
Through the millennium, explore the five "black technologies" of the Qin Dynasty!

author:Interesting history

The official explanation of "black technology" is: under normal circumstances, the current technologies or products that cannot be realized or impossible to produce by human beings are collectively referred to as "black technology", and their standards are not in line with real-world common sense and the current level of science and technology. This is not about high-tech or futuristic technology in the traditional sense, but rather about the remarkable engineering and architectural achievements that were demonstrated in ancient China, especially during the Qin Dynasty. Although these achievements were based on the technical conditions of the time, they reached amazing heights in terms of scale, design, function, etc., and had a profound impact on later generations. Today, let's talk about the five "black technologies" created by our Great Qin Empire at that time more than 2,000 years ago.

1. The Great Wall of Qin:

Through the millennium, explore the five "black technologies" of the Qin Dynasty!

The Great Wall of Qin is not only a masterpiece of military defense engineering, but also a symbol of the wisdom and perseverance of the working people of ancient China. In the process of construction, it was necessary to overcome complex terrain, climate and other natural conditions, and demonstrated superb civil engineering technology and organizational skills. The construction of the Great Wall not only protected the stability of the Central Plains, but also had a profound impact on the construction of border defense in later generations.

2. Qindu Jiangyan:

Through the millennium, explore the five "black technologies" of the Qin Dynasty!

The Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project is the pinnacle of ancient Chinese water conservancy technology, which skillfully uses the topography and hydrological conditions to realize the functions of water diversion without dam and automatic sand separation and discharge, which greatly improves the irrigation efficiency and ensures the agricultural production and people's livelihood in the Chengdu Plain. The design concept and engineering technology of Dujiangyan are still praised by the world, and are known as the "originator of the world's water conservancy culture".

3. Qin Afang Palace:

Through the millennium, explore the five "black technologies" of the Qin Dynasty!

Although the palace was destroyed before it was fully completed, historical records and archaeological discoveries provide a glimpse of its magnificent scale and exquisite architectural skills. The construction of Afang Palace not only reflects the ambition of Qin Shi Huang, but also demonstrates the high level of ancient Chinese palace architecture. Its architectural layout, decorative arts, etc., reached the peak of its time.

4. Qin Zhidao "Emperor's Road":

Through the millennium, explore the five "black technologies" of the Qin Dynasty!

As an important transportation artery in ancient China, the construction technology and design concept of Qinzhidao reflect superb engineering wisdom. The road surface of the straight road is smooth and the width is moderate, which is convenient for the rapid mobilization of troops and the transportation of materials, which is of great significance for consolidating the unity of the Qin Dynasty and resisting foreign enemies. At the same time, the construction of the straight road has also promoted economic and cultural exchanges along the route.

5. Qin Chi Dao:

Through the millennium, explore the five "black technologies" of the Qin Dynasty!

Chidao is a state-level transportation network built by Qin Shi Huang to strengthen the centralization of power, which is centered on Xianyang and radiates all over the country. The construction of Chidao not only improved transportation conditions and promoted economic development, but also strengthened the central government's control over local areas. The width of the road, the material of the road surface and the facilities along the road all reflect the advanced level of transportation construction at that time.

These so-called "black technologies" are actually the crystallization of the wisdom and creativity of the working people of ancient China, which reached an unprecedented height under the technological conditions of the time and had a profound impact on later generations. These achievements are not only the treasures of ancient Chinese civilization, but also the common cultural heritage of all mankind.

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