
The general soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not know how to read, and the wife of the official had the final say, so if she was disobedient, she was allowed to kneel, and the official became bigger and bigger


In the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty, there was such a peculiar chief soldier. He was excellent in martial arts, but he couldn't read a word. What is even more surprising is that his wife is not only literate and judgmental, but also controls all official duties. If the chief soldier did not obey his wife's instructions, he would have to put on his uniform and kneel down to admit his mistake. However, despite this, his official position has become bigger and bigger, and his achievements and reputation are extremely outstanding. What the hell is going on? Why can an illiterate military general rise to prominence in officialdom? Who is his wife, who is sacred, who can influence the court officials so much? What's even more puzzling is why such a couple can be like a fish in water in the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty and repeatedly appreciated by the emperor? Let's unravel this mystery and uncover the legend of this strange couple.

Hao Tengjiao was born in a martial arts family in Dengzhou Mansion, Shandong. His father was a well-known local martial artist, but his family was not wealthy. Since childhood, Hao Tengjiao has shown amazing martial arts talent. He is infinitely powerful, can easily pull the iron tire bow, and his arrows are accurate, and he never misses. In addition to bows and arrows, his fist and foot kung fu is also a must, and he often wins local martial arts competitions.

Despite his excellent martial arts, Hao Tengjiao was plagued by his illiteracy

At that time, even military generals needed a certain level of cultural literacy. Hao Tengjiao's father had tried to teach him to read and write, but he seemed to have no interest in writing and only focused on martial arts. As a result, he remained unmarried at the age of twenty-five, as many feared that his illiteracy status would affect his future career.

When Hao Tengjiao was twenty-six years old, the imperial court issued an edict on the martial arts examination. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Hao Tengjiao. Despite the fact that his family was poor, he had no mounts, and he could not afford to hire an entourage, but he decided to go to the capital to take the exam.

On the eve of departure, Hao Tengjiao's parents prepared a simple outfit for him. They packed his baggage with dry food, bows and arrows, and halberds, and gave him a raincoat. Before leaving, his parents earnestly told him to be cautious in his words and deeds, and not to cause trouble easily. What they are most worried about is Hao Tengjiao's impatient and impulsive character.

In order to make her son remember the teachings, Hao Tengjiao's mother did a surprising thing. She asked Hao Tengjiao to take off his shirt and tattooed a proverb on his arm: If you can be loyal, you will be famous, and if you can endure, you will be angry. Be diligent and serve the king. Don't be sorry, tired. Cinnabar is then applied to carve the words deep into the skin. Although this approach is somewhat extreme, it also reflects the deep expectations that parents have for their sons.

With the entrustment and blessing of his parents, Hao Tengjiao embarked on a long journey to Beijing to take the exam. Along the way, he walked forward and slept in the open. While passing through Texas, I encountered a sudden rainstorm. To escape the rain, he took refuge in a dilapidated temple.

It was in this ruined temple that Hao Tengjiao met a figure who had a major impact on his future life - a young woman named Honghong. This woman was originally a poor person who was abducted and trafficked by traffickers, and was later taken in as a concubine by a showman. But he escaped because he couldn't bear the abuse of the main room, and happened to meet Hao Tengjiao in the temple.

After hearing what happened to Honghong, Hao Tengjiao decided to escort her home

This decision showed his impatient and righteous character, and also laid the groundwork for his future life. In the process of escorting Honghong home, Hao Tengjiao showed extraordinary courage and a sense of justice, he was not afraid of power, bravely fought against the wicked woman, and sought justice for Honghong.

This incident caused quite a stir in the local area, and also won Hao Tengjiao a lot of praise. Many people began to change their opinion of him, believing that although he was illiterate, he had a chivalrous heart.

After all these twists and turns, Hao Tengjiao finally arrived in the capital and participated in the martial arts examination. During the exam, his martial arts were highly recognized by the examiners. Although it was a little difficult in the written test, with his excellent martial arts performance, Hao Tengjiao still successfully passed the exam and obtained the qualification of martial arts.

This examination experience not only opened the door to Hao Tengjiao's career, but also made him realize the importance of reading and literacy. Although it was difficult for him to change, this lesson deeply influenced his future career as an official and his educational philosophy.

The general soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not know how to read, and the wife of the official had the final say, so if she was disobedient, she was allowed to kneel, and the official became bigger and bigger

At the same time that Hao Tengjiao went to Beijing to participate in the martial arts examination, the Luo family in Jinan Prefecture, Shandong Province was also experiencing a turmoil. Luo Qingyun, the lady of the Luo family, has been smart since she was a child, not only proficient in poetry and songs, but also good at arithmetic and astrology. What's even more amazing is that she also has the ability to remember, as long as she reads the text once, she can memorize it backwards.

