
The utopian liberal dystopian film "Fantastic Ideas", a genre that few people like

author:Alternative video sharing fungus

Brazil is a science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam, starring Jonathan Preson, Robert De Niro, mike Palin, and released in the United Kingdom in 1985.

The film is about a future in which social regulation becomes more and more stringent: it becomes a highly centralized bureaucratic society, where countless forms are required for every big and small matter, where the standard of living of the population is getting worse and worse, and a mistake in the name of a wanted notice kills an innocent man, and the archives bureau clerk Sam Lowe (Jonathan Pres. Jonathan Pryce) becomes increasingly upset about the matter and begins to follow up on the matter, but eventually pays for it.

The utopian liberal dystopian film "Fantastic Ideas", a genre that few people like

It is difficult to say clearly what kind of movie this is, after all, films that focus on social ideology are always very confusing, especially in the film, in addition to showing the high pressure of society, it is also interspersed with the male protagonist's inner pursuit of freedom, and the theme can still be seen, that is, many details in it refer to what is not clear.

The utopian liberal dystopian film "Fantastic Ideas", a genre that few people like

The story focuses on small people to big people, the pipeline engineer Tato does not like the complicated documents and secretly helps people repair the pipeline, this behavior has attracted the attention of the Information Office, they feel that Tato is engaged in sabotage and issued a wanted order, but because the printer entered a bug and Tato beat Barto, and the innocent Barto died, Barto's family and neighbors are very dissatisfied but helpless.

Sam Lowe, an archivist, took the initiative to take over the errand and fell in love with Jimmy, the beautiful neighbor of the deceased Barto, and went crazy about it. But because Jimmy had filed complaints for Barto and was also identified as a dangerous person, Sam secretly tampered with the system data and thought that he had helped her escape the disaster, but he did not expect that in the end Jimmy was found, and because he was killed for resisting arrest, Sam himself became an interrogated prisoner.

The utopian liberal dystopian film "Fantastic Ideas", a genre that few people like

The hunted Tato, Barto and Jimmy in the film are not some kind of sabotage terrorists, but they were all arrested by the regime because of the "systematic" evaluation, which shows that the film was thinking about the institutional development after 1985, and this dystopian film shows an extremely strict and repressive society at the beginning, and then the problem gradually appears and finally makes people see the ugly situation, and the film shows the people's concerns about control and the yearning for freedom.

The utopian liberal dystopian film "Fantastic Ideas", a genre that few people like

However, from an academic point of view, this kind of "anarchism" that breaks the limitations of society is still unreliable in the eyes of the sharing fungus, although it shows the nature of human beings to pursue freedom, but the collapse of the old order will inevitably appear a new order, so the state and the regime are still very necessary, such films can be seen as a wake-up call for all mankind, the lack of necessary restraint of power will inevitably lead to class problems, and the people in the film will suffer because of the wrong cognition of the upper level.

This kind of film shows mostly negative content, looks a little depressing, although the film adds some interesting science fiction and cyberpunk elements, but the ending is still not very acceptable, so it is destined not to be a movie that most people like.