of the 27th Division, and later the 25th Division of the 26th Route Army launched the Ningdu Uprising, making the 26th Route Army an empty shelf, and the two were officially separated. After the victory of the War of Resistance, Gao Shuxun did not want to be a victim of the civil war, led the New 8th Army to revolt, and then served as the commander-in-chief of the Democratic Construction Army, belonging to the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army. At this time, Gao Shuxun was the deputy commander of the North China Military Region.

This relationship between Huang Qiaosong and Gao Shuxun was taken into account by Xu Xiangqian, commander of the 1st Corps.

The battlefield surrender of the "Eighth Regiment of Struggle" made Xu Xiangqian consider the possibility of internal disintegration of Yan Xishan's army, and he suddenly thought of the relationship between Huang Qiaosong and Gao Shuxun, so he specially invited Gao Shuxun to the Taiyuan front and let him do the work of Huang Qiaosong, hoping that Huang Qiaosong would hold a battlefield uprising.

Gao Shuxun wrote a letter to Huang Qiaosong, which passed into Huang Qiaosong's hands. Although Huang Qiaosong was not optimistic about the future of the Kuomintang, after all, he threw himself into the opposite side, and he struggled in his heart for a long time, and finally made the choice of uprising.

There are many reasons why Huang Qiaosong made a choice, but it is indispensable to the example of his former comrade-in-arms. Huang Qiaosong served as the commander of the Red Fifth Army after the uprising of Dong Zhentang Ningdu, a colleague of the 26th Route Army; Gao Shuxun, a direct superior, became the commander-in-chief of the Democratic Construction Army after the Handan Uprising; and Li Da, who came from the Ningdu Uprising of the 26th Route Army, became the chief of staff of Liu Deng's Zhongyuan Field Army.

On the evening of October 31, Huang Qiaosong sent his lieutenant colonel staff officer and spy team leader Wang Zhenyu and his attaché Wang Yujia to the position of the 8th Column and 24th Brigade of the People's Liberation Army in Xiaoyaotou for the first contact. The next evening, Wang Zhenyu was ordered by Huang Qiao song to come to the position of the 24th Brigade again, where he met Wang Xinting, commander of the 8th Column, and Zhang Zuliang, deputy commander, and the two sides reached a preliminary agreement of intent:

The 30th Army gave up the two gates in the northeast and led the People's Liberation Army into the city.

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

The two commanders of the 8th Column were ordered by Xu Xiangqian to fight the front station, and they did not have the right to make decisions in the face of such a major matter, and when they thought that Wang Zhenyu was indeed sincere, they took Wang Zhenyu to meet With Hu Yaobang, director of the Political Department of the Corps, who had come to the command post of the 24th Brigade to wait, and Gao Shuxun, deputy commander of the North China Military Region.

As soon as Wang Zhenyu, who was engaged in intelligence work, saw that Hu Yaobang and Gao Shuxun were the ones who really turned off the fire, he first took the second letter written by Gao Shuxun to Huang Qiaosong, and then expressed his determination to revolt and put forward the 4-point demand that Huang Qiaosong confessed:

1. After the uprising, Huang Qiaosong wanted to enter the shanxi provincial government of the new regime;

(2) Retain the organization and number of the 30th Army and shall not be abolished;

3. Logistically replenish the 30th Army and allow the 30th Army to be rested;

4. The 30th Army will not be transferred elsewhere for the time being.

Hu Yaobang agreed to all of the 4 demands put forward by Wang Zhenyu. Hu Yaobang also recognized Huang Qiaosong's sincerity from his exchanges with Wang Zhenyu, and he finally handed Wang Zhenyu a letter written by Xu Xiangqian to Huang Qiaosong. Wang Zhenyu took the letter and read it again, knowing that he had gained the full trust of the People's Liberation Army, and began to fully present the uprising plan:

Commander Huang decided to first leave a small number of troops on the front-line positions in the name of exchanging body consolidation, and arrange a corridor for your army to enter and exit chengguan. The original second-line troops moved near the Great East Gate, and the whole army gathered in the area of Xiangtang in the north of the city, preparing to control the big and small north gates and the big and small east gates at that time, to receive your army into the East Pass and the North Pass, and to cut off the periphery points of the Yan army. At the same time, the Thirtieth Army and your army entered the city side by side through the large and small north gates, and one occupied the northeast corner of the city to monitor the Yan army troops stationed there; After the main force took Xiaohe and Gulou as a stronghold, they surrounded the Sui Bureau of Yan Xishan, cut off the layout of Yan's city, and then used the method of military advice to order Yan to stop fighting, lay down their weapons, and peacefully liberate Taiyuan.

