
These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

Text/Little Snow Mom

After pregnancy, every parent hopes that their child will be born safely and healthily, grow up healthy and healthy after birth, and hope that the child will look good and look beautiful.

Naturally during pregnancy, when going to the hospital for pregnancy tests, pregnant mothers are also in a more nervous mood, worried about what accidents the fetus has, what deformities and long birthmarks appear, in the future, when the child grows up, he knows that after loving beauty, he may be inferior, affecting the development of personality, and becoming a lingering pain in the child's life.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

I have a distant cousin, pregnant when I had a disease, did not pay attention to the use of medicine, the result of the birth of the child, found that the child's right hand missing two fingers, which makes the cousin and cousin brother-in-law very remorseful, and as the child slowly grows older, the lack of fingers, the impact on the child's future life is also very large.

Therefore, when pregnant, we must pay attention to good living habits, some taboo problems must not be touched, for their own sake and for their children, the following four bad living habits must be stopped as soon as possible.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

First, some bad habits of life should be stopped, such as staying up late

Now young people's lives are not very regular, staying up late to play mobile phones, bungee smoking, these pregnancies are determined to quit. Let's say that staying up late, staying up late often is not good for pregnant mothers, to a certain extent, it will also affect the fetus, try to develop regular living habits, stay up late.

There are also like smoking, drinking, bungee, these behaviors are not OK, before seeing that there is a mother-to-be to go bungee with a stomach, and just after giving birth to a child, I did not go to bungee, which is not responsible for my own body, but also the health of the fetus is not responsible, in case the child has some problems, it will cause great harm to the child in the future.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

Secondly, there are things like dyeing hair, doing nails, wearing high heels, etc., the former is to avoid the bad effects of chemicals on the fetus, the latter is because it is inconvenient to wear high heels, in case of twisting the foot to hurt the body is also prone to accidents.

Second, don't act too rashly and avoid bumps

After pregnancy, pregnant mothers do not go out to do things too rashly, try to avoid going to crowded places, because it is not convenient to do anything with a stomach, shoelaces are scattered and can not be tied, in case of being stepped on and bumped, it may cause harm to the fetus.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

There is also not to do too tired things, some heavy work do not do, tired to their own body, or some too intense behavior, may have an adverse impact on fetal development.

Third, the diet should be healthy and reasonable and scientific

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers eat with one mouth and two people, and we must pay more attention to diet, do not eat and drink casually, and cannot control the mouth to affect the fetus, in case of birthmarks, it will be very bad for the child's future.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

Pregnancy diet as far as possible to do healthy, scientific, balanced, bad appetite can eat less meals, should have protein, vitamins should be supplemented, meals as far as possible meat and vegetarian collocation, family cooking more dim sum.

Like too spicy easy to fire food as much as possible to eat less, there are snacks to eat less, in case of fire caused by cold, pregnancy is to avoid getting sick to avoid getting sick, can not use drugs do not use drugs, so these pregnant mothers must pay more attention.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

Fourth, avoid getting angry too often, with too much mood swings

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers try to control their emotions, do not do things too anxiously, try to be less angry and less angry. Because pregnant mothers often lose their temper, if the mood fluctuations are too large, the fetus in the stomach will also feel it, which will easily lead to imbalance in the secretion of pregnant mothers' progesterone, resulting in some bad effects.

These 4 behaviors during pregnancy may affect the appearance of the fetus, and do not want the baby to "become ugly"

Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant mothers are less angry, and family members are less angry with pregnant mothers, especially husbands should be more considerate and more understanding, and husbands and wives should quarrel less, all for the good of the fetus.

The habits of life in pregnancy should be cultivated little by little, don't feel indifferent, but don't be too careful to tie your hands and feet, and write a normal heart.

I am Xiaoxue mother, a post-90s mother, pay attention to me, and share scientific pregnancy and parenting knowledge every day!

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