
A dry well was found in a small county town in Hunan, and tens of thousands of ancient books were unearthed, experts: to change the history of the Qin Dynasty

As we all know, the Qin Dynasty unified the world and established a unified feudal system for the first time, so Qin Shi Huang was also called the First Emperor of the Ages. However, since Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms to unify the world in 221, the Qin Dynasty only died twice, and after Xiang Yu entered Guanzhong, it was a fire that burned most of the documents of the Qin Dynasty, so that the number of historical documents of the Qin Dynasty that could be preserved was very small. One of the most famous is Yunmeng Qinjian, which unearthed a lot of Qin Dynasty documents, but in the ancient city of Liye, nearly 30,000 volumes of Qin Dynasty documents were unearthed.

A dry well was found in a small county town in Hunan, and tens of thousands of ancient books were unearthed, experts: to change the history of the Qin Dynasty

Speaking of the ancient city of Liye, most people may not be familiar with it, it is located in the hinterland of the Wuling Mountains in Hunan Province, is the junction of Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Chongqing four provinces and cities, Tujia language means "to open up this land". As early as 6,000 years ago, there were human beings here, with magical natural scenery, strange national customs and a long and mysterious history of the Qin Dynasty. It is precisely because the ancient city of Riye is located in the middle of the mountains, the traffic is very inconvenient, so there are very few people to enter, so the original appearance of the ancient culture here is well preserved. According to the records of Liye Qinjian, the ancient city of Liye was the seat of the county seat of Qianling County under the jurisdiction of Dongting County more than 2,000 years ago, and the Qin State implemented the county system at that time.

A dry well was found in a small county town in Hunan, and tens of thousands of ancient books were unearthed, experts: to change the history of the Qin Dynasty

Qianling County recorded more than 50,000 households in the 32nd year of Qin Shi Huang, with a population of more than 300,000. It should be known that at that time, the total number of people in the Qin Dynasty was 20 million, and a county in a district actually accounted for one-seven-thirtieth of the national population, which shows that Dongting County has a large number of people. The ancient city of Liye and Qinjian in Longshan are one of the "major archaeological discoveries of the 21st century", when the discovery of Liye Qinjian was known as "xi'an terracotta warriors in the north and Liye Qinjian in the south", which was quite famous for a while, and was rated as one of the top ten cultural heritages in Hunan. Built on the banks of the river, this ancient city is close to the unitary water, with walls, moats, house building ruins and drainage facilities, forming a complete ancient urban system.

A dry well was found in a small county town in Hunan, and tens of thousands of ancient books were unearthed, experts: to change the history of the Qin Dynasty

According to the building materials, pottery pieces, bronze weapons and traces of life excavated in the ancient city, this city should be a military fortress built by the Chu State, one of the Seven Heroes, in the Warring States period, in order to be used to expand the territory and resist the attack of the Qin. Since the Shang martingale reform of the Qin State, successive monarchs have all longed to expand their territory, and wars against the Chu State have emerged in an endless stream, the Qin army has entered the Youshui River Basin from the Wujiang River Basin, and the Chu army has been forced to move east, so this ancient city has been abandoned. In addition to this ancient city, which is not recorded in historical records, two ancient cities belonging to the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties have also been found, as well as many ancient tombs.

A dry well was found in a small county town in Hunan, and tens of thousands of ancient books were unearthed, experts: to change the history of the Qin Dynasty

In the archaeological excavations in 2002, nearly 30,000 pieces of bamboo and wood were unearthed from the ancient well of Liye No. 1, which is also known as the "first well in China", and even has some multiplication tips, hundreds of years earlier than the Three Kingdoms period JianMu excavated in Changsha in 1996. These bamboo briefs comprehensively reflect the political, economic and cultural exchanges and development process of the Chu, Ba, Qin and ethnic minorities of the Qin Dynasty, and solve many unsolved mysteries. The discovery of the ancient city of Liye became the most critical material for the study of Qin history. As a piece of Qin Jian is translated by archaeologists, a lot of the history of the Qin Dynasty will be rewritten, and the Qin Dynasty will reappear in front of us.

A dry well was found in a small county town in Hunan, and tens of thousands of ancient books were unearthed, experts: to change the history of the Qin Dynasty

So many cultural relics have been found in the local area, so it is natural to build a museum for people to visit, and the National Development and Reform Commission approved the establishment of the Liye Qinjian Museum in 2006. In addition to the collection of Qin Jian, the museum will also display local excavated cultural relics and folk culture, which was officially opened to the public in October 2010. Liye's archaeological discoveries are no less than the discovery of oracle bones in the Yin Ruins, and perhaps in the near future, the Qin Dynasty will resurface in front of us.

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