
Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

Today I made a bean paste bun that my daughter likes to eat, this time I did the shape of a hedgehog, a little one super cute, hurry up and do it together!

By the sweet sea breeze


Medium gluten flour 200 g

Yeast 3 g

Aluminum-free baking powder 2 g

Milk 100 g

Sugar 25 g

Bean paste filling 180 g

A little black sesame seeds

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

1, cute little hedgehog

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

2, fluffy and delicious

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

3: Put the gluten flour, yeast, baking powder, sugar and milk together into the Hai's M5 light sound cook machine and noodles, file 3 gears, stir for 3 minutes until there is no dry powder, then turn 4 gears, continue to whisk into a smooth dough

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

4: Roll the dough into long strips, cut into 16 small pieces, roll into rounds and set aside. Divide the bean paste into 16 equal parts and roll the rounds for later. Take a small agent rolled into thin slices and wrapped into bean paste filling, wrap tightly, gently rub with your hands into the shape of the hedgehog's body, start cutting into thorns with scissors, and then use sesame seeds to make eye rays and put them on the baking sheet in turn, ferment at room temperature for half an hour, then steam in the steaming oven for 10 minutes, simmer for 3 minutes and then take it out to eat.

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

5. Small hedgehog

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

6, one bite, two bites and three bites to eat you

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

7, like to eat buns can be made

Simple and zero failure to hurry up and make simple and cute hedgehog bean sandbags

8. There are children at home who can do it together


If using a steamer, steam in cold water for 11 minutes.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of all-purpose flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst

Indications for the treatment of irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncles, traumatic bleeding and burns.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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