
How can Miaohua become a good helper for publicizing the concept of rule of law? This "peasant painter" did it!

"Why are the eyes of every character a painted fish?"

"Why does each painting have so many swirl-like circular patterns?"

"Because the Hmong depictions of fish represent the praise of endless life and generations of reproduction..."

"This is the Hmong paisley, which is a whirlpool mark left by the ancestors who trekked mountains and waters, experienced countless hardships and dangerous waves..."

When she met Hou Minghui, the head of the joint household, in the changzhai of Pingpo Village, Longli County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, she was concentrating on the creation of Miao paintings in her own home, and she patiently answered the reporter's questions one by one.

Pingpo Village, Longli County, Isima Town is a Miao village, the Miao people learned from paper-cutting, embroidery, batik and other techniques, explored the Miao painting, because of the bold and exaggerated imagination, brilliant colors and abstract painting style, in 1995, Pingpo Miao painting works were promoted to the outside world, known as "the Picasso of the East" and "the Matisse of the East".

Miaohua innovates and publicizes the concept of rule of law

Over the years, Hou Minghui has given full play to her painting expertise and led the rural masses to get rich through painting, and in 2021, she was elected by the masses as the co-head of Pingpo Village.

"All along, Hou Minghui is a helpful person, she is not good at words, but as long as there is a need for help, she will always take the initiative to help." Although everyone is doing some small things, everyone sees it in their eyes and remembers it. Speaking of Hou Minghui, Wang Mingshu, secretary of the party organization of Pingpo Village in Xiema Town, was full of praise.

Hou Minghui publicized the knowledge of laws and regulations by painting Miao paintings

In 2005, Pingpo Village was identified as the "Longli County Ethnic Culture Creation Base", and Miao painting moved from popularization to improvement. In order to improve the painting level of the local people, Pingpo Village often carries out Miao painting training, and Hou Minghui, who works as a farmer at home, cherishes every training opportunity, and conscientiously learns the skills of Miao painting composition, color and other skills taught by the teacher in class, and often practices until late at night when he returns home.

"On the road of Miao painting creation, many people have abandoned halfway, before I was a painter at home, people did not understand and did not support, thinking that I was better at home to paint every day than to go out to do farm work and work to earn money, but I always believed in the phrase 'kung fu pays off'." With the passage of time, Hou Minghui became a member of the painting army in Pingpo Village, and her level of painting became better and better, and gradually became recognized by everyone.

After becoming the head of the joint household, Hou Minghui continued to exert his skills and strengths, not only through the creation of Miao painting to increase his income and become rich, but also to turn Miao painting into a "good helper" for propaganda policies.

"Most of the middle-aged and elderly people in our village are illiterate, in order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control publicity, I painted the relevant policies of epidemic prevention and control into Miao paintings, and when I went to the household to publicize them, I took the pictures to explain to them, and they quickly understood the relevant policies and supported our work." Hou Minghui said.

Publicity works on epidemic prevention and control

Not only that, Hou Minghui also used Miaohua to publicize and publicize Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the core values of socialism, and important current political information in various periods, as well as important contents such as scientific common sense, health and epidemic prevention, emergency knowledge, and integrity education, so that the propaganda and propaganda could be grounded, so that the masses could understand, hear, and listen, and truly enter the mind.

Work together to build beautiful villages

Walking into Pingpo Village, you can see Miao paintings scattered at the beginning and end of Pingpo Village, such as cadres stationed in villages, developing production, rural style civilization, and national festivals.

The strong regional style makes the countryside more beautiful.

In recent years, in order to use Miao painting to spread new ideas for life, Longli County's Xianma Town has taken the practice of civilization in the new era as the starting point, carried out the Pingpo Miao painting "ring competition" in Pingpo Village, regularly "set up a competition", more brilliant than the Miao painting of which village, promoted the formation of an atmosphere in which the village and the village learned from each other to catch up, created a positive, healthy and harmonious nostalgic culture, boosted the cultural self-confidence of the villagers, and inherited a good civilized rural style.

On the occasion of the Pingpo Miao Painting Ring Competition, Hou Minghui immediately went to mobilize more than a dozen women with a foundation in Changzhai to paint wall paintings together.

"This is volunteer service, to contribute to the construction of the village, the beautiful village is to win glory for ourselves." And it can also attract more tourists, and everyone's paintings can be sold better, which is a lot of things in one fell swoop. After Hou Minghui's mobilization, everyone expressed their desire to join in painting wall paintings.

