
2021-07 (Part 1) Sherwin-Williams Ham: Ranked as a national intangible cultural heritage Became famous three hundred years ago

author:China Food Industry Magazine

Xuanwei ham, one of the three famous legs in China, is named after the Production Ofsai in Yunnan. It is shaped like a pipa, only large bones, small bones, thin skin and thick flesh; cut its section with a blade, instantly full of fragrance; bright color, fat meat is milky white, lean meat is presented in bright red or rose red, between the flesh and bones is slightly peachy, three colors blend, "show color can be eaten." Because of its excellent meat quality, it can be called the representative of Yunnan ham, so it is also known as "cloud leg".

As a national intangible cultural heritage, Sherwin-Williams ham culture and its production skills have witnessed the development history of Sherwei, leaving behind precious cultural resources, expanding its breadth and extending its depth in the protection and inheritance, and constantly enriching the connotation of ham culture.

A "delicious work of art" that flows between the lips and teeth

Xuanwei ham has a fresh taste, natural storage and fermentation can be up to 3 years, ham fermented for three years can be eaten raw, and the high-quality meat aroma that melts in the mouth makes people feel endlessly evocative. The "ham myth" stored extra long benefits from the special climate and geographical conditions of the local area.

Xuanwei is located in the northeast of Yunnan, the winter climate is cold, suitable for curing bacon, and every year around the time of the frost, families are busy preparing to make ham. The pickling method is to slaughter local pigs, free-range "Umeng pigs" in the wild as the top product, squeeze dry bruises, placed in a dark, dry, well-ventilated indoor natural cold for about 24 hours; its fresh leg oil head, fractions, fur trimming; pickling is divided into three times, on the first salt, on the large salt and supplemental salt, the time span is about 20 days; then the stack is turned over two to three times, the purpose is to make the salt penetrate better, and give the ham a unique appearance; washing and shaping, further trimming and shaping, in order to obtain a better product appearance Then it is dried and matured by fermentation, and the time span varies from half a year to one year.

Xuanwei ham can be eaten in a variety of ways, it can be fried, steamed, boiled and eaten, or it can be cut into pieces and grilled until browned, in order to excrete the meat table, then washed and cooked, sliced and eaten, the color, aroma and taste are good. The exquisite way to eat is to cook in a sand pot and eat, so that you can taste the delicious taste of Xuanwei ham, its soup is clear in color, sweet in taste, and the meat is red and tender. When sliced ham, cut off its fibers with a horizontal knife to prevent the teeth from affecting the taste, and minimize the use of soy sauce, chili peppers, fennel and other condiments when cooking, which will mask the natural fragrance of the ham.

Sherwin-Williams ham has long been known for its rich nutrition, tender flesh, oily but not greasy, rich in flavor, salty and sweet, and is regarded by consumers as a precious gift for relatives and friends. The analysis report and test analysis results of Beijing Nutrition Research Institute and The Testing Center of Yunnan Academy of Sciences show that Xuanwei ham contains 19 kinds of amino acids (of which 8 kinds of essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body contain all of them), 11 kinds of vitamins, and 9 kinds of trace elements.

Sherwin-Williams ham has a long history

Sherwin-Williams ham has a long history of production and processing. According to legend, China had cured meat in the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, and Confucius liked to eat it; by the Song Dynasty, Zong Ze, a national hero of the anti-Jin Dynasty, invented "ham", which at this time had a history of nearly a thousand years in China. Since the establishment of Xuanwei Prefecture in the fifth year of Qing Yongzheng (1727), ham has been named after the place name, called Xuanwei ham, which has been passed down for nearly three centuries, and its reputation is well-known at home and abroad, and it is known as one of the three famous legs in China. According to the "Xuanwei County Chronicle", in the fifth year of Qing Yongzheng (1727 AD), Xuanwei ham was famous for wearing a green robe, thick flesh, lean meat, rich protein, tender and delicious.

Before the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the reconstruction of the post road, the development of Xuanwei transportation, the strengthening of exchanges with the hinterland, the advanced farming technology, breeding technology, culture and production methods in the Central Plains were widely spread to the territory of Xuanwei, and the production of crops, pigs and other livestock products increased significantly, laying the foundation for ham production, making it possible for peasant households to make ham universally. During this period, due to the rapid development of productivity, the annual pigs slaughtered by farmers had more than enough to feed themselves, and their sale was restricted by circulation. For this purpose, it is marinated in salt and stored so that it can be eaten at any time. This method spreads to each other in the folk and spreads in all directions, and has been summarized and improved to form a traditional processing technology, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, Xuanwei ham processing industry has developed rapidly. According to the "Xuanwei County Chronicle", in the fifth year of Qingyongzheng, ham was generally listed in the urban and rural market trade market, and Zhang Han, the official who went to Xuanwei at that time, asked what it was, and the seller replied: "Xuanwei ham.". From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the encounter between Xuanwei Ham and Mr. Pu Zaiting achieved today's "Ham Miracle". At that time, the pioneers of Sherwin-Wei industry and commerce represented by Pu Zaiting pushed the production of Sherwin-Williams ham to a new stage of development. In the first year of the Qing Dynasty (1909), Pu Zaiting, Chen Shiquan and others raised 40,000 silver yuan to establish "Xuanhe Ham Co., Ltd." to engage in ham trading, and at the same time sent people to Guangdong to study and try to explore the indigenous processing of canned ham and succeeded. Due to the delicious taste, beautiful decoration and easy portability of canned ham, it is very popular as soon as it is listed, and the supply is in short supply.

