
6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

Today's winter solstice, have you eaten dumplings?

As the temperature drops, the dumpling army has fully entered: winter solstice eating, small New Year eating, Chinese New Year's Eve eating, breaking five eating; Christmas Eve, Valentine's Day are also popular dumplings.

The birth of dumplings is indeed a warm story that takes place in winter.

Legend has it that when the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing told the old man to return to Henan, he saw that the people were trapped in typhoid fever and was heartbroken, so he boiled the mutton and medicinal herbs together, cooked it, fished it out and chopped it, wrapped it in dough skin, and gave it to the people begging for medicine to eat. The people called it "cold and ear soup", and accordingly cured the wind and cold.

Today we don't need dumplings to keep warm, but eating dumplings is still the standard ritual for many people to welcome winter. Let's take a look at it today, how is the nutrition of dumplings? What should I pay attention to when eating dumplings when losing weight and controlling sugar?

There are many types of dumplings: dumplings, shrimp dumplings, Japanese fried dumplings, etc., with different shapes and sizes, and the fillings are also various. Do the calories of different dumplings vary greatly?

I did a small-scale survey. It was found that most of the quick-frozen dumplings, each weighing about 15 to 20g, the calories were about 30 to 40kcal / piece, and the vegetarian filling and meat filling were not much different.

Some are large, one has 35 to 45g, such as fried dumplings with thin skin and large filling, and the calories are correspondingly higher. Eat a few less, don't bother too much.

Let's take a look at the dumplings eaten in the shop.

We previously covered an article published in the British Medical Journal, which found:

● The weight of a meal of dumplings is basically around 350g. Roughly counted the number of dumplings on the picture, and estimated that the weight of each dumpling was between 20-30g.

●The calories are 500~550kcal/plate, which is not much different; the heat density of dumplings with different fillings is not much different, between 1.45-1.68 kcal/g.

Specific filling, the text did not mention, look at the picture like there are cabbage pork, leek egg filling.

6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings
6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings
6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings
6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings
6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

Swipe left and right to see the calories of the 5 types of dumplings

Compared to other takeaway meals in the study, the calorie density of dumplings and the total calories of a meal are between noodles and rice bowls, which is at a medium-low level.

In general, the calories of a dumpling are about 100-150kcal higher than a portion of noodles.

6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

▲The calorie density of restaurant food. The red circle at the bottom is basically noodles, and the 4 foods inside the triangle are dumplings. Source: Reference 1

These 5 plates of dumplings are all boiled dumplings, and if they are fried dumplings, the calorie density should be higher.

6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

In different food cultures, dumplings have different "dumpling colors": some people eat as a staple food, some people eat as a dish, for many office workers, a plate of dumplings is a meal.

Although there are meat and vegetables and staple foods, it looks very nutritious, but it is not as healthy as you think:

1. The fat supply ratio of dumplings is a little high

When mixing dumpling filling, it is generally necessary to add extra oil, as do shrimp dumplings and vegetarian dumplings; if it is meat filling, it is usually selected with fat and lean meat, and the fat content will be higher.

If dumplings are eaten as a staple food, the fat content of dumplings is higher than that of rice.

6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

If you eat a meal without adding other side dishes, the fat content of the meat stuffed dumplings is also high, and the vegetables are often not enough; the protein of vegetarian dumplings is low.

2. A little less vegetables

Many dumplings are sold with "thin skin filling and more meat", and vegetables only play a role in embellishment and seasoning, and the amount is very small. Wrap your own dumplings, you can put more vegetables.

How many vegetables will there be in "more"? To give you a reference. For example, dumplings wrapped according to this recipe:

Fresh meat dumplings with cabbage

Dumpling filling: 400g cabbage, 250g of cabbage, 200g of lean meat, a number of seasonings.

Dumpling skin: 500g of flour, 240g of water.

About 80 dumplings are wrapped

Counting down, there are an average of 8g of vegetables per dumpling. If you eat 15 dumplings in one meal, it is 120g of vegetables.

The outer leaves of Chinese cabbage can reach 150g in one piece. The vegetables eaten in a meal of more than a dozen dumplings are obviously less than those of a plate of fried vegetables.

Of course, the lack of vegetables is also a common problem in external food, not only the problem of dumplings.

3. A bit more salt

The sodium content of quick-frozen dumplings is about 400mg/100g, or even higher. That is to say, 5 or 6 dumplings have 1 gram of salt, and if you eat no more than 5g of salt a day, you may eat 3g of a meal of dumplings.

6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

In view of the above 3 problems, it is good to make some adjustments:

1. Don't just eat dumplings for a meal

Pair with some vegetables and other low-fat proteins.

Diabetics, people with weight loss needs, try to choose steaming, cooking and other cooking methods, such as mixing spinach, oil wheat vegetables, patting cucumbers.

This not only controls the calories, increases the dietary fiber, is conducive to the stability of blood sugar after the meal, but also increases the intake of vitamins and minerals, and contributes to the balanced intake of nutrients.

When making dumplings, the vegetables are chopped very finely, and the role of dietary fiber in delaying the rise of blood sugar will be affected to a certain extent. The vegetable juice is squeezed out, and there is a certain loss of nutrition.

According to the research of Chinese scholars, the GI of dumplings (three fresh) is 28, which belongs to low GI foods.

But this does not mean that all dumplings are low-GI foods, and diabetics can eat dumplings with confidence.

If the dumpling filling is not properly adjusted, the vegetable and protein content is low, which will cause the carbohydrate to be relatively high, and the proportion of nutrients is unreasonable, which may cause the phenomenon of blood sugar rise after the meal. If you don't pay attention to controlling the quantity, it will be worse.

2. Pay attention to the amount

As a southerner, when I first ate dumplings in the north, the matter of ordering food made me difficult, and I never knew before that dumplings were to be ordered according to "two".

The canteen aunt said that in general, girls eat 2 pairs, boys eat 4 pairs, one or two = 6 dumplings.

Later, I learned that the "one or two" of "one or two dumplings" refers to one or two flours, which is a conventional algorithm, that is, 50g of flour rolled out 6 dumpling skins, which is not necessarily the case.

Eating two or two dumplings in a meal, plus some side dishes, is basically the same for girls; boys' daily energy needs are greater than those of girls, but eating four or two may be a little too much for many male students.

If you eat it every New Year's Festival, and there is a table of big fish and meat, then you should pay more attention to your heart.

3. Don't dip too much

Soy sauce, chili sauce, vinegar... These spices are actually salty. Add vinegar and soy sauce, chili sauce, salty and salty.

It is best to just dip some vinegar.

4. Less oil in the filling

Make your own dumplings at home and try to choose lean meat; you can also choose chicken, shrimp and other low-fat and low-saturated meat.

When buying frozen dumplings, you can look at the nutrition label. Personal experience is that the fat NRV% > 15% of the dumplings, which belong to more fat, don't eat too much.

Try to choose boiled dumplings, steamed dumplings, fried dumplings and occasionally eat them.


[1] Roberts, Susan B et al. “Measured energy content of frequently purchased restaurant meals: multi-country cross sectional study.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 363 k4864. 12 Dec. 2018, doi:10.1136/bmj.k4864

Wei Wei. Ten suspected cases of hyperglycemia caused by dumplings[J]. Physician Online, 2018, 8(24):1.

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6 dumplings a bowl of rice? How high the calories are in the dumplings

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