In the hot summer, more than a dozen women brainstormed and used their own paintbrushes to display vivid scenes such as poverty alleviation and rural revitalization on the wall of the village, which was fully reflected in the guidance of the party's good policies, the masses lived a happy life, and finally guided the masses to feel the gratitude of the party, listen to the party, and follow the party.

Pingpo Miao women discuss how to paint. Image source: Propaganda Department of Longli County Party Committee

"At that time, when we were tired of painting, we sang and danced, and Secretary Wang also brought us watermelons and drinks. Thanks to the government for letting us have a happy life today, so we also want to do our part to build our hometown. Hou Minghui said with a smile.

After becoming the head of the household, Hou Minghui gradually realized the importance of building his hometown. She began to learn to use short video carriers such as Douyin and Kuaishou to publish content such as record creation daily and wonderful moments of national festivals to publicize Pingpo farmer paintings, so that more people, especially young people, can appreciate the beauty of Pingpo Miao farmers' paintings.

"We want to let the Miao peasants draw paintings to attract more people to come to Pingpo Village to feel the original Pingpo Miao culture." This was the sentence that Hou Minghui said the most to the masses.

Every day, Hou Minghui will "go to the villages and villages" to see the health situation, organize everyone to maintain environmental hygiene together; talk about the shortness of parents, solve problems for the villagers; teach everyone to use vibrato, quick hands to shoot videos, publicize the Pingpo Miao culture...

The "leading goose" who led the masses to get rich

In 2021, after Hou Minghui became the head of the joint household, she gave full play to the advantages of the joint household chief, the local familiarity, and the familiarity of things, actively entered the household to contact and dock, grasped the difficulties and problems of the masses, and a 70-year-old man named Song Jifen in the joint household let Hou Minghui "worry about the stomach".

After the unexpected death of the only son in song jifen's old man's home a few years ago, leaving two old people and a young child to rely on each other for their lives, the two old people who experienced the pain of losing their son were not optimistic, there was almost no ability to work, and the family of three could only live on low security, and life was very difficult.

In fact, in 2020, Hou Minghui decided to help Song Jifen's family out of the predicament. After much deliberation, she felt that painting was suitable for the elderly and frail Song Jifen.

"Because of the traditional living customs of the Miao people, such as imitation linen weaving and batik embroidery, it should not be difficult for us to exchange our batik and embroidered baton knives, needles, threads, and cloth for pens, paints, and drawing paper." Hou Minghui came to Song Jifen's house and asked her for advice, asking her to learn to paint with herself and increase some income by selling paintings.

After the opinions were agreed, Hou Minghui immediately brought paper, pencil and paint to Song Mingfen's home to teach her painting, and from then on, Song Jifen became Hou Minghui's key teaching object. "I taught her the composition and color of painting, although she is the oldest, but she is very patient and careful, so she paints better and better, the price of selling is getting better and better, from the income of a few thousand yuan in the previous year to last year's income of ten thousand yuan, everything is getting better and better."

"She has been very patient to teach us, we will answer any questions, I am older will not buy things from the Internet, painting paper paint is what she bought for me, I can now sell paintings a year to have about 178,000 income." 」 Life is like sesame blossoms, and Song Jifen's face is full of bright smiles.

"She is in a very good mood every day now, and her physical condition is getting better and better, unlike before she was worried about every day and prone to illness, I am happy to see her like this." Hou Minghui also smiled and said that their simple smiles were touching.

In addition to Song Jifen, there are 14 other "students" who are also learning painting with Hou Minghui. "Since Hou Minghui was elected as the head of the joint household by the masses, she has given full play to her own strengths and brought 15 households of the joint household to paint Miao paintings with her, and each household has increased its income by more than 20,000 yuan per year." Wang Mingshu, secretary of the party organization in Pingpo Village, Xiema Town, said.

At present, the sales of Pingpo Miao peasant paintings are mainly through online shopping and tourist purchases, as well as through various exhibition activities and sales agencies to organize sales, the painter's paintings are sold for tens to hundreds of yuan per painting.

"Everything in the world is difficult", after several years of hard work and tempering, Hou Minghui has gone from being young to mature, from a peasant woman to a "peasant painter", and then to a qualified "joint household chief"; she has not forgotten her original intention, kept her mission firmly in mind, and worked hard to be a "propagandist" of new ideas and new trends, an "organizer" of hometown construction, and a "leading goose" who led the masses to get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Everyone chose me as the head of the joint household, which is not only an honor, but also a responsibility and responsibility, and I will continue to fulfill my duties as a joint account leader and lead everyone to a better life." Hou Minghui smiled and said what was in her heart.

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