
The most pulled combination of constellations is Capricorn The Lion

The most pulled combination of constellations is Capricorn The Lion

These days, antlers are chasing a new drama "Lady Hu Zhu", I have nothing to look at twice, look at it and find it a little interesting, and probably understand the plot behind, taste the love and hate entanglement between the various characters, sigh a thousand emotions, to give everyone an analysis of a wave.

To be honest, I used to think that kind of abusive drama would set the protagonist as the kind of personality with a heavier water elephant element. For example, the love-hate entanglement between Pisces and Scorpio, the endless immortality of Pisces and Cancer.

The general character constellation analysis of the white peach constellation is also mentioned that after our discussion, the reason why Fang Haishi is set as the sun lion moon Capricorn, and Fang Zhu is set as the sun Capricorn moon lion is that this is not a drama that abuses people through love and hate pulling. Instead, it is abused through the self-pull of the characters.

And the most serious self-pull is Capricorn and lion.

I have thought about this point before, shooting an emotional scene between the two Capricorns will definitely be able to abuse new heights.

I will not analyze too much character, let's talk about the first point first.

Fang Haishi's liking is lion-style, because respect is born of admiration, and it is really difficult for Mu Qiang's lion not to have love for a shining person.

But Capricorn's liking is hindsight, he can't tell what the happiness and comfort that arise in getting along are, he only knows that he wants to look at her twice, wants to care about how she is doing, wants to make her better and better, but he doesn't know if this is love, or whether it should be loved or not.

This creates one of the biggest contradictions.

Sun Capricorn is reclusive, self-denying, will not casually express feelings, the moon lion is the pursuit of perfection, has a big ideal in his heart, to be worthy of such a person.

The most pulled combination of constellations is Capricorn The Lion

Therefore, Fang Zhu chose to be a "perfect person", he wanted to be worthy of the country, he wanted to be worthy of Emperor Xu, he wanted to be worthy of the people, he wanted to be worthy of his disciples, so he could not be worthy of his own heart.

It can even be said that it is difficult for him to detect what is going on in his heart, and this is self-denial in order to maintain "perfection".

So, when he found out that he loved the upper sea market, it was actually the time when he suddenly found that he couldn't seem to accompany her and protect her all the time.

The point of division between the fates of the two people is that in order to protect Fang Hai City, he had to "design" her to give to the person who can best protect her, that is, when Di Xu.

You can imagine that picture, he is ready to marry her, began to think about how to be with her for a lifetime, and suddenly found that with himself she will never get stability, the so-called happiness is short-lived.

So what would he do.

Protecting her in his own way, considering all the factors, even when Di Xu saw her, he would definitely accept her as a concubine, but he did not calculate whether his heart would be sad.

Or, he also calculated how upset he would be, but it didn't matter, because for Capricorn, unstable things shouldn't start, and feelings are even more so.

This is a good choice for everyone.

The plot has not yet been released, but I can feel that the characteristics of fang zhu moon lion will become more and more obvious, that is, the more I find that I have lost her, the more I can feel love, and how important she really is to herself.

(This is where the abuse begins.) )

For Fang Haishi, from a young girl, to a female warrior, to the final Lady Huzhu who will become a great sign, what has she experienced?

From a naïve young girl, used by her own relatives, and framed, but this did not bring her down, she was still able to summon up the courage to believe in beauty and uphold justice.

This is also the reason why Fang Zhu was able to accept her as a disciple, the tenacity of the lion is really a very valuable quality, perhaps Fang Zhu also saw his own shadow in the sea market.

The lion's love has always been expressed on the face, and when she realizes that a person is important, she dreams of him.

But often, the lion is not such a person who loves a person and immediately confesses to being with the other party.

Because she has low self-esteem, will the other party pay attention to herself? Do you deserve it? Will it be more embarrassing after the confession?

So she chose to keep getting stronger and stronger, only hoping to be closer to the person she loved and be looked at by him twice.

It can also be said that for a long time, love is the light in her eyes and the hope in her heart.

(Spoilers involved) When Fang Zhu decided to marry Haishi, he pulled this dream to the most realistic and touchable place.

I will feel that this memory will be the most precious in her whole life.

But the reality she saw was that the person she loved the most gave her to someone else, even if that person was the emperor.

Does she want power?

Is it stability?

No, she wants love, and the courage to chase love.

But Fang Zhu chose to be patient, he did not tell the sea market about all kinds of complicated contradictions such as Bai Xi, someone framed, and so on, but chose to make his own decision.

He calculated countless results, and finally concluded that he could not protect his beloved, so he chose to make decisions for her.

What I want to say is that Fang Haishi finally became Madame Huzhu, and it must not be because of compromise or greed for power.

But after she discovered all the secrets, she found that what she respected and admired, and what she once regarded as her own faith and all the ways, was just a person who did not dare to face her own heart and did not dare to chase after her loved ones.

Even if he gave everything to himself, it was not what he wanted.

So she was relieved and chose to fulfill him.

The Sun Lion decided that she would love all the shining points of Fang Zhu, and the Moon Capricorn saw the most unacceptable point in Fang Zhu, that is, the other party did not have the courage to love at all, and it was naturally not worth loving.

Fang Haishi's love is fearless, but Fang Zhu's love is full of concerns.

Therefore, even if I have not seen the ending, I will know that in the end, Fang Zhu will definitely leave with regrets, and Fang Hai City can achieve something great.

This is the distance between the person who has a clear conscience and the person who is ashamed.

Some people will say that this can't all be blamed on Fang Zhu, this Emperor Xu, they are related by Bai Xi, and the heavenly beings have decided that Fang Zhu can't choose his children's private feelings.

But in my opinion, Fang Zhu's failure to face his feelings must not be because of Emperor Xu or Tianxia Cangsheng, but because of his invincible "inferiority".

Even if the two people didn't start together, he concluded that the sea market would not be stable with him, and he didn't even consider whether the sea market wanted stability.

Yes, he protected her, and at the same time, he "killed" her fantasies of love.

Fang Haishi and Fang Zhu's abandonment died together, and from then on there was only Lady Huzhu.

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