
Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

author:Mordor's kitchen

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, sweet and soft, the whole family loves to eat. Especially the two children in my family, seeing this cute pumpkin bean sandbag, said that their mother was amazing and made so similar! In fact, it only takes a knife to turn a round bean paste bag into a pumpkin shaped bean paste bag, which is particularly simple.

Lately, the pasta has been a bit more cooked, because the family bought a big pumpkin, golden and sweet, especially delicious. My family likes to eat pasta, pumpkin is the best pasta partner, I will steam the pumpkin to knead the dough, do not need to add water alone, steamed pasta color golden, soft and fragrant and sweet, especially delicious! I've been steaming a lot of pasta with it lately.

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Because there are children in the family, when making bean paste, the shape is made into a small pumpkin shape, which is more cute and the children prefer to eat it. The bean paste filling inside can choose to cook beans to fry the filling, you can also buy ready-made bean paste filling, the filling should be as dry as possible, not too wet, so that the pumpkin shape will be fuller.

Pumpkin bean sandbag is not difficult to do, only a knife or other straight tools can also be used. Share the detailed practices, and if you like it, do it with it! You can also do it with your kids, the kids will be happy!

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----</h1>

【Required ingredients】: 170g pumpkin puree, 270g whole wheat flour, 3g yeast powder, appropriate amount of bean paste filling, 8 goji berries;

One of the best ways to attract children to eat more pasta is to make the pasta cute, the pumpkin shape itself is very attractive, coupled with the unique sweet and soft taste of pumpkin puree, it is difficult to love or not!

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 1: Peel the pumpkin and cut it into thinner pieces, yard into a plate, put it in a steamer and steam;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 2: Take 170g of pumpkin puree in a small basin, add yeast powder and stir well with chopsticks. This long pumpkin has a large water content, so there is no need to add water alone, yeast powder can only be activated after being mixed with liquid, and it will help yeast powder to play a role after stirring in advance; but it should be noted that yeast powder is afraid of hot, and the pumpkin puree used here cannot be too hot.

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 3: Pour in 270g of flour. I use whole wheat flour here, you can also change to ordinary flour, in addition, because the water content of different pumpkin purees and the water absorption of flour will be different, so in the process of kneading dough need to be adjusted according to the feel;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 4: First use chopsticks to mix the pumpkin puree and flour in the small pot into a flocculent shape;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 5: Put it on the kneading pad and knead it into a smooth dough, the northern steamed bun will generally knead the dough harder, and the southern steamed bun will be softer. Here we use a fermentation method, and we want to make a pumpkin shape, so the dough will look better if it is slightly harder. In addition, the kneaded dough must be smooth and elastic, and it will not stick to the hands;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 6: Roll the dough long and cut it into eight small pieces of equal size with a knife;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 7: Sprinkle the cut small dough sections with dry flour, press flat from the cut surface, and then use a rolling pin to roll out the skin of the bun with a thinner side and a thicker middle;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 8: Take a bun skin and put the bean paste filling in the middle, which I bought with. Bean paste stuffing is best dried a little, can be a ball, so that it is better to wrap, the shape of the package is also better;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 9: Push up the sides of the bun skin, wrap the bean paste filling ball, the closing point is facing down, the surface forms a smooth spherical shape, and a small bean paste bun is ready;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 10: After making the bean paste bag in turn, take a knife and press the symmetrical eight lines on the back of the knife on the bean paste bag (as shown in the figure above);

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 11: Insert a goji berry in the middle of the surface of the pressed line of bean paste, place it on the plate, and the beautiful pumpkin shaped bean paste bag embryo is ready, is it very similar? If there are no goji berries, raisins or small strips of dates can be used instead of goji berries.

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 12: Put the plate containing the pumpkin bean sandbag embryo into the steaming box, use the fermentation function after powering on, ferment at 35 degrees for 30 minutes, and let the raw embryo of the pumpkin bean sandbag be fully awakened in a warm environment.

If there is no fermentation box, you can use the steamer to put water to boil until warm, and then put the raw embryo of the bean paste bag into the steaming drawer and cover it, which can also create a warm fermentation environment;

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Step 13: After the fermentation is over, the pumpkin bean sandbag will be lighter than before, slightly fatter, and then start the steaming function, steam at 100 degrees for 18 minutes, simmer for another 2 minutes after the end, and then open the steaming box, the color is golden, sweet and delicious pumpkin bean sandbag is steamed.

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Such bean paste buns are beautiful and delicious, sweet and delicious, and how to eat them is not greasy. Although the ingredients are common, a cute shape will make it even more delicious for children.

Break open the bean paste can see the sweet bean paste filling, the bun skin part is also very soft, the elasticity is very good, although there is no water and no sugar, just by virtue of the sweet taste of the pumpkin is very delicious, like to eat pasta friends must try!

Get up an hour early, steam a plate of delicious and beautiful bean paste, no water and no sugar, soft and attractive ---- [pumpkin bean sandbag] ----

Thanks for reading, I'm a mom and love to share my original recipes and culinary experiences. Full-time mothers at home, in addition to chai rice oil and salt, can also have poetry and far away!

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