
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

Cover Xiangxi Comprehensive Editor

The image material comes from the cover of Xiangxi, Shi Xiaolan, Sha Gang and other materials

Video from: Shi Shengmei

The Huayuan Miao people began to rise from the old society in autumn,

Intermittently continues to this day,

After the 1990s,

Regardless of size, a lively autumn festival is held every year.

I remember that at that time, there were also shirts and commemorative emblems embroidered with the words Miao embroidered to catch autumn.

▲[Video] Thirty years ago, the Huayuan Miao people rushed to autumn

Recently, Xiaobian got a video from the Internet, which recorded the grand situation of the Huayuan Pai Bi Miao ethnic group in 1990 in French, looking at the characters in the video and the images of the autumn rush 31 years ago, it is really a lush year, time flies.

The picture is too real! Full of memories!

Reflects the "immortal youth".

31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

Catching the autumn festival, the Miao dialect is called "rushing to the autumn". Catching autumn means that every year on the day of autumn, when the Miao District meets, it is a cemetery (that is, "catching up"), and this cemetery is the autumn field of that year. The origin of catching autumn is that some say "catching autumn days" and some saying "catching up with the swing". Autumn is coming, the harvest is in sight, the harvest is celebrating, and there are clouds in ancient times. Only "catching the autumn field" has the most Miao characteristics and is very rich in the cultural connotation of the Miao people's festivals.

31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

Catch the autumn. Sand just photographed

31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

When the Miao people rush to catch the autumn festival, the Miao people must stop farming, wear festive costumes, invite friends and companions, as many as tens of thousands of people, happily flock to the autumn field from all directions, to participate in or watch various cultural and entertainment activities.

31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

In the autumn field, the vertebral cattle sacrifice prayer, solitaire dance, scarf dance, Miao Badeixiong, Badeza competed to display Miao stunts, people sang Miao songs, blew na, danced lions, played Miao flower drums, played monkey drums, Miao martial arts, Miao competition, knife ladder, swing eight people autumn, autumn field also Miao silver jewelry, Miao embroidery and other intangible cultural heritage projects, lively and abnormal.

31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

The Miao Autumn Festival is a festival for the Miao people to celebrate the harvest and a festival for young Miao men and women to socialize. It is mainly spread in Huayuan County, Fenghuang County, Jishou City, Baojing County, Guzhang County, Luxi County in Hunan Province, Songtao County in Guizhou Province, Xiushan County in Chongqing City, Youyang County, Laifeng County in Hubei Province and other Miao areas, and has formed a Miao cultural circle of about 2 million people to catch the Autumn Festival.

31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!
31 years ago, a precious image of the Huayuan Miao people catching autumn, the picture is too real!

In 2014, the Miao people rushed to the autumn as an extension of the "24 solar terms of the lunar calendar" and was selected into the list of representative projects of national intangible cultural heritage. On November 30, 2016, China's "Twenty-Four Solar Terms – Chinese A System of Time Knowledge and Its Practice Formed by Observing the Annual Movement of the Sun" submitted by China was inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(End of full text)

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Executive Producer/Wu Jun

Editor-in-Charge/Ma Shanrong

Editor/Li Aijia Huang Shasha Zhou Dengyou

Audit/Shang Xin Wang Xiangyuan

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