
Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Winter in the SOVIET Union seemed much more interesting than it is now. In winter, there are always skaters to be seen. Then. Almost every region has one or even several large ice rinks.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Many children's favorite winter entertainment is snowball fights. One side builds a snow fortress, the other side attacks, and has a lot of fun.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

When children get out of school, they have snowball fights.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Village in winter, peaceful and beautiful.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Soldier of the Soviet Red Army skiing.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Winter in Moscow, skiing citizens.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Horse-drawn sleigh.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

In the New Year, it is the time of heavy snowfall, the citizens of Moscow carrying Christmas trees.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Children in the Soviet Union, from an early age, skied. There is no doubt that this is a young and confident skier.

Old photograph of a Soviet winter wrapped herself tightly in a Moscow beauty

Winter in the Soviet Union was so cold that the beautiful women of Moscow wrapped themselves tightly.

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