However, such a talented woman was difficult to find a good relationship in the society at that time. Many men feared her intellect and thought that marrying such a woman would be a loss of face. Luo Qingyun's father, a retired local magistrate, is very worried about his daughter's marriage.

In the spring of the year when Luo Qingyun turned twenty, a fortune teller came to the city of Jinan. This fortune teller's name is Zhang Yuanfang, and he claims that he has obtained a heavenly opportunity and can calculate marriage for people. With the mentality of giving it a try, Master Luo asked Zhang Yuanfang to calculate a hexagram for his daughter.

Zhang Yuanfang pinched his fingers and looked surprised. He said to Master Luo: "Ling Yan is the fate of the phoenix, and she will marry a military general in the future." Although this person is not proficient in literature and ink, he is excellent in martial arts, and he will definitely rise to prominence in the future, and he will be a very good minister. Master Luo was skeptical after hearing this, but he still kept these words in his heart.

Coincidentally, at this time, the list of new science and technology martial artists was transmitted to Jinan

Master Luo learned that there was a martial artist named Hao Tengjiao, who was said to be strong in martial arts, but he was illiterate. This couldn't help but remind him of Zhang Yuanfang's prophecy.

Master Luo secretly heard that Hao Tengjiao was about to pass through Jinan, so he set up a plan. He set up a banquet in a temple outside the city, under the pretext of treating the new imperial examiners. When Hao Tengjiao passed by, he was invited by the temple to enter.

During the banquet, Master Luo pretended to be drunk and began to talk about how his daughter was both talented and beautiful. Although Hao Tengjiao is not good at words, he listens to it with relish. Seeing that the time was ripe, Master Luo proposed to let Hao Tengjiao meet with his daughter.

The next day, according to her father's arrangement, Luo Qingyun came to the inn where Hao Tengjiao was temporarily staying. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation. Luo Qingyun was impressed by Hao Tengjiao's bravery and integrity, and Hao Tengjiao was impressed by Luo Qingyun's intelligence.

However, things are not all smooth sailing. When Hao Tengjiao proposed to Master Luo, some members of the Luo family strongly objected. They believe that an illiterate martial artist is not worthy of the talented daughter of the Luo family. For a while, there was a dispute within the Luo family.

At this moment, news suddenly came from the imperial court that there was a rebellion on the northwest border, and military generals were urgently needed to suppress it. Hao Tengjiao received the order and must leave immediately. Before leaving, he expressed his heart to Luo Qingyun, hoping to get her waiting.

Luo Qingyun secretly made a decision. She begged her father to let her go with the army in the name of caring for the wounded. Although Master Luo was worried about his daughter's safety, he also understood that this was a good opportunity to test Hao Tengjiao, so he agreed.

On the battlefield on the northwest border, Hao Tengjiao relied on his outstanding martial arts and command skills to make many achievements. Luo Qingyun, on the other hand, used her talents in the barracks to assist in handling military affairs and taking care of the wounded. Her talent was soon appreciated by the generals.

Once, Hao Tengjiao was seriously injured in battle, and it was Luo Qingyun who took care of him day and night to turn the corner for safety. During the period of recuperation, the relationship between the two deepened. Hao Tengjiao also gradually realized that Luo Qingyun's intelligence was not only not a burden, but a great help to himself.

After the war was settled, Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun returned to Jinan together. At this time, the attitude of the Luo family towards Hao Tengjiao also changed greatly. They saw Hao Tengjiao's talent and future, and also witnessed the sincere feelings between the two.

The general soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not know how to read, and the wife of the official had the final say, so if she was disobedient, she was allowed to kneel, and the official became bigger and bigger

In the end, with the blessing of everyone, Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun held a grand wedding. After marriage, Luo Qingyun was not only Hao Tengjiao's virtuous helper, but also became his military advisor and think tank. The two worked together and laid a solid foundation for their future careers.

After Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun got married, their lives were not smooth sailing

As a military general, Hao Tengjiao was stationed on the frontier all year round and fought on the battlefield. Luo Qingyun, on the other hand, stayed at home to manage household chores, and also paid attention to the trends of the imperial court and local government affairs.

