
The "Filial Piety Project" entered Guangzhou, and the "Filial Piety Living in My Home" parent-child walking activity was launched

Recently, sponsored by the China Marriage and Family Research Association, the China Sports Association for the Elderly, and the Heart Series Activity Project Office, and co-organized by Kyoto Nian Ci Ling General Factory Co., Ltd., the "Filial Piety Lives in My Home" Guangzhou Filial Piety Project Parent-Child Walking Activity was held in Guangzhou Lingnan Impression Park. Nearly 100 groups of three generations of families gathered in Lingnan Impression Park, holding hands and walking the road of filial piety.

The "Filial Piety Project" entered Guangzhou, and the "Filial Piety Living in My Home" parent-child walking activity was launched

The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education, promulgated this year, regards the cultivation of virtue as the fundamental task of family education. For this reason, "the heart is concerned about the elderly. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the project in 2021, under the guidance of the National Family Education Guidelines, the "Filial Piety Project" project is aimed at the families of children aged 0-18 across the country, and promotes the cultivation of children's moral education and establishes a good family style and tutoring by holding children's filial piety painting collection, 21 days of filial piety punching, parent-child walking, and distributing "Filial Piety Lives in My Home" Children's Picture Book.

At the same time as the online activities such as children's filial piety painting collection and 21-day filial piety punch card were carried out, on December 18, the "Filial Piety Project" offline activity entered Guangzhou to carry out the "Filial Piety Lives in My Home" theme parent-child walking activity.

In order to let the children have a more visual understanding of "filial piety", the activity embodies the traditional virtues of "filial piety and love for the elderly" into each action, and through a series of parent-child interactive games such as "expression of love", "hug of love" and "loving kiss", so that children feel that filial piety needs to be expressed.

The "Filial Piety Project" entered Guangzhou, and the "Filial Piety Living in My Home" parent-child walking activity was launched

Talking about his feelings about participating in the activities, Chen from Tianfu Road Primary School in Guangzhou said: "It is very happy to participate in today's activities, usually my parents are busy with work, it is my grandparents who take me, it is very hard, I honor them well." Huang, a student at the Overseas Chinese Foreign Chinese School in Guangzhou, also shared his experience of the activity: "I want to learn to do my own things and help my mother share the housework." Ms. Zhang, who participated in the activity, said that filial piety comes first, and filial piety is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Through parent-child activities, it is conducive to enhancing children's awareness of "filial piety first". In life, we must cultivate children's grateful heart, a porridge and a meal should be hard-won, and always respect the elderly and love relatives with a grateful heart.

The "Filial Piety Project" entered Guangzhou, and the "Filial Piety Living in My Home" parent-child walking activity was launched
The "Filial Piety Project" entered Guangzhou, and the "Filial Piety Living in My Home" parent-child walking activity was launched

In addition, according to reports, the China Marriage and Family Research Association, founded in 1981, is under the supervision of the All-China Women's Federation, and the China Sports Association for the Elderly is a unit member of the All-China Sports Federation. The "Filial Piety Project for the Elderly" was jointly carried out by the China Marriage and Family Research Association, the China Sports Association for the Elderly and other units in 2011, and the traditional culture of filial piety and respect for the elderly was widely promoted in the whole society through the distribution of educational materials, the holding of health care classes, and the launch of "Youth with Sunset" college volunteer activities. In the past ten years, Kyoto Nian Ci Ling General Factory Co., Ltd. has been actively participating in supporting the "Heart for the Elderly Filial Piety Project" project, boosting the "filial piety" culture into thousands of households.

[Reporter] Li Jie

【Author】 Li Jie

Southern Charity+