
Volkswagen Diess said there is a need to promote broader cooperation/have a more far-reaching impact in China

A few days ago, Volkswagen Herbert Diess said in a social media post, "We need to promote broader cooperation in China and have a more far-reaching impact, not the other way around!" ”

Volkswagen Diess said there is a need to promote broader cooperation/have a more far-reaching impact in China

He also said that decoupling from China would do huge harm to either Germany or the EU. As a global company, we are committed to promoting the process of globalization and promoting the construction and interaction of a multilateral trading system. In the face of competition from the Chinese market, what we need to do is to keep up with the pace of innovation. The annual Global CEO Council Dialogue, organized by the Chinese government and communicating with CEOs around the world, provides us with a unique and valuable platform for communication, and highlights China's important leading role in current and future technological innovation.

Many facts are proving to us the growing importance of China: this year, the Chinese auto market as a whole grew slightly by 4.4%. Affected by the chip shortage, our market share declined slightly. But after optimizing the sales model, good results were still achieved.

The Chinese government will continue to promote employment and consumption through aggressive expansionary fiscal policies, with a particular focus on electric vehicles. In 2022, the development goal of the national new energy vehicle market scale is to double. We launched the ID.3, ID.4 and ID.6 models this year and have significantly raised our sales forecast for next year. At the same time, Audi Q4 e-tron and other models will also be released next year. 80% of our marketing investment will be spent on social media, and young Chinese audiences who love new car brands will find that Volkswagen's ID. models will interact closely with them through ID. city showrooms located in the city center and larger-scale social communications. This is a timely, correct and initially effective decision, and we are catching up!

At the same time, we need to combine the advantages of China's speed and local technology platform to maintain our global competitiveness under the new pattern of NEW AUTO! Therefore, we need the two governments to cooperate, engage in dialogue, strengthen international coordination and continuously enhance each other's economic and trade relations.

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