In a border conflict, Hao Tengjiao successfully repelled the invading enemy with his outstanding military talent. This battle attracted the attention of the imperial court, and the emperor issued an order to reward Hao Tengjiao and promote him to the rank of chief soldier. However, this good news brought a lot of trouble to Hao Tengjiao.

As the chief soldier, Hao Tengjiao not only has to be responsible for military affairs, but also needs to deal with a lot of paperwork. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an illiterate person. Hao Tengjiao was in a dilemma.

At this moment, Luo Qingyun made a bold suggestion. She decided to take care of all the paperwork in her husband's place, while Hao Tengjiao focused on military strategy and training soldiers. This arrangement may seem risky, but under the circumstances, it was the best option.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Luo Qingyun began to carefully study Hao Tengjiao's handwriting and diction habits. She spent a lot of time practicing imitating her husband's handwriting until she could confuse it as if it were true. At the same time, she also learned military terminology and administrative knowledge to ensure that she was competent for the role.

At first, the arrangement worked fairly well. Hao Tengjiao's performance in the military is getting better and better, while Luo Qingyun is behind the scenes handling all the paperwork. Her intelligence and insight made Hao Tengjiao's official documents and reports always outstanding, which aroused the appreciation of the imperial court.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, a minister sent by the imperial court suddenly visited the military camp and asked Hao Tengjiao to deal with an urgent document on the spot. This put Hao Tengjiao in an embarrassing situation. At this moment, Luo Qingyun had an idea, she asked her husband to pretend to be unwell, and she stayed in the account in the name of taking care of her husband, but in fact she secretly completed the paperwork.

This thrilling experience made the couple realize that there was a huge risk in their arrangement. In order to avoid falling into a similar predicament again, Luo Qingyun came up with a new way. She began to teach Hao Tengjiao to read and write, and although progress was slow, it was better than not being literate at all.

At the same time, Luo Qingyun also created a unique symbolic system, using simple graphics to represent complex military terms and administrative terms. In this way, even if Hao Tengjiao is not fully literate, he can roughly understand the content of the document and respond when necessary.

Although this approach solves the immediate need, there are still hidden dangers in the long run. In order to solve this problem once and for all, Luo Qingyun began to implement a literacy campaign in the military camp. In the name of Hao Tengjiao, she set up a school in the army to encourage soldiers to learn cultural knowledge. This not only improved the overall quality of the army, but also created a learning environment for Hao Tengjiao.

Under Luo Qingyun's careful teaching, Hao Tengjiao's cultural level gradually improved. Although he is still unable to handle complex paperwork on his own, he has been able to cope with ordinary occasions. More importantly, this process made Hao Tengjiao deeply aware of the importance of cultural knowledge, and he began to pay more attention to the education and training of his subordinates.

With the passage of time, this unique management model of Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun has gradually improved

Hao Tengjiao's military talents were fully utilized, while Luo Qingyun provided intellectual support for her husband behind the scenes. This cooperation model has made Hao Tengjiao's power continue to expand and his influence is increasing.

However, as Hao Tengjiao's status has improved, so have the challenges they face. Some people in the court began to have doubts about Hao Tengjiao's ability, and some ministers even secretly investigated his background. In order to cope with these challenges, Luo Qingyun had to be more cautious, and she began to study political strategies and learn how to maneuver in court.

The general soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not know how to read, and the wife of the official had the final say, so if she was disobedient, she was allowed to kneel, and the official became bigger and bigger

In this process, the relationship between Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun has also undergone subtle changes. Although Hao Tengjiao is still a majestic general soldier in front of outsiders, in private, he relies more and more on his wife's opinion. Luo Qingyun actually became the decision-maker of this family, and even gave his own advice on some important military decisions.

In this case, it is inevitable that some contradictions and conflicts will arise. Sometimes, Hao Tengjiao would feel unhappy because of frustrated self-esteem, and even had an argument with Luo Qingyun. But after each argument, they realize how important each other is, and the relationship grows stronger.

Hao Tengjiao, with the assistance of Luo Qingyun, has become increasingly prominent in his military exploits and his prestige has spread far and wide. However, as their power grew, they gradually became a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of some people in the court. These people began to secretly plot to weaken Hao Tengjiao's power.

It was at this time that a fierce political struggle broke out within the imperial court. The princelings, who originally supported Hao Tengjiao, engaged in a fierce struggle with the opposition headed by the first minister. Although Hao Tengjiao is on the frontier, he is inevitably involved in this turmoil.