Huang Qiaosong wanted to make a contribution too much, but his plan was immediately seen by Hu Yaobang as not operational.

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

Hu Yaobang euphemistically told Wang Zhenyu that there was no need for Commander Huang to do so many things, only to leave a passage for the People's Liberation Army to enter and leave the city, and as for the military advice on Yan Xishan to force the surrender, this need depended on the combat situation, but in Yan Xishan's style, it was difficult to do this, so it was necessary to simplify the tasks of the 30th Army.

In the end, the two sides finalized that the task of the 30th Army was to leave a passage for the east gate of the large and small, and let the People's Liberation Army enter the city through this passage, and once the People's Liberation Army entered the city, the 30th Army should immediately withdraw from the city to receive the reorganization even if it completed its task.

After the key agreement was finalized, Wang Zhenyu demanded that he immediately return to Taiyuan to report to Huang Qiaosong, and he considered the convenience of communication and contact, and proposed that the People's Liberation Army send a liaison officer into the city together, and the 30th Army would ensure safety. Wang Zhenyu's request came a little suddenly, Hu Yaobang did not have this plan in advance, he immediately called Xu Xiangqian, and said on the phone that he would personally accompany Wang Zhenyu to a trip.

Hu Yaobang's request made Xu Xiangqian feel embarrassed, because at Hu Yaobang's corps level, going to the enemy camp must be approved by the Central Military Commission, and Xu Xiangqian wanted to settle this matter within the corps, so he asked Hu Yaobang to send another person of a lower rank to go over. After Hu Yaobang finished the phone call, he consulted with Wang Xinting, commander of the 8th Column, and asked Wang Xinting to dispatch a person with both political and military skills to the Huangqiaosong military camp as a representative in the 8th column. Wang Xinting sent Jin Fu, chief of staff of the 8th Column Headquarters, and Zhai Xuyou, a reconnaissance staff officer, to accompany Wang Zhenyu into the city.

The day after receiving the order, at dawn on November 3, JinFu and Zhai Xuyou changed into plain clothes and walked with Wang Zhenyu to the Huangqiaosong military camp, unaware that Huangqiaosong was already in prison at this time, and they were also walking on the road to self-casting nets.

How did Huang Qiao Song fail?

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

Huang Qiaosong was very anxious, and when his representative Wang Zhenyu had not yet returned and had not yet presented the division of labor between the People's Liberation Army and the 30th Army in front of him, he began to start an uprising. Huang Qiaosong gave the plan to the commander of the 27th Division, Dai Bingnan, who he trusted the most.

Dai Bingnan followed Huang Qiaosong for 16 years, and it was Huang Qiaosong who took him from the battalion commander all the way to the 27th Division of his old unit. In Huang Qiaosong's heart, Dai Bingnan was his most trusted confidant, but Huang Qiaosong ignored the point that Dai Bingnan's grandfather and father were both subordinates of Yan Xishan, and in terms of friendship, the relationship between Dai Bingnan and Yan Xishan was no less than that of Huang Qiaosong.

In the important and secretive matter of the 30th Army uprising, Huang Qiaosong's actions were too rash.

First of all, after Huang Qiaosong received a letter from Gao Shuxun and decided to revolt, he once probed Dai Bingnan's mouth. Huang Qiaosong said that the Kuomintang had lost in the northeast, that it was not good to lose Jinan, and xuzhou, so it was better to make plans earlier, and Dai Bingnan said four words lightly:

"The time has not come"

Such a dialogue has actually shown Dai Bingnan's different attitude, but Huang Qiaosong has not taken any measures against Dai Bingnan.

Second, on November 2, when Wang Zhenyu entered the PLA position for the second time to make liaison, Huang Qiaosong, Dai Bingnan, and Tong Xue, chief of staff of the 30th Army, went to the home of Guan Minquan, director of the Construction Department, for lunch. During the banquet, Guan Minquan was worried and asked Huang Qiaosong what to do when the People's Liberation Army came in. Huang Qiao Song said that you are still the director of the department when you come in, and Guan Minquan thinks that Huang Qiao Song is laughing, saying that he can't even keep his head, and what is the director of the department. Huang Qiaosong said something in his words: "I will protect you!" "To say something like this in a time of crisis that there is no silver in this place is undoubtedly a leak of secrets."

Third, after this lunch, knowing that Dai Bingnan had different opinions on the uprising, Huang Qiaosong still gave Dai Bingnan a complete plan for the uprising. Huang Qiaosong's plan to attack Yan Xishan was not feasible, and this moth-fighting plan frightened Dai Bingnan. Dai Bingnan believed that Yan Xishan's troops were strong and strong, and that a hard confrontation between the 30th Army and Yan Xishan's army would only lead to the destruction of the entire army, and asked Huang Qiaosong to seriously consider it again. Huang Qiaosong turned a deaf ear to Dai Bingnan's fears and forcibly ordered Dai Bingnan to return and order the subordinate regiments to act.