In 1918, in order to expand the scale and improve the process, Pu Zaiting also founded the "Xuanhe Ham Canning Co., Ltd.", sent special personnel to Japan and Shanghai to learn the manufacturing technology, purchased machinery and equipment from the United States to develop and produce canned, in addition to the cooking native method device, canning, capping, cutting meat are mechanized, the daily output of 300 cans, the annual output of 100,000 cans. In 1920, "Xuanhe Ham Canning Co., Ltd." was renamed "Pu Zaiting Brothers Food Canning Company" (i.e. "Dayouheng" business name). In 1923, the company's canned ham was awarded a high-quality medal at the National Local Famous Products Competition held in Guangdong, for which Sun Yat-sen personally wrote an inscription "Drink and Food Virtue". In November 1928, at the Shanghai China National Goods Exhibition, Xuanwei Ham and "Dayouheng" produced ham milk cake won the special prize and the first prize respectively. After that, by 1947, the sherwin-free ham processing industry in full swing entered a brilliant period of production and marketing, creating a historical precedent for local industry and commerce in Sherwin-Wei.

Industrialization began with the pioneers of the Republic of China and flourished in the new China period

Regarding Pu Zaiting's brilliant achievements, the "Xuanwei County Chronicle" has such a record: "Xuanwei County's industry is not developed, and it is close to the natural selection of things, the victory and defeat of the superior, the rate is all thrown up, thinking of the new law to change the old chapter, the mechanical generation of manpower, for the new era of industry and commerce." One of the most effective is canned ham. Its origin began when Xuanhe Company sent people to Cantonese to learn how to make canned food, so they ordered machines to enter the country, and began to recruit artists to establish a ham canning company. It is widely used to take and carry, and is a good structure for the beauty and abundance of food, so it sells well throughout the country and overseas, and there is a trend of supply and demand."

Thanks to the efforts of Pu Zaiting and other industrial and commercial pioneers, using ham as the carrier, during the Republic of China, it not only promoted the civilization and progress of Xuanwei, but also served the revolutionary army and made significant contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

In 1916, Cai Yi's Yuan Jingguo Army passed through Xuanwei, and Xuanwei ham and its canned food provided it with a rich supply of military supplies; in 1935 and 1936, the Long March of the Ninth Army, the Second Army, and the Sixth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army passed through Xuanwei, and the Xuanwei ham was both meat and salt, which was loved by the officers and men of the Red Army, and replenished the red army's long march. More than forty years after the Battle of Hutou Mountain in Xuanwei, when the Red Army commanders and fighters Wang Enmao (vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former secretary general of the Sixth Red Army), Zhang Zhenxiu (former commander of the Kunming Military Region), Zhou Renjie (former deputy commander of the People's Liberation Army Navy), Yan Fusheng (former deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region), Huang Xinting (former commander of the armored corps of the People's Liberation Army), and other comrades who came to the battlefield to sacrifice themselves, what made them most unforgettable was that in that fierce battle, when they were short of grain and salt, they tasted the feeling of Xuanwei ham like a taste of food and food.

After the founding of New China, Xuanwei pig breeding and ham production developed rapidly. Since 1985, the state canceled the "unified purchase" system for meat food, the county food company in order to meet the needs of the market, on the basis of maintaining the traditional flavor, the introduction of advanced equipment, has developed the "Xuanzi brand" leg washing, fine legs, tablets, boxed, money legs, crown legs and other series of products put on the market, well received by the majority of consumers.

In July 1992, Yunnan Xuanwei Ham Enterprise Group Company was established, and the production and processing of Sherwin-Wei ham developed in the direction of scale and intensification, and the enterprises operating Sherwin-Williams ham mushroomed under its impetus. Throughout the development process of Sherwin-Williams ham, after several twists and turns, several degrees of development, for hundreds of years, the development of the ham industry has promoted the great progress of Sherwin-Williams's social economy and culture, and has also integrated into the water and soil of Sherwin-Williams. Ham got its name from Xuanwei and became the most prestigious cultural symbol of Xuanwei, and Xuanwei was also known as the land of ham because of its ham, and the two complemented each other perfectly.

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