One day, Hao Tengjiao received a secret letter from the capital. The letter claimed that the crown prince was about to be deposed, and the imperial court would send troops to encircle and suppress Hao Tengjiao, and persuade him to raise troops as soon as possible to protect himself. This letter seems to be from an old friend of Hao Tengjiao in the capital, and the handwriting and penmanship are the same as in the past.

Hao Tengjiao took the letter to Luo Qingyun and looked at it. After Luo Qingyun studied it carefully, she had doubts about the authenticity of the letter. She thought that this was likely to be the enemy's discord and advised Hao Tengjiao not to act rashly. However, Hao Tengjiao insisted that the letter was true and decided to take immediate action.

This is the first time that Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun have not adopted his wife's advice since they got married. He summoned his confidants and announced the decision to raise troops. Despite Luo Qingyun's repeated dissuasion, Hao Tengjiao still insisted on his opinion.

On the eve of Hao Tengjiao's preparation for the army, a messenger with a quick whip arrived at the barracks. The messenger brought with him a letter from the crown prince, which made it clear that the imperial court had no plans to depose the prince or encircle Hao Tengjiao, and that everything was a rumor spread by someone.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, and Hao Tengjiao realized that he had almost made a big mistake. However, the news of the rebellion had spread, and the opposition in the court immediately used this as an excuse to impeach Hao Tengjiao for attempting rebellion.

The situation was critical, and Hao Tengjiao had to make a difficult decision

In order to protect himself and his soldiers, he decided to pretend to raise an army, and then quickly pleaded guilty to the court to obtain forgiveness. Although Luo Qingyun did not agree with this plan, under the circumstances at that time, he could not find a better way.

Hao Tengjiao led his army to the capital, but he was not stopped by the imperial army along the way. This abnormal situation made Luo Qingyun feel more and more uneasy. She persuaded Hao Tengjiao to stop moving forward again, but Hao Tengjiao couldn't care about so much.

Just when Hao Tengjiao's army was less than 100 miles away from the capital, a huge imperial army suddenly appeared and surrounded them. It turned out that the imperial court had already learned the news of Hao Tengjiao's army, and deliberately let him go deep in order to catch them all.

At this critical moment, Luo Qingyun stepped forward, and she asked Hao Tengjiao to let her come forward to negotiate with the imperial army. Although Hao Tengjiao was reluctant to let his wife take risks, he also knew that this might be the only way out.

Luo Qingyun came to the front of the imperial army and explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail. She admitted that Hao Tengjiao did have the idea of raising troops, but stressed that this was completely misled. She asked the imperial army to give Hao Tengjiao a chance to make meritorious service for his crimes, and atone for his sins with the credit of pacifying the frontier.

The general soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not know how to read, and the wife of the official had the final say, so if she was disobedient, she was allowed to kneel, and the official became bigger and bigger

After listening to Luo Qingyun's statement, the commander of the imperial army fell into deep thought. He sent someone to report this to the capital, waiting for the emperor's will. In the long wait, the armies of both sides were tense and on the verge of breaking out.

Three days later, the Emperor's will finally arrived. Surprisingly, the emperor not only did not severely punish Hao Tengjiao, but gave him a chance to atone for his crimes. The emperor ordered Hao Tengjiao to immediately lead an army to the west to quell the rebellion in Xinjiang. If he can succeed, he will not only be not guilty of the past, but will also be promoted to a knighthood.

This result was a relief to everyone. However, Hao Tengjiao knew that this expedition to the west would not be easy. Xinjiang has a complex terrain, harsh climate, and a strong rebel army. This is undoubtedly a very dangerous task.

Despite this, Hao Tengjiao had no choice but to accept this difficult task. Before leaving, he privately thanked Luo Qingyun for his resourcefulness and admitted that his previous decision was wrong. Luo Qingyun said that no matter what kind of difficulties she faces, she will continue to support her husband.

In this way, Hao Tengjiao led the army to embark on the road of the westward expedition

Along the way, they will face harsh natural conditions, powerful enemies, and political opponents in the court who are still eyeing them. However, with this lesson, Hao Tengjiao became more cautious and paid more attention to Luo Qingyun's advice. Together as husband and wife, they worked together to overcome the difficulties and were fully prepared for the difficult journey ahead.

Hao Tengjiao led the army to the west and embarked on a difficult road to counterinsurgency. The complex terrain and harsh climate in Xinjiang, coupled with the strong rebel forces, made it undoubtedly a difficult battle.

During the march, Hao Tengjiao gave full play to his military talents. He adopted the strategy of dividing his troops and advancing in advance, taking advantage of the terrain and attacking from multiple directions, making it difficult for the rebels to deal with. At the same time, he also sent scouts deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence and prepare for the next battle.

