
40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

The movie "Wolf Warrior 2" must have been seen by everyone, and there are two plots in the play that have been greatly appreciated by netizens. The first scenario is that war broke out in Africa, and China sent a large number of troops to take those who were in danger Chinese back to safety, and to set foot on the ship back to China, you needed a passport to prove that you were a Chinese. In another episode, the male protagonist holds up the Chinese flag and stops attacking the rebels when they see it.

40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

Although the plots in film and television dramas are not all true, Chinese no one knows that no matter where in the world encounters danger, China can always bring people back to the motherland safely. For many Chinese, China is their backer abroad. However, more than 40,000 Chinese compatriots have declared that they want to return to China, but the government has repeatedly refused. Is this true? Why has the Chinese government unusually shut out its compatriots? How did it go?

First of all, this thing is real. These 40,000 compatriots live on the Border between China and Russia. As we all know, our country has always treated people with courtesy, but this does not mean that any of us can handle it. What others do to us, we will return it. So what did these 40,000 compatriots do to make China, who protects such a calf, intolerable? It all started in 1962.

40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

In 1962, at the beginning of the founding of New China, it was far from other countries in both economic and military terms, and the Soviet Union had a credit for China's military achievements. At that time, the Soviet Union was arguably the world's largest military power and the only country in the world that could compete with the United States. It was in the most important stage of China's development, when economic materials and other aspects were very tense, and more than 60,000 people dragged their families and resolutely went to the Soviet Union. Some netizens wondered that the future at the beginning of the founding of New China could be expected, so why did they still have to relocate their families to China? There are two main reasons.

The first was that China was in a difficult stage of development at that time, and the people wanted to solve the problem of food and clothing, let alone live the life they wanted. China's performance was really poor at that time, and those who did not have the foresight could certainly not see China's future in that situation. The second reason was that the Soviet Union threw an olive branch at Chinese and offered very tempting conditions. The Soviet Union was sparsely populated and required a large number of laborers. For the sake of labor, the Soviet Union assured the Chinese that the Soviet government would provide them with free milk and meat as long as they were relocated.

40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

Faced with this alluring condition, these people went to the Soviet Union with all their belongings because of their selfish desires. The large-scale relocation immediately attracted the attention of the border soldiers, and after a general understanding of the situation, they could only truthfully report to the central authorities. At first, the soldiers on the border tried to prevent them from leaving, but people still ignored the soldiers' obstruction. Soon after, they received orders from the central government not to stop their relocation, and the Chinese government respected the choice of every Chinese.

It is worth mentioning that these people, like vampires, did not spare anything in the house, and even the livestock were brought to the Soviet Union. The departure of 60,000 people with more than 200,000 livestock was a blow to China during the tense period. Because there is no decent means of transport, they can only reach their destination by walking for a few days and nights. The Soviet Union also kept its promise and did provide them with free milk and bread for some time after they arrived in the Soviet Union. Soon after, however, the Soviet Union stopped offering them free supplies, and the staff told them that if they wanted to eat, they would use labor to obtain them.

40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the bipolar pattern of the world came to an end. The Soviet Union was divided into many small states, and the former Soviet Union was long gone. Those who could have obtained food through labor now have nothing. At this time, China truly became the dragon of the East. China has a great deal of economic, political and military corrections, although it is still inferior to Europe and the United States in terms of strength, but its development speed is far beyond that of other countries in the world.

Nowadays, the situation of multipolarization in the world is gradually straightening out, and China has become one of the poles of multipolarization. It is one of the top five economies in the world, and even far surpasses the United States in some respects. This made the Chinese living in Russia impatient. Therefore, they used fluent Chinese to communicate with our people on the border between China and Russia, in order to prove that they were Chinese.

40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

They were the ones who chose to leave China without mercy, and now it is they who want to come back. Because they left too early, they didn't return their passports at that time, so they had nothing to prove that they were Chinese, and we had no reason to take them back.

As for the question of whether to let them return to China, there are still many unwanted voices on the Internet. Some people say that in the most difficult period of the motherland, they walked away without returning with their things and waited until the motherland was prosperous. Such people do not need to let them return home. It was also said that under the conditions of the time, it was difficult to resist the temptation of the Soviet Union, and it was not incomprehensible that they made such a decision.

40,000 Chinese rejected the Sino-Russian border and begged to return to China, can we accept it?

So, do you agree with these people to return to China? If you don't agree, type out the word "disagree" in the comments section and share it to let more people know about it.

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