Dai Bingnan was very hesitant after receiving the task, and he went back to consult with the deputy division commander, Shu Dehou. He was the captain of the death squad at the Battle of Taierzhuang, and he also believed that the 30th Army had no chance of winning the battle against Yan Xishan's army, and the result must be the total annihilation of the army, rather than dying on the charge of rebellion, it was better to report Huang Qiaosong. Dai Binghou's statement did not make Dai Bing's decision to go south, and he consulted with the leader of his own cronies, and the regiment leader also believed that there was no chance of winning the battle against Yan Xishan, so Dai Bingnan made up his mind to betray Huang Qiaosong.

On the evening of November 2, while Wang Zhenyu and Hu Yaobang were negotiating, Dai Bingnan in Taiyuan Was also reporting to Yan Xishan on Huang Qiaosong's plans for an uprising. After listening to Dai Bingnan's report, Yan Xishan immediately arranged for the arrest of Huang Qiaosong, and he personally called Huang Qiaosong, asking Huang Qiaosong to go to the Appeasement Office for a meeting and send a car to the 30th Army Headquarters to greet him.

At this sensitive time, he was invited to a meeting, and it was Yan Xishan's car to pick it up, and if he had a little heart, he would think of leaking the news, but Huang Qiaosong did not think about this aspect at all, but was invited to go, and as soon as he arrived at the office, he was arrested. After Huang Qiaosong was captured, Yan Xishan immediately adjusted his deployment and deployed gendarmes on the position where Wang Zhenyu and Jin Fu returned, and when Wang Zhenyu and the three of them entered the position of Yan Xishan's army, they were arrested.

5. Follow-up and evaluation of the incident

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

Huang Qiao Song was of the central department, so Yan Xishan did not dare to deal with it privately, so he had to send Huang Qiao Song, Wang Zhenyu, Jin Fu and Zhai Xuyou to Nanjing. The Special Court of the Ministry of National Defense in Nanjing held two trials and sentenced Huang Qiaosong, Wang Zhenyu, and Jin Fu to death. Zhai Xuyou was sentenced to life imprisonment, but fortunately the whole country was liberated soon after, and he was able to live until after liberation.

After betraying Huang Qiaosong, Dai Bingnan took over as the commander of the 30th Army, and also received a reward of 30,000 yuan in cash from Yan Xishan, and when Taiyuan City was to be breached by the People's Liberation Army, Dai Bingnan asked his defender Li Shijie to spread the news that he had died in battle. After the liberation of Taiyuan, the public security bureau suddenly interrogated Li Shijie and obtained Dai Bingnan's hiding place, the No. 2 Courtyard of Yinyang Lane in Kaihua City, and finally the public security personnel captured Dai Bingnan, who had been hiding for nine days in a closet.

Another important figure who betrayed Huang Qiaosong, The Deputy Commander of the 27th Division, Shu Dehou, was also captured after the city was destroyed. After trial, the Special Court of the Taiyuan Military Control Commission sentenced Dai Bingnan to death and 10 years in prison. After his release from prison, he returned to his hometown of Jingyang County as a member of the sixth, seventh and eighth cppcc committees, and after the 1990s, he appeared in the major media as a hero of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression until his death in 2007 at the age of 97.

Xu Xiangqian planned the central army uprising, the plan was perfect but was mistaken by the commander, all because of his personality determined his fate

If the protagonist of this incident, Huang Qiaosong, can survive until liberation, the title of hero of both anti-Japanese and uprising will allow him to enjoy the fruits of new China, but unfortunately he died on the eve of the liberation of Taiyuan, and his suffering is lamentable. The failure of this uprising, in essence, was a weakness in Huang Qiaosong's character.

Huang Qiaosong's personality was impatient and rash, and his close subordinates and Hu Yaobang both saw that the 30th Army, which had only more than 5,000 men, was not enough to resist Yan Xishan's army, but Huang Qiaosong himself was anxious to make meritorious contributions to the uprising, so that he decided to act rashly, and did not wait for Wang Zhenyu to bring back the results of the negotiations with the People's Liberation Army, and acted hastily, which eventually led to failure.

Just think, if Huang Qiaosong waited for wang Zhenyu and the PLA to make an agreement to act again, and let his subordinates know that the 30th Army would only give way to the PLA to enter the city, rather than fighting Yan Xishan, the probability of success of this uprising would be greatly increased.

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