Although Luo Qingyun did not go out with the army, she continued to convey to her husband the movements of the court and the reactions of various forces through secret letters. She also helped Hao Tengjiao analyze the enemy situation and put forward many valuable suggestions. Although this kind of remote cooperation is difficult, it greatly enhances Hao Tengjiao's decision-making ability.

While crossing the Gobi Desert, Hao Tengjiao's army encountered a sudden sandstorm. As a result, many soldiers were separated, and their food and grass also suffered heavy losses. In the face of this dilemma, Hao Tengjiao has shown outstanding leadership skills. He organized soldiers to build improvised fortifications and personally led the search and rescue of lost soldiers. This move greatly boosted the morale of the army.

After months of arduous trekking, Hao Tengjiao's army finally reached the rebels' main stronghold. However, an uphill battle awaits them. Relying on the treacherous terrain of the Tien Shan Mountains, the rebels built strong fortifications. A frontal assault will cause heavy casualties.

At this critical moment, Hao Tengjiao remembered a strategy that Luo Qingyun had mentioned. He sent an elite squad to make a detour through the mountains behind the rebels, looking for possible secret passages. After several days of arduous exploration, the team finally discovered a little-known mountain path.

Hao Tengjiao immediately adjusted his battle plan. He personally led the main army to make a feint in front of the rebels to attract the attention of the rebels, and at the same time sent a surprise force to raid the rebels' rear from a secret passage. The ploy worked wonders, and the rebels were soon thrown into disarray.

In the ensuing battle, Hao Tengjiao's army showed strong combat effectiveness. They conquered one rebel stronghold after another, gradually disintegrating the rebels' forces. During this period, Hao Tengjiao also sent people to persuade him to surrender many times, causing many rebels to lay down their arms and surrender, greatly reducing unnecessary casualties.

After half a year of fierce fighting, Hao Tengjiao finally put down the rebellion in Xinjiang. This victory not only consolidated the rule of the imperial court in the western frontier, but also won Hao Tengjiao great prestige.

The general soldiers of the Qing Dynasty did not know how to read, and the wife of the official had the final say, so if she was disobedient, she was allowed to kneel, and the official became bigger and bigger

However, just as Hao Tengjiao was about to return triumphantly, an unexpected news came. It turned out that during his expedition, there was another coup d'état within the imperial court. The princelings who supported Hao Tengjiao lost power, and the new authorities were suspicious of Hao Tengjiao.

After Luo Qingyun learned of this news, he immediately sent his henchmen to inform Hao Tengjiao

She advised her husband to postpone his return to Beijing and observe the movements of the imperial court first. Hao Tengjiao adopted his wife's suggestion and temporarily stayed in the Western Regions on the grounds of rectifying local order in Xinjiang.

In the following days, Hao Tengjiao paid close attention to the movements of the imperial court while consolidating his rule in the Western Regions. He took a series of measures to reassure the local people, such as reducing taxes, building water conservancy, and promoting commerce. These policies gradually restored stability and prosperity to the Western Regions.

At the same time, Luo Qingyun was not idle in the capital. She used her connections and wisdom to secretly dispel the doubts of the court for her husband. She disseminated Hao Tengjiao's exploits in quelling the rebellion through various channels, emphasizing his loyalty to the imperial court.

After more than a year of hard work, the imperial court's attitude towards Hao Tengjiao finally softened. The new emperor issued an order to summon Hao Tengjiao back to Beijing and reward him for his meritorious deeds. However, both Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun realized that this could be a dangerous opportunity.

After careful consideration, Hao Tengjiao made an unexpected decision. He wrote to the imperial court, asking for his disarmament and return to the field. He said that he was old and hoped to retire and hand over the responsibility of governing the Western Regions to young and promising generals.

This request came as a surprise to the entire court. Some people think that this is Hao Tengjiao's trick, and some people praise him for his knowledge of current affairs. After some discussion, the imperial court finally accepted Hao Tengjiao's request. The emperor issued an edict to allow Hao Tengjiao to return to his hometown and gave him a rich reward.

In this way, Hao Tengjiao and Luo Qingyun left the stage they had struggled for many years hand in hand and lived in seclusion to a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. Despite their withdrawal from the center of power, their legend is still widely circulated among the people. People praised Hao Tengjiao's military talents, and admired Luo Qingyun's wisdom and courage. Their stories have become a story to be celebrated by future generations and have inspired countless future generations.

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