
In the history of the dynasty, the royal heir group was huge, but only the Qing Dynasty had the most stringent education for the crown prince

China has experienced many dynasties in history, and the royal heirs are also a huge group, but the education level of the princes for each dynasty and generation is also different, and the Qing Dynasty is the most stringent in the education of the princes. The prince of the Qing Dynasty began to go to school at the age of 6 and had to get up at three or five o'clock in the morning to read in the morning. Moreover, the emperor will also check his homework at any time, and the days of the princes are very hard.

The Qing Dynasty's education of the crown prince was so strict, mainly to ensure the ability of the heir to the throne and avoid the transfer of the throne to people who were incapable. The princes learned Confucianism and were able to strengthen their rule, while the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were mostly people who loved to learn, which had a certain impact on the education of the princes.

In the history of the dynasty, the royal heir group was huge, but only the Qing Dynasty had the most stringent education for the crown prince

Guarantee the emperor's ability

First of all, the reason why the Qing Dynasty attached so much importance to the education of the princes was also to improve the political thinking ability of the princes and prevent the incompetent emperor from misleading the country. Historical records record that the Qing Dynasty had a mature and rigorous learning system for the education of the princes. First of all, the princes began to study at the age of six.

Secondly, the prince must deeply read the Confucian classics, and riding archery is also a compulsory course, and the scope of learning is relatively wide. In addition, the princes studied for a very long time, and in addition to the teachers assigning homework and inspections, the emperor would also conduct random inspections from time to time. Qing Dynasty historical records record that ordinary people do not have to get up early every day to study, but the princes must do so every day. The Qing Dynasty paid so much attention to the education of the princes, mainly to cultivate the ability of the princes, so as to avoid the occurrence of those with low ability inheriting the throne and mistaking the country.

Throughout the history of the Qing Dynasty in the past few hundred years, there have indeed been many excellent emperors, such as Kangxi and Yongzheng, who are rare emperors throughout the ages. Of course, there are also mediocre emperors such as Jiaqing and Daoguang, but fortunately, there is no strange appearance like Jiajing. Under such strict education, most of the princes scrupulously abide by their duties and there is no deviance. Therefore, although the Qing Dynasty's strict education of the princes could not fully guarantee the upper limit of the princes, it could at least control the lower limit. Moreover, the emperors of the Qing Dynasty will also abide by the rules and regulations, and will not usurp the rituals left by their ancestors, which is the fruit of the success of the Qing Dynasty's strict education, and it is also a place of failure.

In the history of the dynasty, the royal heir group was huge, but only the Qing Dynasty had the most stringent education for the crown prince

Study the Confucian classics

Secondly, the Qing Dynasty attached so much importance to the education of the crown prince, in fact, in order to cultivate cultural advantages and make it easier to achieve rule. The imperial family of the Qing Dynasty was a Manchu, who broke into Shanhaiguan and entered the Central Plains to establish the Qing Dynasty, but it was inferior to the Central Plains Dynasty in terms of ceremonial culture. Moreover, Kangxi also said that the Culture of the Central Plains was far superior to that of the Manchus. The Qing princes studied confucian classics, such as the Four Books and Five Classics and various rituals. The Kangxi Emperor also personally led the princes to discuss and study with the Great Confucians, and praised the Princes for being able to read Confucian classics even if they did not have great knowledge.

According to the analysis of historical materials, the Qing Dynasty attached so much importance to the education of the princes, and a large part of the purpose was to learn Confucian classics and feel the culture of the Central Plains. In the early days of the Qing Dynasty, they were ridiculed and slandered by scholars because they did not understand the culture of the Central Plains. After passing through the study, on the one hand, they can confront the scholars and doctors culturally and suppress the arrogance of the scholars. On the other hand, allowing the princes to learn Confucianism can also play some guiding role and facilitate rule. Therefore, the Qing princes' study of Confucianism can suppress the scholars and doctors and play a role in leading the cultural trend of the whole country, and the Qing princes have also done it.

In the history of the dynasty, the royal heir group was huge, but only the Qing Dynasty had the most stringent education for the crown prince

The patriarchal ethos is to love to learn

In addition, most of the Qing Dynasty emperors loved to learn, and a kind of atmosphere was formed, and the previous emperors of the Qing Dynasty also played a leading role. Kangxi once said that he studied and read books more than a hundred times in order to be able to understand the meaning and truth of the book. Kangxi was known for his love of reading, and even read books to the point of vomiting. This love of learning also spread to Yongzheng, who also approved the chapter by hand and would not hand it over to the minister or others. The Qianlong Emperor also loved to read and write poetry, continuing the atmosphere of loving learning.

Several emperors in the early days of the Qing Dynasty loved learning so much that they also created a learning atmosphere for future generations. They love to learn so much, and naturally they are also very attentive to the education of the prince, and slowly grope out a perfect education system, and then the emperor will educate according to the system. Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong all loved to learn and made a good start. Not only in terms of cultural learning, the Qing Dynasty also paid great attention to the cultivation of the fighting power of the princes, and riding and shooting was a compulsory course for the children of the Eight Banners. Therefore, starting from several emperors in the early days of the founding of the dynasty, a culture of love for learning and diligence was created, and at the same time, the education system of the princes was gradually improved, so that the princes lived in an atmosphere of learning.

In the history of the dynasty, the royal heir group was huge, but only the Qing Dynasty had the most stringent education for the crown prince

To sum up, the Qing Dynasty attached so much importance to the education of the princes, which also had an objective need. The princes studied Confucianism and integrated into the culture of the Central Plains, while suppressing scholars. Cultivate the abilities of the princes to avoid the appearance of incompetent emperors who have misled the country. Moreover, several emperors in the early Qing Dynasty played a good leading role in creating a learning atmosphere for future generations. The princes received a rigorous education, which not only enhanced their abilities, but also dominated their minds. But this education system also has drawbacks, after all, it greatly suppresses the personality of the princes.

In the history of the dynasty, the royal heir group was huge, but only the Qing Dynasty had the most stringent education for the crown prince

The same is true for us, education is very important to become strong. Of course, educating children should also pay attention to scientific ways and methods, too strict will also suppress the child's personality, playing the opposite role. With the progress of the times, our education methods should also be constantly changing.

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